Saturday, April 19, 2008


Qaseeda Burda Shareef (Mesut Kurtis)


Mawlaya salli wa sallim da-Iman abadan
�Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi
(Oh my Master, send Your salutations and blessings eternally
Upon Your Beloved � the best of creation) ( x 2 )

Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath-thaqalain
(Muhammad is the leader [as the Final Prophet and the best of creation]
Of the two worlds, and of Man and Jinn) ( x 3 )


Wal fareeqaini min �urbin wa min �ajami
(Leader also of the Arabs and the non-Arabs and their kin)


Huwal habibul ladhi thurja shafa�athuhu
(Beloved by Allah is he, upon whose pleading we depend) ( x 3 )
Likulli hawlin minal ahwali muq-thahami
(From the terrors of the Day of Judgement, which on us descend)


Thummar ridha �an Abi Bakrin wa �an �Umarin
(Then we ask You to be pleased with Abu Bakr and 'Umar ( x 3 )
Wa �an �Aliyyin wa �an �Uthmana dhil karami
(And �Ali and �Uthman � the generous one)


Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa balligh maqasidana
(Oh Lord, with the Chosen One, grant us our goals) ( x 3 )


Waghfir-lana ma mada, Ya wasi�al karami
(And forgive us for what has already passed,
Oh Most Munificent One)


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