Saturday, December 31, 2011

Kenapa kata bodoh - Ustaz Azhar

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

'Dan di antara manusia ada yang berkata: "Kami telah beriman kepada Allah dan kepada hari akhirat"; padahal mereka sebenarnya tidak beriman.
Mereka hendak memperdayakan Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya memperdaya dirinya sendiri, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya.
Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran).
Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Janganlah kamu membuat bencana dan kerosakan di muka bumi", mereka menjawab: " Sesungguhnya kami orang-orang yang hanya membuat kebaikan".
Ketahuilah! Bahawa sesungguhnya mereka itulah orang-orang yang sebenar-benarnya membuat bencana dan kerosakan, tetapi mereka tidak menyedarinya.
Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Berimanlah kamu sebagaimana orang-orang itu telah beriman". Mereka menjawab: "Patutkah kami ini beriman sebagaimana berimannya orang-orang bodoh itu?" Ketahuilah! Sesungguhnya merekalah orang-orang yang bodoh, tetapi mereka tidak mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenarnya).
Dan apabila mereka bertemu dengan orang-orang yang beriman, mereka berkata: " Kami telah beriman ", dan manakala mereka kembali kepada syaitan-syaitan mereka, mereka berkata pula:" Sesungguhnya kami tetap bersama kamu, sebenarnya kami hanya memperolok-olok (akan orang-orang yang beriman)".

Al Baqarah ~ 8 - 14

'Hang ada amik pil kuda?'

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

Rasulullah SAW bersabda :

'Solat yg berjemaah itu lebih baik daripada mendirikan solat secara bersendirian sebanyak dua puloh tujh (27) darjat iaitu ganjaran

(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

kelalaian TV - Ustaz Azhar

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

Dari Abu Hurairah ra katanya: 'Nabi SAW bersabda yang maksudnya:

'Sesungguhnya agama (Islam) itu ringan. Sesiapa yang mempeberat-berakannya dia akan dikalahkan oleh agama. Oleh tiu kerjakanlah (agama itu) mengikut sepatutnya atau mendekatinya dengan yang sepatutnya dan gembiralah (keana akan beroleh pahala) serta beribadatlah (mohonlah akan pertolongan Allah) pada waktu pag, petang dan sebahgian malam.' '


Akhir zaman mereka dijulang - Ustaz Azhar

Credit To TH Filem (Original)

Firman Allah swt :

'... Sesungguhnya solat itu mencegah dari perbuatan yangkeji dan mungkar.. ' Surah Al-Ankabut (Ayat 45)

ilmu duniawi diutamakan - Ustaz Azhar

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

Diriwayat hadis dari Syadad bin Ausin ra, daripada Nabi SaW bersabda:

'Orang yang bijak, hanyalah orang yang lihat kekurangan diri, dan bersedia (atau menyediakan) amalan-amalan, untuk menolong dia, selepas die mati..'

Your ten questions with Tan Sri Ambrin Buang..

Courtesy of The Star

The Tan Sri's Credentials...

The Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang answers your 10 questions.

1. How successful have you been in putting the much wrong, right in government agencies that flout financial regulations year after year? Or are you by any measure a failure here? Bulbir Singh, Seremban

The onus of putting right what is wrong is on the controlling officers the secretaries-general and the directors-general. My job is to raise awareness that there are certain things that need to be put right and we offer suggestions as to how to right the wrong.

2. The MACC deputy commissioner said that the purchase of two pairs of night vision binoculars which cost 10 times more than the market price was no element of corruption. What is your comment on this? Alan Choo, Jakarta

Apparently the deputy commissioner must have had good reasons not to have pressed charges under the Prevention of Corruption Act. What is needed then is for the Ministry to investigate as to whether there was willful negligence, by the officers concerned, which warrant disciplinary action since the Treasury Instruction requires proper market study on government purchases even if they are done through open tenders.

3. What is the significance of being transparent in the things we do, especially in the things we do for other people? In what sort of professions would integrity be most required? Bernard Gideon Lim, Penang

We are accountable to our stakeholders. Therefore our actions must be transparent to them. I think integrity must be present in all professions. Wherever we are, we must strive to become men or women of integrity, not just by staying away from acts of corruption but also by beingethical, honest, sincere and diligent in our work and we must be ready to face media and public scrutiny.

4. Speaking of ways to improve the system, how about placing a representative from the audit department in all tender boards of the various ministries and agencies to reduce incidences of wastage? Yeoh Cheow Tim, Subang Jaya

Auditors should not be directly involved in management or operational matters such as being part of any procurement decision-making. However, internal auditors in ministries should scrutinise procurement exercises in their organisation on a regular basis.

5. Do you think there could be a day when the Auditor-General's Department would find zero irregularities in the financial conduct of the government? Madeleine, Kajang

That is what we want but it is difficult to achieve. Irregularities will continue to occur as humans will make mistakes from time to time and sometimes these mistakes will cost the government and the public dearly. That is why control is so important and why the internal control mechanisms must function effectively. This is where leadership is is needed to nip problems in the bud arising from having people who lack competence, diligence or are corrupt in their work.

6. What is the most daunting thing about auditing the government? Tell us about the process. George Lam, Cheras

What is perhaps daunting is the difficulty sometimes in getting the relevant documents from our auditees during the auditing period. Some auditees do not keep their records properly. We base our findings on evidence adduced from departmental records and sometimes people dispute our findings. But we don't manufacture information as it is in fact given by our auditees. We take pains to verify the accuracy of the data given while the process of engagement with our auditees can last for as long as six months before a report is finalised.

7. How does your relationship with senior government officials influence your work? Does it compromise your position as the Auditor-General? Choon Beng, Subang Jaya

My job is not just to scrutinise the work of the administrators but also to advocate good governance and best practices in financial and project management. This is done not just through my recommendations in the AG's Report but also through high-level meetings with senior government officials. So, there is always positive engagement and mutual respect. I don't think my position is compromised through such relationships.

8. What do you find most satisfying about your job? Mohd Asri, PJ

It gives me great satisfaction every time I learn that things have improved after remedial actions have been taken on our audit findings. Every penjawat awam must strive for excellence and learn from past mistakes and shortcomings. I am also happy to be given space and time to air my views in the course of my work.

9. What do you think has been your contribution during your tenure as Auditor-General? Soilendra, via email

If any, it is the introduction of the Accountability Index (AI) that several other countries have shown interest in. The AI is an innovative instrument to ensure compliance with financial regulations. I am happy that the Government has adopted the AI as a Key Performance Index to evaluate financial management performance in the public service. I am also happy that our Akademi Audit Negara has obtained worldwide recognition as a centre of excellence for the training of public-sector auditors.

10. Financial mismanagement seems to be a yearly affair with the government. Why can't stricter penalties be imposed, since the present ones do not seem to do the job? Lindsay Lee, Mont Kiara

Actually, penalties are already there for criminal cases such as for bribery or negligence/dereliction of duty in causing losses to the government or tarnishing the good image of the public service. To me it is a matter of conviction in taking action against the wrongdoers. Some heads of department/agencies are reluctant to take action out of sympathy or simply to protect the “good image” of their organisation.

Sunday, December 11, 2011