Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On the way to Bangsar to visit his uncle who was discharged from UH due to surgery on his testicals (actually tak jadi bedah, kensel....muekekekekke)

When i 1st heard the Nus, I thought it might be prostrate cancer. "Takde la, doktor buat "ultrasound", banyak air je. Masa solat, duduk "tahiyat akhir" (bukan jama' takyah), tokono latai mondo tuh! Takler sakit plak. (muakakakakaakak, maka berderai derai ketawa kitorang). Pastu die tanyer, ade blood presure ke, dah buat ECG ke? Banyak sangat soalan, Kensel!"

And now, without further ado, may we present you, the one only, "No 3 Son" singing "apo apo la heh!" (clap! clap! clap! more! more!...please, please u all don't have to stand, please, you're so kind...pewwweeeeettt!)

Sigh ... die amik tepon kakak die terus die "tangkap" clip ni sendiri..

Monday, April 28, 2008

Stingrays slaughtered..

The photos below shows this chap cutting up and cleaning the stingray. I used to love eating this kind of fish , "Assam Pedas " style, until one day my daughter had to tell me this while reading the newspaper - " Bah , ni citer kat Trengganu, nelayan kene tangkap." "Heesh..pitnah sumer tuh.. dah, dah!". Apparently the deep sea fisherman was caught "sticking his short end of the stick" into the female stingray and was caught. I'm making a committment (it's not good to swear, ;-)) never to eat a (female) stingray again..yuckks!!

To the market we will go..

One fine Sunday the wife suggested we go to the "Pasar Borong KL". That was my first ever, as previously it would be at Selayang or Serdang.

Rubbish strewn all over

Wierd looking fishes

Ciakkk!! the significant other. Sigh, it seems like forever until she picks her choice..

A tractor is employed to sort out the garbages

The Small Critter finally came out..

A few weeks ago i got this painfull sensation coming from the left kidney area and moved to the front down the middle bladder area. It rested there for a few days before it finally decided to conveniently "blurted" out. It was painful.

Ex Staff.. Well lookie here, she got covered!

Former staff from my previous employment. She spotted me (fortunately for her, if not i would have made myself 'scarce" akakakakakakakka). We did a few idle chats, office politics, typical story. "ooooo.. u put on the tudung , al hamdulillah, that's nice". Snap her pictures, dang she was just too fast as well as furious at me. "Dah la encik, seriously, saya tak suka, selebet je camni " hmm..."selebet" or no, who would , certainly not me...akakakakakka


She's gonna get married come July. Congrats ...I have a funny feeling she won't extend the invitation after this incident .. hehehehe

Dissention in the ranks..

Went to Giant Shah Alam last Friday evening, 25th Apr 2008. "Abah nak korang potong rambut, belakang "slope" , cuci tepi telinga. Faham?"

Heads got mangled..

No 1 Son - "Still standing bley bah?" - The silence was deafening..

No 2 Son - my pride and joy...(sebab tak pandai lagi macam no 1 son, akaakaka)

"Afsal tak slope"? Waaaa... ada "side burn" lak." "Ntah ,dah cakap kat mamak tuh dah tapi dia xmoh buat, tak caya tanyer Imran". "Yeke niiiii..." grabbing his hand. "Jom kita jumpa mamak tuh balik". He gave a weak and phatetic smile... akakakak works all the time. "OK , kali nih je, next time no mercy! Since u disobeyed me, take your pick, 100 star jumps or 100 pumpings , knuckles?"....akakakaka abah diorang tak ler sezalim tuh..ekekekekke

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... the wonderful "seed of my loin"

They came and they fogged...Sunday Evening 27th Apr 2008

It was in the papers, Selangor , specifically Shah Alam, has the highest number of dengue cases. Two of my boys were warded one week after the other in 2005 with blood platellete counts recorded as low as 25. We did everthing, to preparing "crab soups", and drinking "100 plus", other than the hospital medication. The funny thing was a fews days before the incident, I've disposed off my company shares worth RM 10 thou but was utilised for the hospitalization fees. Ah well....

