Saturday, December 31, 2011

Kenapa kata bodoh - Ustaz Azhar

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

'Dan di antara manusia ada yang berkata: "Kami telah beriman kepada Allah dan kepada hari akhirat"; padahal mereka sebenarnya tidak beriman.
Mereka hendak memperdayakan Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya memperdaya dirinya sendiri, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya.
Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran).
Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Janganlah kamu membuat bencana dan kerosakan di muka bumi", mereka menjawab: " Sesungguhnya kami orang-orang yang hanya membuat kebaikan".
Ketahuilah! Bahawa sesungguhnya mereka itulah orang-orang yang sebenar-benarnya membuat bencana dan kerosakan, tetapi mereka tidak menyedarinya.
Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Berimanlah kamu sebagaimana orang-orang itu telah beriman". Mereka menjawab: "Patutkah kami ini beriman sebagaimana berimannya orang-orang bodoh itu?" Ketahuilah! Sesungguhnya merekalah orang-orang yang bodoh, tetapi mereka tidak mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenarnya).
Dan apabila mereka bertemu dengan orang-orang yang beriman, mereka berkata: " Kami telah beriman ", dan manakala mereka kembali kepada syaitan-syaitan mereka, mereka berkata pula:" Sesungguhnya kami tetap bersama kamu, sebenarnya kami hanya memperolok-olok (akan orang-orang yang beriman)".

Al Baqarah ~ 8 - 14

'Hang ada amik pil kuda?'

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

Rasulullah SAW bersabda :

'Solat yg berjemaah itu lebih baik daripada mendirikan solat secara bersendirian sebanyak dua puloh tujh (27) darjat iaitu ganjaran

(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

kelalaian TV - Ustaz Azhar

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

Dari Abu Hurairah ra katanya: 'Nabi SAW bersabda yang maksudnya:

'Sesungguhnya agama (Islam) itu ringan. Sesiapa yang mempeberat-berakannya dia akan dikalahkan oleh agama. Oleh tiu kerjakanlah (agama itu) mengikut sepatutnya atau mendekatinya dengan yang sepatutnya dan gembiralah (keana akan beroleh pahala) serta beribadatlah (mohonlah akan pertolongan Allah) pada waktu pag, petang dan sebahgian malam.' '


Akhir zaman mereka dijulang - Ustaz Azhar

Credit To TH Filem (Original)

Firman Allah swt :

'... Sesungguhnya solat itu mencegah dari perbuatan yangkeji dan mungkar.. ' Surah Al-Ankabut (Ayat 45)

ilmu duniawi diutamakan - Ustaz Azhar

Credit to TH Filem (Original)

Diriwayat hadis dari Syadad bin Ausin ra, daripada Nabi SaW bersabda:

'Orang yang bijak, hanyalah orang yang lihat kekurangan diri, dan bersedia (atau menyediakan) amalan-amalan, untuk menolong dia, selepas die mati..'

Your ten questions with Tan Sri Ambrin Buang..

Courtesy of The Star

The Tan Sri's Credentials...

The Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang answers your 10 questions.

1. How successful have you been in putting the much wrong, right in government agencies that flout financial regulations year after year? Or are you by any measure a failure here? Bulbir Singh, Seremban

The onus of putting right what is wrong is on the controlling officers the secretaries-general and the directors-general. My job is to raise awareness that there are certain things that need to be put right and we offer suggestions as to how to right the wrong.

2. The MACC deputy commissioner said that the purchase of two pairs of night vision binoculars which cost 10 times more than the market price was no element of corruption. What is your comment on this? Alan Choo, Jakarta

Apparently the deputy commissioner must have had good reasons not to have pressed charges under the Prevention of Corruption Act. What is needed then is for the Ministry to investigate as to whether there was willful negligence, by the officers concerned, which warrant disciplinary action since the Treasury Instruction requires proper market study on government purchases even if they are done through open tenders.

3. What is the significance of being transparent in the things we do, especially in the things we do for other people? In what sort of professions would integrity be most required? Bernard Gideon Lim, Penang

We are accountable to our stakeholders. Therefore our actions must be transparent to them. I think integrity must be present in all professions. Wherever we are, we must strive to become men or women of integrity, not just by staying away from acts of corruption but also by beingethical, honest, sincere and diligent in our work and we must be ready to face media and public scrutiny.

4. Speaking of ways to improve the system, how about placing a representative from the audit department in all tender boards of the various ministries and agencies to reduce incidences of wastage? Yeoh Cheow Tim, Subang Jaya

Auditors should not be directly involved in management or operational matters such as being part of any procurement decision-making. However, internal auditors in ministries should scrutinise procurement exercises in their organisation on a regular basis.

5. Do you think there could be a day when the Auditor-General's Department would find zero irregularities in the financial conduct of the government? Madeleine, Kajang

That is what we want but it is difficult to achieve. Irregularities will continue to occur as humans will make mistakes from time to time and sometimes these mistakes will cost the government and the public dearly. That is why control is so important and why the internal control mechanisms must function effectively. This is where leadership is is needed to nip problems in the bud arising from having people who lack competence, diligence or are corrupt in their work.

6. What is the most daunting thing about auditing the government? Tell us about the process. George Lam, Cheras

What is perhaps daunting is the difficulty sometimes in getting the relevant documents from our auditees during the auditing period. Some auditees do not keep their records properly. We base our findings on evidence adduced from departmental records and sometimes people dispute our findings. But we don't manufacture information as it is in fact given by our auditees. We take pains to verify the accuracy of the data given while the process of engagement with our auditees can last for as long as six months before a report is finalised.

7. How does your relationship with senior government officials influence your work? Does it compromise your position as the Auditor-General? Choon Beng, Subang Jaya

My job is not just to scrutinise the work of the administrators but also to advocate good governance and best practices in financial and project management. This is done not just through my recommendations in the AG's Report but also through high-level meetings with senior government officials. So, there is always positive engagement and mutual respect. I don't think my position is compromised through such relationships.

8. What do you find most satisfying about your job? Mohd Asri, PJ

It gives me great satisfaction every time I learn that things have improved after remedial actions have been taken on our audit findings. Every penjawat awam must strive for excellence and learn from past mistakes and shortcomings. I am also happy to be given space and time to air my views in the course of my work.

