Monday, January 24, 2011

All things 'Pincuk', 'Sorok' & 'Kawin'

Kinda bored yesterday mornin' so made my way to mak's house. I was sitting n staring at my laptop when mak came and plonked herself next to me. She started to reminisce on the good old days , specifically the absurdities of folks celebrating a wedding. The one she's referring to was that of her eldest bro whom we called 'Pak Long', Arwah. this was in the mid fifties. 'Org dulu dulu pelik pelik. Bersanding p.long tuh dia buat jam 12 malam. Loudspeaker tu diorang pasang kat atas pokok tinggi pastu pasang kuat kuat. Depa ajak org datang kenduri tu pakai mulut ja, tak pakai kad - 'mai la datang kenduri kawin.' Pehtu , sebelum kenduri kawin esok pagi , depa siap nasi utk makan depa pangge nasi 'sorok'. Nasi 'sorok' ni makan dgn 'pincuk'. 'Pincuk' , ingat ingat lupa lak, tak silap buat daripada pisang muda, ngan jantung depa gaul dengan ayer asam jawa pekat , boh gula sikit, belacan , garam, pehtu makan ngan nasi. Abi la depa pi kait jantung pisang kat umah org. Depa mintak izin dulu la kottt....'

hmmm I 'google' on 'pincuk' n found the recipe as follows:

1 - 2 mangkuk buah-buahan muda (buah cerami, kundang, mangga muda pisang muda etc)
1 - 2 genggam cili kering
1 - 2 genggam cili padi
segenggam udang kering
1 - 2 ulas bawang merah
belacan & garam secukup rasa
1/4 - 1/2 cawan kecil air asam jawa pekat - di masak hingga didih
secubit gula (putih atau merah)
  1. Bersihkan buah muda pilihan. Rendam dengan air garam sekurang-kurang untuk 10 minit. Tuskan kering. Jika buah mangga dan seumpamanya, potong anggaran 1 inci.
  2. Rendam cili dan udang kering 5 - 10 minit secara berasingan. Tuskan.
  3. Buang tangkai cili padi dan bersihkan.
  4. Kupas bawang merah dan bersihkan.
  5. Goreng semua bahan-bahan di atas tanpa minyak hingga kering dan naik bau.
  6. Tumbuk cili-cili, udang kering, belacan dan sedikit garam hingga 3/4 lumat.
  7. Campurkan air asam jawa, sedikit garam lagi dan gula. Goles rata beberapa kali. Sesuaikan rasanya.
  8. Masukkan buah muda pilihan dan ditumbuk-tumbuk biar pecah-pecah sedikit.
  9. Gaul rata. Siap untuk dimakan. Waduhhh, enaknya! :) Bagi mereka yang suka le ... Hehe.
** Ada juga orang suka makan pincuk jantung pisang. Jika nak cuba bolehlah. Rebus jantung pisang hingga masak. Potong anggaran 1 inci. Ikut resipi seperti di atas juga, cuma gantikan dengan jantung pisang la.

Looks more like 'Pecal' to me. End of another boring day.. :D

Israel's Lackey or in Malay , 'Barua Israel' .. It doesn't require a genious to figure out who or what the 'barua' is referring to...

Palestinians offered major Jerusalem concessions
January 24, 2011

JERUSALEM, Jan 24 — Palestinian negotiators secretly told Israel it could keep vast swathes of occupied East Jerusalem, according to leaked documents that show Palestinians offering much bigger concessions than previously revealed.

The documents, obtained by the Al Jazeera television channel, could undermine the position of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose public declarations about Jerusalem are at odds with what his officials were promising in private.

Equally sobering for the Palestinian people, who want to create a state on land Israel seized in a 1967 war, is the fact that Israel offered nothing in return for the concessions and turned down the offer, saying it did not go far enough.

The leaked minutes of a 2008 meeting between Palestinian, US and Israeli officials showed a senior Palestinian proposing that Israel annex all but one of its major Jerusalem settlements as part of a broad deal to end their decades-old conflict.

Al Jazeera said it had other documents that it would shortly published showing the Palestinians were also ready to make other massive concessions on the hugely sensitive issue of the right to return for Palestinian refugees.

“This exposes the Palestinian leadership, putting it in a position where it will be impossible to win the confidence of the people,” Zakaria al-Qaq, Palestinian commentator.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat dismissed the documents as “a bunch of lies” during an appearance on Al Jazeera shortly after the documents were released.

In a heated exchange on Al Jazeera, Erekat was confronted by critics including Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al -Quds al-Arabi newspaper, who asked him who had authorised him or the Palestinian leadership “to give up Islamic holy sites”.


Ahmed Qurie, the lead Palestinian negotiator in 2008, proposed that Israel annex all Jewish settlements in Jerusalem except Har Homa. He also said Israel could keep control of a part of the Old City of Jerusalem.

“This is the first time in history that we make such a proposition,” the document quoted Ahmed Qurie as saying.

He added that the Palestinians had refused to make such a concession during negotiations led by the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 2000.

Israel has always said it would keep the main settlement blocs around Jerusalem, but the Palestinian leadership has adopted a tougher stance in its public declarations, never letting on it was ready to make such ground.

Abbas said as recently as last week the fate of Jerusalem was not up for discussion. “From our perspective, there are no negotiations over Jerusalem. Jerusalem is ours,” he said.

However, he has also made clear that West Jerusalem was Israeli and could be the capital of the Jewish State.

Israel captured East Jerusalem in a 1967 war, annexing the walled Old City and a belt of surrounding West Bank land shortly after the conflict in a move that has never won international recognition. Both sides want Jerusalem as their capital.

The 2008 transcript was one of some 1,600 documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that the Qatar-based channel said it had obtained from a variety of sources. Britain’s Guardian newspaper had early access to the documents and said it had verified most of them.

The peace talks are at a standstill due to a dispute over Jewish settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, with the Palestinians refusing to return to the negotiating table until Israel halts the building programmes.

The 2008 meeting was part of talks held at the time between the Palestinians and the Israeli government of the then prime minister, Ehud Olmert. They came to an end when Olmert was forced from office over corruption allegations in 2009.

Current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has traditionally taken a much tough stance than his predecessor. — Reuters

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cerita Adzan

Dari Facebook Dr Maza


by on Friday, January 14, 2011 at 2:42pm

Al-Imam al-Hafizd Ibn Jauzi (meninggal 597H) pernah berkata:“Antara tipu daya Iblis ialah mereka yang mencampur adukkan azan dengan peringatan, tasbih dan nasihat. Mereka jadikan azan di antaranya lalu bercampur aduk. Para ulama membenci segala yang ditambah kepada azan. Banyak kita lihat orang yang bangun waktu malam lalu memberikan peringatan dan nasihat atas menara azan. Di kalangan mereka ada yang membaca al-Quran dengan suara yang tinggi lalu menghalang tidur orang ramai dan mengganggu bacaan orang yang bertahajjud. Kesemuanya itu adalah perkara-perkara munkar”. ( Ibn Jauzi, Talbis Iblis, 159, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah).