Saturday, May 23, 2009

Aipppp... mau pi Yaman ka Dude?

Ulama versus Professional

Blog Tok Guru

Barisan anggota Exco yang Tuan Guru lantik sekarang dikategori sebagai ulama?

Katakanlah orang itu tidak belajar di pondok, tetapi dia duduk lama dengan saya. Dia tengok perangai saya, dia dengar ucapan saya, dan hadir usrah bersama saya, macam mana boleh dikatakan tidak belajar agama. Tidak semestinya belajar di pondok baru boleh dikatakan tahu asas agama. Mereka semua sudah lama bekerja dengan saya. Sepanjang perkhidmatan itu mereka boleh menimba ilmu agama. Jadi boleh dikategorikan mereka sebagai ulama juga.

DOLE - 23rd May 09

Punyer la sakitt....Tooth pulled at Al Farani 11:00 AM today...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lunch At Station Kopitiam..

Right after Solat Juma'at , went to Bintang to buy some provisions Angah wants to prepare for her excursion to Congkak tomorrow. Had lunch, The offisprings having Mixed Noodles and me Thai Seafood Sizzling something.. hehehehe

Salman Khan choppin chicken meat..mukakaakkakaka..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Makan Malam

The rest wanted to have KFCs..Section 2 Shah Alam

I went for Lamb Hanith, a Yemeni dish at D'Anjung Section 7 ...mbeeekkkkkkk

Fire in the sky......

While driving to work at Bukit Subang yesterday, saw this huge cloud of smoke bellowing in the sky... apparently a mattress factory in Meru was on fire....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Angah going for Interview

Angah was called for interview by the Kulliyyah of Dentistry on the 14th May 2009. Decided to chaperoned her and back to Shah Alam the same day... First stop, see Along, yeaaaaaaaaayyy!!!

Angah getting jittery...


Kulliyyah of Biological Science, temporary place for KOD

Met one of the interviewee... First year Allied Science Student

All went well, Insya Allah?

While waitiing for the womenfolk dong their solat and freshing up, saw this dude frollicking in the sun..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009