9. What do you think has been your contribution during your tenure as Auditor-General? Soilendra, via email

If any, it is the introduction of the Accountability Index (AI) that several other countries have shown interest in. The AI is an innovative instrument to ensure compliance with financial regulations. I am happy that the Government has adopted the AI as a Key Performance Index to evaluate financial management performance in the public service. I am also happy that our Akademi Audit Negara has obtained worldwide recognition as a centre of excellence for the training of public-sector auditors.

10. Financial mismanagement seems to be a yearly affair with the government. Why can't stricter penalties be imposed, since the present ones do not seem to do the job? Lindsay Lee, Mont Kiara

Actually, penalties are already there for criminal cases such as for bribery or negligence/dereliction of duty in causing losses to the government or tarnishing the good image of the public service. To me it is a matter of conviction in taking action against the wrongdoers. Some heads of department/agencies are reluctant to take action out of sympathy or simply to protect the “good image” of their organisation.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Dedicated to XNuripilot, Teh rendeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

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Malaysia very own 'Oxford wizard'

Jayenjr's avatar

Jayenjr · 6 hours ago

KJ, a couple of questions for you

Firstly, who appointed you to be spokesperson for NMLC? Did the management of NMCL appoint you? Why aren't the directors or Shahrizat answering the issues directly?

Secondly, you say, the condo was purchased to "reap some returns". Were this reasons minuted in the Board of Directors meeting? Could you please upload said minutes as evidence for taxpayers to appreciate?

And even if the Board did authorise it, could you give us the IRR (internal rate of return) of the condo purchase? What returns was NMLC looking for - capital gain or rental yield? Please give details if said rate of return has been achieved based on prevailing market conditions.

Thirdly, why wasn't the money returned to the government instead whilst waiting for production to take off? It seems to me that you deem buying a condo was the "best" option, but were other options explored?

If NMLC had returned said money to the government, maybe a few more students of ours would have obtained scholarships instead of hearing, "no allocation this year".

Fourthly, have you done project financing before? You are supposed to be from Oxford, and you even had a go at investment banking with ECM. Tell me, WHICH bank would lend to you a project facility, and later allow you to draw down and utilise or invest said funds for something that has got no connection whatsoever with that project (unless of course, NMLC meant to house them cows inside the condo?)

Do you know how that if the bank allows the borrower to do that, it would compromise on one of its core corporate governance criteria - if they were to close one eye and allow their borrower to use the credit facility for something other than its intended reason?

Tell me which bank does that in Malaysia?

Or is it only the Malaysian government that is so dumb to appreciate banking rules 101?

PS - KJ, if you're reading this, or if your trooper boys are, then may I suggest that you take us - the taxpayers and voters on - instead of Saifuddin Nasution or Rafizi Ramli.

We are your real assessors and evaluator. You don't have to tayang your belang to them.

Face us instead.

Takened from 'The Malaysian Insider' dated 11/11/11 ~ 'RM10m cattle condo was an investment, says Khairy'

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No need la ...


by on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 2:01pm

Kata al-Syeikh Dr YUSUF AL-QARADAWI: "Niat ini adalah amalan hati semata. Bukan amalan lidah. Tidak diketahui daripada Nabi s.a.w., tidak juga dari para sahabah dan para tabi’in yang mengikut mereka dengan baik -yang merupakan salaf umat ini- sebarang lafaz bagi niat ibadat, seperti solat, puasa, mandi, berwuduk dan seumpamanya, apa yang kita lihat sebahagian manusia bersungguh-sungguh melakukannya, seperti mereka menyebut: Aku berniat mengangkat hadas kecil, atau besar, atau solat zohor, atau asar empat rakaat kerana Allah Yang Maha Besar, atau aku berniat puasa esok hari pada bulan ramadan dan sebagainya. Ini semua tidak dibawa (diajar) oleh sebarang ayat al-Quran atau Sunnah. Tiada faedah baginya, di mana seorang insan tidak akan berkata ketika hendak ke pasar: aku niat hendak ke pasar. Atau ketika dia hendak bermusafir: Aku niat bermusafir. Al-Zarkasyi dalam fatwa-fatwanya memetik perkataan al-Ghazali: “Urusan niat dalam ibadah itu, namun apa yang menyusahkan ialah disebabkan kejahilan dengan hakikat niat atau (disebabkan) was-was”. (http//:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Addinun Nasihah.... Nasihat dari sa orang ayah kepada anak ...Pt 2

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) having said: "By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them." [Sahih Muslim]
Addinun Nasihah.... Nasihat dari sa orang ayah kepada anak ...Pt 1

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Dicedok dari malaysiakini

Nik Aziz mahu jumpa mufti Perak
Mac 8, 11 11:15am

Kongsi 91
Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat telah menghantar surat rasmi menyatakan hasrat mahu bertemu dengan mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria.

Surat yang dihantar pagi tadi itu antara lain mahu mufti Perak itu menjelaskan kenyataannya sebelum ini yang mendakwa Nik Aziz yzng juga menteri besar Kelantan, pernah berkata 'undi PAS masuk syurga'.

Harussani ZakariaTulisan mufti itu disiarkan oleh akhbar Mingguan Malaysia 6 Mac lalu, iaitu hari pengundian bagi pilihan raya kecil dewan undangan negeri Kerdau dan Merlimau.

"Hari ini saya telah menghantar surat rasmi kepada sohibus samahah Tan Sri Harussani, mufti Perak memohon penjelasan di atas tulisan beliau di dalam Mingguan Malaysia 6 Mac 2011.

"Saya memohon supaya beliau menjelaskan bilakah saya menyatakan bahawa undi PAS masuk syurga," katanya melalui Facebook hari ini.

Kedua-dua tokoh itu sering bercanggah pendapat berhubung isu agama dan jika pertemuan yang dicadangkan itu menjadi kenyataan, ini adalah kali pertama berlaku mereka akan duduk semeja.

Beri respon

"Semoga beliau memberikan respon,"kata Nik Aziz lagi.

Semalam, Dewan Pemuda PAS Perak juga telah menghantar surat jemputan kepada Harussani berhubung perkara yang sama.

Mereka menawarkan diri untuk menjadi orang tengah bagi menjayakan pertemuan tersebut.

Menurut Pemuda PAS Perak, sudah tiba masanya untuk kedua-dua tokoh itu bersemuka dengan cara yang lebih terhormat dan beradab bagi menjernihkan keadaan dan menyelesaikan kemelut yang hanya merugikan umat Islam.

NONEMereka berpendapat, dengan menghormati ilmu Harussani, pihaknya merasakan kaedah itu adalah yang terbaik bagi menidakkan semua pandangan yang telah dikemukakan secara terbuka.

Pemuda PAS Perak juga sebelum ini antara yang tidak senang dengan beberapa pandangan mufti itu khususnya dalam isu ancak membabitkan Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Between a rock and a hard place..

For once , a 'Minister or his deputy is actually talking sense instead of talking thru his small orifice at the rear end. And as usual the 'public servant' is at the receiving end,which i am sure, acted on the behest of his political masters.... article below courtesy of Malaysiakini.

Abdul Rahim Sabri
Feb 24, 11

Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah hari ini mengadakan pertemuan berasingan dua kumpulan mahasiwa Universiti Putra Malaysia berhubung isu berbangkit dalam pilihan raya kampus di UPM Isnin lalu. Dua kumpulan mahasiswa tersebut ialah kumpulan Pro-Aspirasi UPM dan Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam UPM.

upm scuffle 230211Dalam satu kenyataan, Saifuddin berkata, dalam kedua-dua pertemuan tersebut beliau menekankan bahawa pilihan raya kampus (PRK) seharusnya dijadikan medan terbaik memberikan pendidikan politik dan demokrasi kepada mahasiswa.

Menurutnya, pendidikan politik dan demokrasi seharusnya merintis ke arah amalan demokrasi yang lebih matang di negara ini.

"Dalam konteks PRK, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) berkecuali dan tidak memihak kepada mana-mana kumpulan mahasiswa atau mana-mana individu yang bertanding," tegasnya.

KPT juga, tambahnya, mahu PRK menjadi gelanggang politik yang sihat dan menyuburkan idealisme mahasiswa; dijalankan dengan, licin, telus dan adil; serta meningkatkan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam proses tersebut.

"Berhubung dengan isu di UPM, saya telah menghubungi Naib Canselor, Prof Dato' Ir. Dr Radin Umar Radin Sohadi pada pagi 23 Februari 2011, apabila dimaklumkan bahawa kemenangan sekumpulan mahasiswa dalam PRK (pada 22 Februari 2011) telah dibatalkan oleh pihak universiti atas alasan yang tidak munasabah.

upm scuffle 230211"Saya ingin ulangi kenyataan saya sebelum ini, bahawa saya “tidak mengarahkan” Naib Canselor, sebaliknya “memberi pandangan” kepada pihak universiti tentang cara terbaik mengatasi isu tersebut.

"Pada saya, alasan membatalkan kemenangan sekumpulan mahasiswa itu tidak wajar kerana:

"Alasannya ialah kumpulan tersebut berkempen secara kumpulan. Saya anggap alasan ini tidak munasabah kerana umum tahu bahawa pihak yang membuat bantahan itu sendiri adalah sebuah kumpulan juga. Ini diakui sendiri oleh seorang daripadanya dalam perbincangannya dengan saya hari ini.

"Pembatalan itu dibuat tanpa memberi peluang pihak yang dibatalkan itu untuk membela diri.

"Jika berlaku pembatalan atas alasan yang tidak munasabah ini, saya bimbang kita akan dilabelkan sama seperti Burma yang tidak mengiktiraf kemenangan Parti Liga Demokrasi Kebangsaan pimpinan Aun San Su Kyi dalam pilihanraya pada 1990, atau AS, EU dan Israel yang tidak mengiktiraf kemenangan Hamas dalam pilihanraya Palestin pada 2006.

NONE"Saya memuji kesediaan dan keterbukaan naib canselor UPM bertemu
dan mendengar aduan kelompok mahasiswa yang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan tersebut. Malah keterbukaan beliau telah berjaya menyelesaikan isu tersebut dengan baik," tegasnya.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, beliau kesal kerana terdapat juga sesuatu permintaan sekumpulan mahasiswa yang diinginkan daripada pegawai tertentu, tidak dilayan sehingga menyebabkan insiden yang tidak diingini berlaku.

"Saya bukan menyokong permintaan mahasiswa itu, saya cuma kesal ia tidak dilayan.

"Saya juga kesal dan tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan sekumpulan mahasiswa yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda awam.

"Pun begitu, saya percaya jika permintaan kumpulan tersebut dilayan, maka insiden tersebut mungkin tidak akan berlaku," tegasnya.

Semalam, pintu kaca bangunan pentadbiran UPM yang menempatkan pejabat Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) Prof Dr Mohd Fauzi Ramlan, pecah selepas dirempuh sekumpulan mahasiswa pro-M.

Mereka dilaporkan bertindak demikian selepas Dr Mohd Fauzi enggan memberikan penjelasan mengapa kemenangan calon mereka dalam pilihan raya kampus itu kelmarin dibatalkan. Difahamkan mereka berkumpul di bangunan selama 19 jam - sejak jam 10 malam kelmarin.

Ia ekoran keputusan pentadbiran universiti menarik balik pembatalan kemenangan 11 calon pro-M selepas menolak tiga bantahan kerana "tidak berasas disebabkan di luar skop pemilihan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) UPM 2011 dan kesalahan teknikal".

TNC HEP kemudian memanggil beberapa wakil pelajar untuk berbincang dan beliau bersetuju untuk mengadakan perbincangan lanjutan dengannya mereka pagi ini.

Bagaimanapun, ia dibatalkan atas permintaan pro-M 'kerana susana masih panas'.

Sebaliknya, mereka mencadangkan pertemuan itu diadakan selepas solat Jumaat esok di Kolej Kediaman 13.

Menurutnya, cadangan tersebut telah dimaklumkan kepada pegawai TNC HEP dan telah dipersetujui.

Antara yang akan dibincangkan, katanya, adalah mengenai cadangan mereka berhubung penambahbaikan pilihan raya kampus.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cucu Tok Kenali

Harakahdaily , 21 Feb 2011

Harakahdaily: Apa yang menyebabkan saudara Bob terdorong untuk memilih dan menyertai PAS?

Bob Lokman: Sebab saya rasa ada masalah dengan sistem kehidupan. Saya nak mendidik anak saya dengan jalan Islam tetapi dia ada masalah dengan sistem persekolahan, sistem pergaulan, dan sistem masyarakat.

Bila saya di rumah suruh dia sembahyang, di luar ada kumpulan yang suruh dia buat benda lagha. Masa saya muda dulu saya tak sedar, dan itu berlaku pada anak saya sekarang, dan sekarang sara rasa tanggungjawab pada anak.

Tengok anak kita tidak menjadikan Allah nombor satu... dia duk ikut ‘rakyat didahulukan pencapaian diutamakan’, pada hal Allah nombor satu, takwa diutamakan tapi anak-kita tak tahu.

And 'Bob Lokman' continued ~ 'Saya serahkan rezeki saya bulat-bulat pada Allah, yang penting saya dapat selamatkan kehidupan anak saya di dunia dan saya tak masuk neraka," kata Bob Lokman.'

My sons & daughters , learn a thing or two from brutha 'Bob Lokman' and not 'Bob da Builder' here ... :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The meaning of repentance - Bro Suhaib Webb

Hubby : " u look good, I don wanna go fajr..",
Wifey : " u look good too yeah, but Brad Pitt was Kufr . Go ta da mosque , git some of them Nur and bring them back, coz that's what we are...'

Tarak cakap tarak buat - bo liau..,

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Allah has forgiven my followers the evil thoughts that occur to their minds, as long as such thoughts are not put into action or uttered." And Qatada said, "If someone divorces his wife just in his mind, such an unuttered divorce has no effect. [Bukhari, Book 63, Number 194] -

Monday, February 14, 2011

The son returns.... 12th Feb 2011

Kalah 'Nuh Hujan'

First confession and first impression of a parish priest

Priest’s Retirement Dinner courtesy of 'Kosong cafe'

A Priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the parish. A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to make the presentation and to give a little speech at the dinner.

However, since the politician was delayed, the Priest decided to say his own few words while they waited:

‘I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen a television set and, when questioned by the police, was able to lie his way out of it. He had stolen money from his parents, embezzled from his employer, had an affair with his boss's wife, taken illegal drugs and gave VD to his sister. I was appalled. But as the days went, on I learned that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people’.

Just as the Priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk:

‘I’ll never forget the first day our parish Priest arrived, said the politician’. ‘In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go to him for confession...’

Ops Rumah Firaun - Apabila pahat berbunyi selepas rumah siap...

Diceduk dari < sini >

'Pelajar perempuan dan lelaki bebas bergaul tanpa batasan dan boleh duduk berdua-dua waktu malam tanpa ada kawalan atau penguatkuasaan, Pihak KMJ dan MBC mahu membuat taskirah tidak dibenarkan; Banyak pelajar pengajian Islam dari Universiti Al Azhar dan Tanta yang mahu menganjurkan kuliah agama dan tazkirah tetapi tidak dibenarkan atas alasan takut ada propaganda politik; Terlalu banyak pegawai yang berada dalam bilik operasi dan bermesyuarat setiap hari tetapi tidak tahu apa keputusan dan kesudahannya;'

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wael Ghonim...

'I want to tell every mother and father that lost a son, I'm sorry it's not our fault (cries). I swear to God it's not our fault. It's the fault of everyone who held to power and clung to it!(cries). I want to leave.'

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who's afraid of the Muslim Brothers?

"Islamism" has been sending jitters through Western political corridors over recent years readily aided and abetted by Arab autocrats who have exaggerated and harnessed the "Islamist" threat to prolong their iron-fisted rule.

In the case of Egypt, the biggest bogeyman in this long-running battle over political supremacy with the state is the Muslim Brotherhood (the Ikhwan al-Muslimun) whose influence extends across the Arab and Islamic world.

With the Middle East and North Africa currently convulsed by popular uprisings against political repression, the Muslim Brotherhood has been thrust into the limelight, not only by those seeking a better insight into the origins and goals of the movement as they try to peer into Egypt's future, but also by those whose entire raison d'etre consists of demonising the Ikhwan for ulterior political ends.

"I'm fed up" of ruling Egypt, complained Hosni Mubarak to an American news channel on February 4 as protests against his 30-year presidency accelerated. "But if I resign now, there will be chaos. And I'm afraid the Muslim Brotherhood will take over," he warned.

In a couple of short sentences, Mubarak wonderfully encapsulated the fear that his regime has generated over three decades in order to maintain control. With little concern for the sentiments of his people, Mubarak played directly to the fears of his Western backers: Either support my despotism, whatever its limitations, he was saying, or face having to deal with the "Islamists".

While leaders in the US and the EU stutter over how to respond to the new realities in the region, unfortunately for Mubarak, the people of Egypt are refusing to buy into his fear-mongering. The Muslim Brotherhood - whether Mubarak's regime and his backers like it or not - is part and parcel of Egyptian society.

The Ikhwan is the "father" of Islamic political activism, tracing its roots back to 1928 when it emerged as a movement advocating a return to Islamic morals. Its early political activism was against British rule in Egypt when it opposed the Westernisation of the country. While its formative years were devoted to overcoming imperialism, its history has been marked by challenges to the political status quo and, thus, to fending off state repression. The Muslim Brotherhood has alternately been tolerated, outlawed, its leaders assassinated and/or executed.

Despite the suppression, its popularity has grown owing mainly to a network of medical, legal, social and charitable services that it continues to provide. Where the state has failed Egyptians, the Ikhwan has helped prop up peoples' lives.

Such is its influence that it has spawned offshoots in Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya and Somalia in Africa, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel in the Levant, across the Gulf States and further afield in places such as Pakistan. Misconceptions in the West about the movement do not detract from the Brotherhood's popular following in Egypt and beyond.

Milestones to where?

One of the most seminal works to emanate from the ranks of the Ikhwan, one which led the Egyptian regime at the time to clamp down massively against the movement, was Milestones, written by a powerful Brotherhood ideologue, Sayyid Qutb, in 1964.

The publication of Qutb's book, which called for the reinstatement of Sharia as the basis of Egyptian law and for the overthrow of what he labelled the "Jahili" (i.e. pre-Islamic) system prevalent in the country, led to his execution.

That Milestones is today considered the principal reference book for a myriad of armed Islamic groups across the world is testament to its influence. The book was used to discredit the entire Muslim Brotherhood with accusations that it advocated the violent overthrow of secular regimes. Anti-Ikhwan proponents felt little need to explain the circumstances under which Qutb penned his treatise: The fact that he was utterly disillusioned with the prevailing system after being subjected to years of solitary confinement and torture for his political beliefs made little difference to his opponents who sought to characterise his rejectionism as representative of Islamic political movements in their entirety.

Despite proclaiming to be a bottom-up "reformist" movement and eschewing violence, the charge of extremism has subsequently hung over the Brotherhood. Given the historical antipathy of the Ikhwan to the West, furthermore, Western governments have easily bought into the Egyptian regime's claims that the movement is a threat to their way of life. The old fears of, and tricks against, the Ikhwan are once again being employed as the most organised challenger to Mubarak's despotism joins (not leads) protesters in calling for his removal.

Although depicted as a regressive movement, the Brotherhood's membership is anything but unenlightened. The top tier of the movement is made up of doctors, lawyers, engineers and teachers, or the crème de la crème of the Egyptian middle class. The Ikhwan's social activism is derived from its members' ability to live and breathe the problems that average Egyptians face.

It is essentially a grassroots movement campaigning for the betterment of Egyptian society. That the movement gained an impressive 88 seats in the 2005 parliamentary election, or 20 per cent of the total, despite widespread electoral fraud (in 2010 it lost all its seats after Mubarak's National Democratic Party massively rigged the election once more, this time leaving nothing to chance) speaks volumes about its popularity.

Even in districts that are predominantly Christian, many voters opted to back the Ikhwan against the regime. Christian protesters are as resolute against Mubarak's dictatorship as their Muslim counterparts and many have expressed little worry about the Muslim Brotherhood despite the fear perpetuated by the regime.

In talks with senior US officials in 2006, the newly-appointed Egyptian vice-president, Omar Suleiman, termed the Ikhwan's parliamentary success in 2005 "unfortunate". Private US cables released by Wikileaks (from where the previous quote was taken) reveal starkly the obstacles that the Brotherhood has faced under Mubarak.

Opponents of the movement will continue to stoke fears about its apparent "clandestine" motives. The cry of "one man, one vote, one time" will be heard loudly and relentlessly from those seeking to deny the Brotherhood a role in Egypt's political future. This is one scare tactic, however, that the people of Egypt will not fall for. Political Islam is a force with strong roots in the country and in the wider Islamic world and will continue to remain so.

Algeria set a precedent in the early 1990s of the levels to which opponents of Islamic movements will sink to deny them a political role. A brutal civil war was the cost of voting for the Islamic Salvation Front back then. The people of Palestine are similarly being ostracised by the "international community" for voting in Hamas, an offshoot of the Ikhwan.

However, the people of Egypt, and only the people of Egypt, will decide what part the Muslim Brotherhood will play in Egypt's future development.

What will its detractors do in response? Scream, shout, curse and maybe try to prevent such an eventuality, if recent history is any guide.

Mohammed Khan is a political analyst based in the UAE.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.


'I heard them say the revolution won’t be televised. Al Jazeera proved them wrong, Twitter has them paralysed' ~

Omar Offendum, The Narcicyst, Freeway, Ayah, Amir Sulaiman - #Jan25 (Produced by Sami Matar)

Friday, February 4, 2011

'Mubarak “is like Dracula..'

Muslim Brotherhood strategist calls for Mubarak trial

'He must be held to account,' longtime official of Islamic group's tells NBC

By Michael Isikoff National investigative correspondent
NBC News NBC News
updated 2/3/2011 7:35:29 PM ET 2011-02-04T00:35:29

A longtime strategist for the Muslim Brotherhood said Thursday that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his senior associates must be put on trial and held to account for their “crimes” against the Egyptian people.

Mubarak “is like Dracula,” said Youssef Nada, an Egyptian-born banker who served for decades as the Muslim Brotherhood’s de facto “foreign minister” and remains an influential adviser. “He is a ruthless dictator who betrayed his people and killed a lot of people. He must be tried for what he did and held to account.”

Nada’s comments, made in a telephone interview from his home in a tiny Italian enclave in the Swiss Alps, appear to signal a more aggressive -- and potentially dangerous -- stance by the Islamic group on Egypt’s political crisis. Just moments before he spoke to NBC News, the Muslim Brotherhood, which had largely remained quiet during the first few days of demonstrations last week, released a formal statement demanding that Mubarak immediately step down. “We demand that this regime is overthrown and we demand the formation of a national unity government for all the factions,” it said.

Although the 80-year-old Nada no longer holds a formal position with the Muslim Brotherhood, he told NBC News that he is in “continuous touch” with its leaders in Cairo and advised them on the statement calling for Mubarak’s ouster. Asked if his call for criminal trials of Mubarak and other leaders of his regime is shared by the group’s leadership, Nada replied: “Yes, in general, it is their opinion.”

Among those who should be tried, he said, is Mubarak’s new vice president, Omar Suleiman, the longtime chief of Egypt’s security service. In addition to his role in the suppression of Egyptian democracy, Nada said, Suleiman was responsible for the “torture of people the CIA sent to him,” referring to the security chief’s role as liaison with the agency during its “extraordinary rendition” program, which brought dozens of terrorist detainees to Egypt for harsh interrogations.

As Egypt’s largest political opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals and motives have been the subject of intense scrutiny and debate among U.S. officials. An Islamist movement founded in 1928, the organization remains formally committed to the imposition of Islamic law and refuses to recognize the validity of Egypt’s treaty with Israel. But in recent years, it also has renounced violence and some U.S. officials have argued that its leaders should be brought into a political dialogue.

Nada’s role in the organization goes back decades. He was first imprisoned for his involvement in Muslim Brotherhood activities in the early 1950s and, after leaving Egypt in the late 1970s, served for years as the group’s official foreign envoy. In 2007, he was tried and convicted by an Egyptian court in absentia for allegedly financing its activities.

Accused al-Qaida financier
Nada was also accused by the Bush administration in 2001 of using an international financial institution he once ran -- the Al Taqwa Bank -- to finance the al-Qaida terror network. The worldwide assets of the bank were frozen at the U.S. government’s request in 2002.

Nada has consistently denied the charges. He claimed vindication two years ago when the United Nations formally removed him from a list of individuals allegedly tied to al-Qaida. Previously, Swiss prosecutors had dropped their own investigation of Nada, claiming that the U.S. government had refused to turn over its evidence against him. (U.S. officials have said they were unable to do so because most of its evidence was classified. Although his bank has long since been shut down, Nada remains on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of terrorist financiers.)

