Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sultan Abdul Hamid II

"Please advise Dr Hertzel (Zionist) not to make any serious move in this mater. I cannot give up even one small patch of land in Palestine. It is not something that I own as a part of my personal estate. Palestine in fact belongs to the Muslim Nation as a whole. My people have fought with their blood and sweat to protect this land,let the Jews keep their millions and once the Khilafah is torn apart one day, then they can take Palestine without a price,to have the scalpel cut my body is less painful than to witness Palestine being detached from the Khilafah state and this is not going to happen …" ~ Sultan Abdul Hamid II

“Anakku, ayah melihat orang-orang di sini sudah mulai memuji paras rupa dan kecantikanmu. Maka mulai hari ini ayah ingin kamu mengenakan hijab dengan sempurna, kerana kamu sudah menjadi wanita dewasa sekarang.”

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