Kitchen Area, no 3 son geting excited..

Entrance to Kitchen

Living Room Area

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Exposed meat...

Hilali tells Christian women to wear veils

By Natalie O'Brien

April 26, 2008 02:56am
Article from: The Australian

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* Outspoken cleric writes book on veils
* The Bible 'mandates' Christian women wear them
* Anglican bishops says comments are misleading

OUTSPOKEN Muslim cleric Taj al-Din al-Hilali says the Bible "mandates" the wearing of the veil by Christian women.

Writing in a new book, Sheik Hilali, who lost his job as mufti of Australia after comparing scantily clad women to uncovered meat, argues that the Bible and the Koran make similar demands of a woman's modesty.

Sheik Hilali, who remains the head of Australia's largest mosque, in the southwestern Sydney suburb of Lakemba, says the purpose of the book is to show the commonalities of Islam with the Jewish and Christian faiths when it comes to women's modesty and clothing.

In the soon to be published The Legitimacy of the Veil for Women of the Scripture - Evidence of the Veil in the Bible, the cleric points to references in the Old and New Testaments to women wearing a veil.

"Through this I hope to raise awareness and understanding and eliminate apprehensions and misunderstandings about the veil," he writes.

The Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, challenged Sheik Hilali's comments about the veil being "mandated" in the Bible, saying they were misleading.

"The New Testament does call upon people to dress modestly," he said. "But there is no understanding that women are commanded to wear the veil. But it is mandated that you should dress appropriately for your social context."

Sheik Hilali also says the Virgin Mary is often depicted with a veil covering her head.

"The veil upholds the modesty and protects the dignity of women, whether Muslim or non-Muslim," he writes. "Wearing the veil creates the most realistic similarity with the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ."

Sheik Hilali caused an uproar with a Ramadan sermon in 2006 in which he talked about immodestly dressed women being like "uncovered meat" and made remarks about Sydney's notorious gang rapes.

He has used the book to hit back at criticisms of his comments, which were given during a lesson to Muslim men and women on theft and adultery, and which he says were misinterpreted with "ill-intent" and with the intention to "slander" him.

He has included an "explanatory statement" to clarify his position, saying that rape is a heinous crime and the perpetrator deserves the maximum punishment. He also says women in Australia, or any Western society, have absolute freedom to wear whatever they like.

"The Muslim has no right to impose the rules of his religion on others. My religious duty is to advise the Muslim woman to be modest and to wear the Islamic dress. It is her choice whether to comply or not."

He said his comments about uncovered meat were drawn from an analogy used by the Arab writer Al-Rafii that uncovering flesh publicly may be degrading to the woman and may make her vulnerable to those with a diseased heart.

"Through these words I wanted to protect women from rapists who have lost their humanity, lost their minds and religion.

"Whilst I believe that the rapists are responsible for their crimes, I wanted to protect my daughters by encouraging them to adopt all available lawful means of protection," he writes.

Sheik Hilali concedes that the uncovered meat example was not correct or appropriate for the Western mentality.

"I did not mean this analogy to denigrate immodestly dressed women; rather I meant to denigrate those men who set aside their humanity and turn into predators."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

One fine evening near Bangunan Darul Ehsan

A disciple of enarip..muekeekeek

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Of Dinosaurs and Jurassic Politics

MPF Press Release "Who needs an Islamic State" PDF Print E-mail
Posted by Raja Petra
Wednesday, 23 April 2008

The Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF) regrets Karpal Singh’s knee jerk political rhetorics to our public forum titled “Who Needs an Islamic State” held at the Kelab Golf Perkhidmatan Awam on 20th April 2008 (Karpal tells PAS to drop Islamic state policy; Malaysiakini 22nd April 2008).

What makes it even more regrettable was that it was not evidence based and hence devoid of any grasp of the course of events in Kiara. It is evident that Mr. Karpal’s entrenched position is based on old prejudices, out of synch with the openness that Malaysia’s new politics expects.

Maybe Mr. Karpal needs to widen his reading horizons and references and heed to the investigative reporting by “alternative media” which among others wrote “PAS research director Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad was well received by the audience even though he apologised at the onset that his preparation for this morning was the bare minimum (although he added in a few points while Abdelwahab was speaking). Quoting verses from the Quran effortlessly and framing his discussion within the local context, he said that the supreme objective of Syariah is justice. Quoting an ulama, he explained: "Syariah is the public interest of humanity, avoiding harm, enriching (with) benefits." With his witty and friendly style, he engaged the audience by explaining how the construct or form really does not matter, as what counts is the substance. For those who had long thought of PAS followers as turban-wearing mullahs, Dzulkifli came across as balanced and not rabidly religious.” (No answers, but a good beginning to a “heavy” question” The Malaysia Insider; April 21, 2008,).

And to authenticate the report, allow us to quote Dr. Dzulkifli who said : "And I am of the conviction that the word called Islamic State, it is not found in the Quran anyway, and not even found in the prophetic tradition of the prophet (peace be upon him). And its almost like a derived political phraseology or conception that came a lot later…I am not here to defend a particular form of Islamic state and the idea of advocating the Islamic Khilafah or otherwise. To me this is not the be all or end all or the purpose of the Islamic movement and the Islamic political party."

This is very much in accordance with the main theme of Dr. al-Affendi’s work, who, as early as 1991 (1st edition of the book “Who needs an Islamic state”) moved away from the idea of Islamic state as a theocratic construct to that of a modern polity based on Islamic values of justice, good governance and respect for fundamental rights, a polity that is not incompatible with the ideals of democracy. Dr. Zulkifli himself at the beginning of his talk said that “I could have been the author of this book”.

Anyone familiar with the Malaysian political scenario would know that Dr. Dzulkifli has been consistent in advocating such vision of Islamic polity since he came to prominence as the Director of PAS Research Centre under the illustrious, the late Ustaz Fadhil Noor. He is indeed instrumental in the re-invention of PAS and the party’s manifesto for PRU 12 that clearly reflects such polity.

It would be unfortunate for the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) if her top echelon at the negotiating table are to be swayed readily by the mainstream press. The de facto leader of the Pakatan Rakyat and the august Pakatan Rakyat consultative council needs to rein in these dinosaurs who are much too often “celupar” and are myopic as to what constitutes fact and fiction.

That “cool, lazy Sunday”, lived up to its decorum as an intellectual discourse which has always been uppermost in the minds of the MPF board.

We even issued an invitation to YB Gobind Singh Deo DAP MP for Puchong to sit on the panel, but he politely declined for various pressing reasons. Even Imtiaz was pleasantly surprised when he remarked : “I never thought I'd be sharing the stage with somebody from PAS and actually saying pretty much the same thing."

Malaysia post-2008 elections is embracing a new political landscape which is based on the bedrock principles of universal justice, equity and fairness and an ethno-religious discourse which is transparent, civil, sensitive yet non-emotional. Unfortunately, it would seem that there are still giants of Malaysian politics who are invariably trapped in the archaic time zones of “Jurassic Politics”.

Dr. Mazeni Alwi
Muslim Professionals Forum


Last Monday received a call my nephew was warded at HKL at 1030 pm. After settling a few things went to HKL and reached destination at 1254pm. That's him above...


"Bah Lapar lah". "Heesh, tak sudah sudah makan..x yah!!!" Acah jer, anak ler katekan..On the way back, stopped over at retaurant Khalifah , 0145. I had teh tarik halia, him , what else - "Err, Teh ais satu, roti planta satu".. akakakakakak..

"Abah, mekasih".."hmmm...". Reached home at about 0215

It's THAT time again...

Big Difference this time, never did with a company before. Other than "E", it comes with "C" & "R" , sheesh.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Transplantig Memories....

Last Saturday 12th Apr 2008, our beloved "Cik Alang" (aka As Sahibus Samaahah, Al Fadhil..err, my younger brother, his title u c) came a calling from Johore Baru , coming to town to attend an exhibition held at PWTC. While relaxing in our mom's kitchen, he started reciting a hadeeth as follows:

On the authority of Al -Numan bin Basheer, who said: I heard the messenger of Allah say"
"That which lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and hi honor but he who falls into doubtful matters falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherd who pastures around a santuary, all but graing therin. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah's santuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart.

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim

Ketahuilah, bahawa di dalam diri anak Adam itu ada seketul daging, yang bila ianya baik maka baik seseorang itu, dan apabila buruk, buruklah amalan seseorang itu, ketahuilah, ia adalah hati” (Riwayat Muslim)

It is interesting to note that the the English translation of "Qalb" is called "heart", primarily whose function is to pump blood. Recently scientists have discovered that transplanting hearts are no limited to transplanting organs but of memories, attitudes as well. Weird still, a heart transplant recipient received a heart from a donor (donor died by committing suicide), married the donor's wife, and committed suicide in the same manner executed by the donor. Read here for more info.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ade yang nak kene rotan nih....

Balik jam 19:16, terus tengok "Sin Chan".. standard response "Main bola.." tak ingat ke dunia ke, kan dahg nak maghrib, petang petang kan banyak Aedes? Mmg memukat ....


Qaseeda Burda Shareef (Mesut Kurtis)


Mawlaya salli wa sallim da-Iman abadan
�Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
(Oh my Master, send Your salutations and blessings eternally
Upon Your Beloved � the best of creation) ( x 2 )

Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath-thaqalain
(Muhammad is the leader [as the Final Prophet and the best of creation]
Of the two worlds, and of Man and Jinn) ( x 3 )


Wal fareeqaini min �urbin wa min �ajami
(Leader also of the Arabs and the non-Arabs and their kin)


Huwal habibul ladhi thurja shafa�athuhu
(Beloved by Allah is he, upon whose pleading we depend) ( x 3 )
Likulli hawlin minal ahwali muq-thahami
(From the terrors of the Day of Judgement, which on us descend)


Thummar ridha �an Abi Bakrin wa �an �Umarin
(Then we ask You to be pleased with Abu Bakr and 'Umar ( x 3 )
Wa �an �Aliyyin wa �an �Uthmana dhil karami
(And �Ali and �Uthman � the generous one)


Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa balligh maqasidana
(Oh Lord, with the Chosen One, grant us our goals) ( x 3 )


Waghfir-lana ma mada, Ya wasi�al karami
(And forgive us for what has already passed,
Oh Most Munificent One)


Friday, April 18, 2008

Mist in my garden.......

No larrr.. The guys from the state department of health fogging potential Aedes Mosquitoes breeding ground.

"Salam . Minta RM 50.00 LAN Card rosak...." - my bro beckons thru SMS, 17:33

He ain't heavy , he's my broooootherrrrr....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My response on hearing the death of a blogger's (SB), offspring reported at KJA's blog...

Blogger mangchikla said...

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'uun. Salam takziah saya kepada saudara(i) SB sekeluarga. Sedikit sedutan seerah berkaitan sikap junjungan besar kita Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam ketika menghadapi kematian anakanda yang tercinta, Ibrahim, Semoga kita sentiasa tabah apabila meniti sa'at sa'at sebegini, dan khusus nya untuk SB, wallahu aklam:

Ibrahim sakit
Tetapi harapan ini tidak berlangsung lama; hanya selama beberapa bulan saja seperti yang sudah kita sebutkan. Sesudah itu Ibrahim jatuh sakit, sakit yang sangat menguatirkan. Ia dipindahkan ke sebuah tempat dengan kebun kurma di samping Masyraba Umm Ibrahim. Maria dan Sirin adiknya selalu menjaga dan merawatnya. Bayi ini tidak lama sakitnya Tatkala ajal sudah dekat dan Nabi diberi tahu, karena rasa sedih yang sangat mendalam, ia berjalan dengan memegang tangan Abdur-Rahman b. 'Auf sambil bertumpu kepadanya. Bila ia sudah sampai ke tempat itu di samping 'Alia - tempat Masyraba yang sekarang - dijumpainya Ibrahim dalam pangkuan ibunya, sedang menarik napas terakhir. Diambilnya anak itu, lalu diletakkannya di pangkuannya dengan hati yang remuk-redam rasanya. Tangannya menggigil. Kalbu yang duka dan pilu rasa mencekam seluruh sanubari. Lukisan hati yang sedih mulai membayang dalam raut wajahnya. Sambil meletakkan anak itu di pangkuan ia berkata: "Ibrahim, kami tak dapat menolongmu dari kehendak Tuhan."

Dalam keadaan hening yang menekan itu kemudian airmatanya berderai bercucuran, sementara anak itu sedang menarik napas terakhir. Sang ibu dan Sirin menangis menjerit-jerit; oleh Rasulullah dibiarkan mereka begitu.

Muhammad meratapi kematian Ibrahim
Setelah tubuh Ibrahim tiada bergerak lagi, sudah tiada bernyawa, dan dengan kematiannya itu padam pula semua harapan yang selama ini membuka hati Nabi, makin deras pula airmata Muhammad mengucur, sambil ia berkata:

"Oh Ibrahim, kalau bukan karena soal kenyataan, dan janji yang tak dapat dibantah lagi, dan bahwa kami yang kemudian akan menyusul orang yang sudah lebih dahulu daripada kami, tentu akan lebih lagi kesedihan kami dari ini."

Dan setelah diam sejenak, katanya lagi: "Mata boleh bercucuran, hati dapat merasa duka, tapi kami hanya berkata apa yang menjadi perkenan Tuhan, dan bahwa kami, O Ibrahim, sungguh sedih terhadapmu." Muslimin yang melihat Muhammad begitu duka, beberapa orang terkemuka hendak mengurangi hal itu dengan mengingatkannya akan larangannya berbuat demikian. Tapi ia menjawab: "Aku tidak melarang orang berduka cita, tapi yang kularang menangis dengan suara keras. Apa yang kamu lihat dalam diriku sekarang, ialah pengaruh cinta dan kasih didalam hati. Orang yang tiada menunjukkan kasih sayangnya, orang lain pun tiada akan menunjukkan kasih sayang kepadanya." Atau seperti dikatakan juga: Kemudian ia berusaha menahan duka hatinya. Ia memandang Maria dan Sirin dengan pandangan penuh kasih. Kepada mereka dimintanya supaya lebih tenang sambil katanya: "Ia akan mendapat inang pengasuh di surga."

Kemudian setelah ia dimandikan oleh Umm Burda, - sumber lain menyebutkan oleh Fadzl bin'l-'Abbas - dibawa dari rumah itu di atas sebuah ranjang kecil. Nabi dan Abbas pamannya, begitu juga sejumlah kaum Muslimin ikut mengantarkan sampai ke Baqi'. Di tempat itu ia dimakamkan setelah disembahyangkan oleh Nabi. Selesai pemakaman Muhammad minta supaya makam itu ditutup kemudian diratakannya dengan tangannya sendiri. Ia memercikkan air dan memberi tanda di atas kubur itu. Lalu katanya:

"Sebenarnya ini tidak membawa kerugian, juga tidak mendatangkan keuntungan. Tetapi hanya akan menyenangkan hati orang yang masih hidup. Apabila orang mengerjakan sesuatu, Tuhan lebih suka bila dikerjakan secara sempurna."

April 15, 2008 4:42 PM

Friday, April 11, 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2008