Throughout this period, Nada has remained a key figure in Brotherhood circles, serving as the group’s spokesman to select journalists and attempting to shape the group’s international image. In his interview with NBC, Nada insisted that the Muslim Brotherhood is misunderstood and the American people have no reason to fear it.

He said the group does not want political power, but would push to align Egyptian society with Islamic principles, he said. Asked about Egypt’s treaty with Israel, which some fear a Muslim Brotherhood dominated government would renounce, Nada replied: “The treaty must be rewritten—to be fair to everyone.”

But while insisting that the group has no intention of instigating violence, Nada left little doubt that there would be plenty of violence if Mubarak does not heed the calls for his resignation. If the president doesn’t leave soon, he said, “It will be a disaster.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

:D , Melayu mudah luper..

Jawapan saya untuk Tun Mahathir — Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat
February 03, 2011

3 FEB — Saya gembira apabila Tun Dr Mahathir memberikan ulasan berkenaan pandangan saya tentang nasionalisme. Bagi saya, ini membuktikan kesediaan beliau untuk mendengar pandangan dan berhujah. Ia baik untuk percambahan minda masyarakat agar masyarakat segar dengan hujah dan tidak bergantung kepada seringgit dua habuan menjelang pilihanraya semata-mata.

Jawapan saya ini bukan hanya untuk Tun Dr Mahathir sahaja, tetapi juga merupakan jawapan yang saya cadangkan untuk dijawab pada hari di mana saya, Tun Mahathir dan manusia keseluruhannya berdiri di hadapan Allah SWT satu masa nanti. Ini kerana saya beriman dengan hakikat bahawa setiap apa yang dipertuturkan di dunia ini akan diadili di akhirat nanti. Setiap kenyataan yang keluar melalui televisyen, akhbar bahkan blog sekalipun direkod oleh malaikat-malaikat yang ditugaskan oleh Allah SWT untuk dibentangkan di hari yang kita tidak lagi mempunyai kuasa ke atasnya.

Firman Allah SWT:

يَوْمَ تَشْهَدُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَلْسِنَتُهُمْ وَأَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم

بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ

Yang bermaksud : Pada hari (ketika), lidah, tangan dan kaki mereka menjadi saksi atas mereka terhadap apa yang dahulu mereka kerjakan. — Surah al-Nur, ayat 24

Hakikatnya saya sebenarnya diajak untuk menari dengan irama yang gendangnya dipalu oleh Umno. Saya diajak untuk turut sama mengutuk Lee Kuan Yew seperti pimpinan Umno. Padahal, apa yang berlaku di seberang sini jauh lebih dahsyat daripada apa yang dilakukan oleh Lee Kuan Yew.

Pertama saya ingin nyatakan kepada Tun Mahathir bahawa asas Islam tidak sama dengan nasionalisme. Di dalam ajaran nasionalisme, tidak pernah dinyatakan apakah tujuan hidup ini. Tidak pernah saya terdengar sepatah kata dari pimpinan Umno yang menghuraikan berkenaan tujuan hidup seorang manusia di muka bumi. Jikapun ada, hanya sebaris dua dari menteri yang dimanahkan menjaga hal ehwal agama. Adapun pemimpin utama Umno, tujuan hidup ini seolah-olah tidak menjadi agenda penting sehingga tidak pernah sedikitpun terkeluar isu ini dari bibir mereka.

Islam meletakkan bahawa tujuan hidup untuk mengabdikan diri kepada Allah SWT. Justeru, manusia dihidupkan untuk diuji oleh Allah SWT siapakah di kalangan mereka yang terbaik amalannya. Firman Allah SWT:

الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ

أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفُورُ

Yang bermaksud : Dia lah yang telah mentakdirkan adanya mati dan hidup (kamu) — untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu: siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amal dan aktivitinya ; dan Ia Maha Kuasa (membalas amal kamu), lagi Maha Pengampun, (bagi orang-orang yang bertaubat) (Surah al-Mulk, ayat 2)

Apabila tujuan hidup untuk mengabdi kepada Allah SWT, dan hidup sendiri merupakan ujian untuk menguji siapakah yang beramal soleh, justeru manusia perlu bersyahadah dengan maksud sanggup menjadi saksi untuk menyatakan ketuhanan Allah SWT dan kenabian Nabi Muhammad SAW. Jika syahadah manusia pada lafaznya, maka syahadahnya pertubuhan ialah pada dasarnya. Ingin saya bertanya kepada Tun Mahathir, apakah dasar perjuangan Umno? Di celah manakah Umno meletakkan Islam setelah dasar kebangsaan dijadikan sebagai dasar perjuangannya? Dari sudut praktikalnya, adakah perjuangan Umno merupakan satu amal soleh? Adakah pada saat Umno yang menjadi tulang belakang kerajaan mengeluarkan lesen judi itu merupakan amal soleh? Adakah pada saat Umno menghapuskan tulisan Jawi pada tahun 1968 sehingga melahirkan generasi yang buta al-Quran itu merupakan amal soleh? Adakah pada waktu Tun Mahathir menarik balik peruntukan perkapita untuk sekolah agama rakyat itu merupakan amalan soleh?

Kedua, Tun Mahathir melabelkan saya dan PAS sendiri sebagai punca pecah belah orang Melayu. Barangkali kerana sayalah yang menyebabkan parti Umno diharamkan pada tahun 1987 yang membawa kepada penubuhan Semangat 46. Barangkali sayalah juga penyebabnya sehingga terpecat Timbalan Presiden Umno pada tahun 1999 yang membawa kepada penubuhan parti Keadilan dan kini dikenali sebagai Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Saya bimbang, Tun Mahathir sudah dijangkiti penyakit Melayu Mudah Lupa yang pernah disebutnya satu ketika dahulu.

Suka saya jelaskan. Islam meletakkan bahawa pecah belah ialah satu perkara yang pasti berlaku di kalangan masyarakat manusia. Allah SWT berfirman:

وَقُلْنَا اهْبِطُوا بَعْضُكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ وَلَكُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ

مُسْتَقَرٌّ وَمَتَاعٌ إِلَى حِينٍ

Yang bermaksud: “..dan Kami berfirman: "Turunlah kamu! Sebahagian dari kamu menjadi musuh kepada sebahagian yang lain dan bagi kamu semua disediakan tempat kediaman di bumi, serta mendapat kesenangan hingga ke suatu masa (mati)". — (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 36)

Perpecahan telah digazetkan oleh Allah SWT di dalam al-Quran lama sebelum PAS ditubuhkan lagi. Ia berlaku apabila ada yang memilih hidayah dan ada yang menolaknya. Nabi Muhammad SAW datang membawa hidayah daripada Allah SWT dan ditolak oleh kaum yang sebangsa dengannya. Utbah bin Rabiah yang mewakili gerakan nasionalis Quraisy pada zamannya, bangkit dengan tegar melabelkan bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai pemecah belah dengan kata-katanya:

فرقت به جماعتهم!

Yang bermaksud: Dengan agama yang kamu bawa, kamu telah memecahbelahkan kesatuan mereka!

Adakah benar baginda merupakan pemecah belah? Tentu sekali tidak, tetapi itulah natijahnya apabila membawa kebenaran seperti yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW.

Dari zahirnya kelihatan Tun Mahathir sebagai seorang yang sangat cintakan perpaduan Melayu. Sedarkah Tun Mahathir bahawa Umnolah selama ini yang menzalimi orang-orang Melayu? Pada tahun 1961, siapakah yang menculik ADUN-ADUN PAS di Terengganu yang menyebabkan akhirnya kerajaan PAS pimpinan Allahyarham Daud Samad digulingkan dari pintu belakang? Di Kelantan, mereka juga menculik lima wakil rakyat PAS dengan tujuan menggulingkan kerajaan yang dipimpinan oleh Allahyarham Dato Asri Muda namun usaha mereka gagal. Ini boleh disahkan oleh bekas wakil rakyat Tanah Merah Timur yang masih hidup sekarang ini, Che Omar Mohamad yang turut menjadi mangsa. Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab melakukan perbuatan tidak demokratik ini kalau bukan Umno? Episod-episod kezaliman ini masih segar di ingatan pejuang-pejuang PAS. Bukan untuk menyemarak api permusuhan lama jauh sekali menyimpan dendam, tetapi sekadar untuk memperkukuhkan fakta sejarah buat generasi muda yang saya bimbang terbuai dengan dodoi Ketuanan Melayu yang ditaja oleh Umno.

Di zaman Tun Mahathir, siapakah yang bertanggungjawab melakukan persempadanan pilihanraya pada tahun 2003 yang menafikan pertambahan kerusi parlimen dari negeri yang majoritinya orang Melayu kalau bukan Umno di zaman Tun Mahathir? Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab mengarahkan pembunuhan beramai-ramai Ibrahim Libya di Memali bersama pengikut-pengikutnya yang kesemuanya terdiri daripada orang Melayu tanpa sebarang sebab yang munasabah kalau bukan Umno di zaman Tun Mahathir? Siapakah yang memperkenalkan pengajian Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris yang kemudiannya ditolak sendiri oleh Umno kalau bukan Tun Mahathir?

Hari ini, Umno masih lagi menjuarai amalan tidak demokratik. Di Perak, mereka gulingkan kerajaan dari pintu belakang. Di Selangor, mereka melantik Setiausaha Kerajaan tanpa sedikitpun perbincangan dengan Menteri Besar. Peliknya, juara Ketuanan Melayu inilah pula yang menentang usul mengembalikan kuasa Sultan di Selangor. Tidak malukah mereka kepada DAP yang mereka dakwa sebagai parti cauvinis Cina? Di Kelantan, mereka nafikan royalti minyak serta menubuhkan Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan (JPP). Jika begini, demokrasi pun tidak, federalism pun tidak, Islam jauh sekali!

Apa yang lebih penting, Islam tidak akan sempurna tanpa iman. Al-Quran sering menyebut Wahai orang-orang yang beriman tetapi al-Quran tidak menyebut Wahai orang-orang Islam. Ini kerana seorang yang mengerjakan rukun Islam sahaja belum layak dipanggil orang yang beriman jika hatinya tidak beriman dengan yakin kepada Allah SWT.

Jika Tun Mahathir berkata bukti Umno berjasa kepada Islam dengan membina masjid, maka Abdullah bin Ubay di zaman Rasulullah SAW lebih dahulu membina masjid yang dikenali sebagai Masjid Dhirar. Jika Tun Mahathir menyatakan bahawa Umno berjasa kepada Islam dengan membina sekolah agama, maka di Thailand juga wujud sekolah-sekolah agama. Bahkan jika Tun Mahathir berkata bahawa jasa Umno ialah arak tidak dihidangkan di majlis rasmi kerajaan, maka apakah bezanya jika arak tetap diberikan lesen secara besar-besaran dan judi pula terus dinikmati sekalipun bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai Islam dan kemanusiaan. Pertanyaan saya pula kepada Tun Mahathir, sebutkan apakah yang saya lakukan di Kelantan yang bertentangan dengan Islam. Jika tidak ada, maka untuk apa kami dilawan?

Akhir kata, saya akui Tun Mahathir seorang yang bijak, dan alangkah baiknya kebijaksanaannya digunakan untuk Islam. Nasihat saya kepada Tun Mahathir, sebelum terlambat marilah sama-sama berfikir untuk menempuhi hari pengadilan yang dijanjikan oleh Allah SWT. Jika saya ditanya adakah saya telah mengajak Tun Mahathir dan rakan-rakan sealiran dengannya agar meninggalkan aliran nasionalis sekular dan menerima Islam yang syumul, saya Insya-Allah akan menjawab: اللهم قد بلغت (Ya Allah, aku telah menyampaikan.)

* Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat adalah Mentri Besar Kelantan dan Murshidul Am PAS.

Monday, January 24, 2011

All things 'Pincuk', 'Sorok' & 'Kawin'

Kinda bored yesterday mornin' so made my way to mak's house. I was sitting n staring at my laptop when mak came and plonked herself next to me. She started to reminisce on the good old days , specifically the absurdities of folks celebrating a wedding. The one she's referring to was that of her eldest bro whom we called 'Pak Long', Arwah. this was in the mid fifties. 'Org dulu dulu pelik pelik. Bersanding p.long tuh dia buat jam 12 malam. Loudspeaker tu diorang pasang kat atas pokok tinggi pastu pasang kuat kuat. Depa ajak org datang kenduri tu pakai mulut ja, tak pakai kad - 'mai la datang kenduri kawin.' Pehtu , sebelum kenduri kawin esok pagi , depa siap nasi utk makan depa pangge nasi 'sorok'. Nasi 'sorok' ni makan dgn 'pincuk'. 'Pincuk' , ingat ingat lupa lak, tak silap buat daripada pisang muda, ngan jantung depa gaul dengan ayer asam jawa pekat , boh gula sikit, belacan , garam, pehtu makan ngan nasi. Abi la depa pi kait jantung pisang kat umah org. Depa mintak izin dulu la kottt....'

hmmm I 'google' on 'pincuk' n found the recipe as follows:

1 - 2 mangkuk buah-buahan muda (buah cerami, kundang, mangga muda pisang muda etc)
1 - 2 genggam cili kering
1 - 2 genggam cili padi
segenggam udang kering
1 - 2 ulas bawang merah
belacan & garam secukup rasa
1/4 - 1/2 cawan kecil air asam jawa pekat - di masak hingga didih
secubit gula (putih atau merah)
  1. Bersihkan buah muda pilihan. Rendam dengan air garam sekurang-kurang untuk 10 minit. Tuskan kering. Jika buah mangga dan seumpamanya, potong anggaran 1 inci.
  2. Rendam cili dan udang kering 5 - 10 minit secara berasingan. Tuskan.
  3. Buang tangkai cili padi dan bersihkan.
  4. Kupas bawang merah dan bersihkan.
  5. Goreng semua bahan-bahan di atas tanpa minyak hingga kering dan naik bau.
  6. Tumbuk cili-cili, udang kering, belacan dan sedikit garam hingga 3/4 lumat.
  7. Campurkan air asam jawa, sedikit garam lagi dan gula. Goles rata beberapa kali. Sesuaikan rasanya.
  8. Masukkan buah muda pilihan dan ditumbuk-tumbuk biar pecah-pecah sedikit.
  9. Gaul rata. Siap untuk dimakan. Waduhhh, enaknya! :) Bagi mereka yang suka le ... Hehe.
** Ada juga orang suka makan pincuk jantung pisang. Jika nak cuba bolehlah. Rebus jantung pisang hingga masak. Potong anggaran 1 inci. Ikut resipi seperti di atas juga, cuma gantikan dengan jantung pisang la.

Looks more like 'Pecal' to me. End of another boring day.. :D

Israel's Lackey or in Malay , 'Barua Israel' .. It doesn't require a genious to figure out who or what the 'barua' is referring to...

Palestinians offered major Jerusalem concessions
January 24, 2011

JERUSALEM, Jan 24 — Palestinian negotiators secretly told Israel it could keep vast swathes of occupied East Jerusalem, according to leaked documents that show Palestinians offering much bigger concessions than previously revealed.

The documents, obtained by the Al Jazeera television channel, could undermine the position of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose public declarations about Jerusalem are at odds with what his officials were promising in private.

Equally sobering for the Palestinian people, who want to create a state on land Israel seized in a 1967 war, is the fact that Israel offered nothing in return for the concessions and turned down the offer, saying it did not go far enough.

The leaked minutes of a 2008 meeting between Palestinian, US and Israeli officials showed a senior Palestinian proposing that Israel annex all but one of its major Jerusalem settlements as part of a broad deal to end their decades-old conflict.

Al Jazeera said it had other documents that it would shortly published showing the Palestinians were also ready to make other massive concessions on the hugely sensitive issue of the right to return for Palestinian refugees.

“This exposes the Palestinian leadership, putting it in a position where it will be impossible to win the confidence of the people,” Zakaria al-Qaq, Palestinian commentator.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat dismissed the documents as “a bunch of lies” during an appearance on Al Jazeera shortly after the documents were released.

In a heated exchange on Al Jazeera, Erekat was confronted by critics including Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al -Quds al-Arabi newspaper, who asked him who had authorised him or the Palestinian leadership “to give up Islamic holy sites”.


Ahmed Qurie, the lead Palestinian negotiator in 2008, proposed that Israel annex all Jewish settlements in Jerusalem except Har Homa. He also said Israel could keep control of a part of the Old City of Jerusalem.

“This is the first time in history that we make such a proposition,” the document quoted Ahmed Qurie as saying.

He added that the Palestinians had refused to make such a concession during negotiations led by the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 2000.

Israel has always said it would keep the main settlement blocs around Jerusalem, but the Palestinian leadership has adopted a tougher stance in its public declarations, never letting on it was ready to make such ground.

Abbas said as recently as last week the fate of Jerusalem was not up for discussion. “From our perspective, there are no negotiations over Jerusalem. Jerusalem is ours,” he said.

However, he has also made clear that West Jerusalem was Israeli and could be the capital of the Jewish State.

Israel captured East Jerusalem in a 1967 war, annexing the walled Old City and a belt of surrounding West Bank land shortly after the conflict in a move that has never won international recognition. Both sides want Jerusalem as their capital.

The 2008 transcript was one of some 1,600 documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that the Qatar-based channel said it had obtained from a variety of sources. Britain’s Guardian newspaper had early access to the documents and said it had verified most of them.

The peace talks are at a standstill due to a dispute over Jewish settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, with the Palestinians refusing to return to the negotiating table until Israel halts the building programmes.

The 2008 meeting was part of talks held at the time between the Palestinians and the Israeli government of the then prime minister, Ehud Olmert. They came to an end when Olmert was forced from office over corruption allegations in 2009.

Current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has traditionally taken a much tough stance than his predecessor. — Reuters

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cerita Adzan

Dari Facebook Dr Maza


by on Friday, January 14, 2011 at 2:42pm

Al-Imam al-Hafizd Ibn Jauzi (meninggal 597H) pernah berkata:“Antara tipu daya Iblis ialah mereka yang mencampur adukkan azan dengan peringatan, tasbih dan nasihat. Mereka jadikan azan di antaranya lalu bercampur aduk. Para ulama membenci segala yang ditambah kepada azan. Banyak kita lihat orang yang bangun waktu malam lalu memberikan peringatan dan nasihat atas menara azan. Di kalangan mereka ada yang membaca al-Quran dengan suara yang tinggi lalu menghalang tidur orang ramai dan mengganggu bacaan orang yang bertahajjud. Kesemuanya itu adalah perkara-perkara munkar”. ( Ibn Jauzi, Talbis Iblis, 159, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah).