Monday, March 11, 2019

'Malaysia seperti Afghanistan'

Credit to Mak Khuin Weng

'Mak Khuin Weng
3 hrs ·

There's been a lot of accusations against PAS of late. PAS dituduh akan menjadikan Malaysia seperti Afghanistan.

Adakah itu fitnah?

Let's see ah. PAS as a political party:

1. is registered under our laws.
2. run two state governments in accordance with our laws.
3. participate in our elections and abide by the decision of voters (kalah tu, kalah lah).
4. take legal action against opponents.
5. allows others to take legal action against them.
6. makes state laws for hudud that they want but do not implement them because that goes against a Federal law.

You tell me la, what exactly has PAS actually done that is against what our laws allow?

Mereka tak suka apa yang Islam tak membenarkan saja - mereka berhak menyuarakan apa yang mereka tak suka di bawah undang-undang kita, kan?

Ada perempuan LGBT nak hak tunjuk tetek tapi dia tak tunjuk pun. Dia menyuarakan kehendak dia saja. PAS' response is to issue a statement of disagreement. PAS tak pergi belasah orang pun.

DAP boleh cakap gabungan Umno / PAS tidak dipersetujui oleh non-Muslims. Cakap aje. What can the non-Muslims do if Umno / PAS wants to get married? You ingat orang non-Muslim boleh fail saman untuk tidak membenarkan benda ni berlaku ke?

PAS ada pemimpin yang mengatakan non-Muslim / kafir tak dibenarkan menjadi pemimpin di negara Islam. So? DAP juga ada pemimpin yang mengatakan pemimpin PAS tidak boleh dibenarkan menguasai negara sekiranya rakyat tak nak Malaysia jadi Afghanistan.

Yang buat bising ni buat bising aje. Sebab politik. At one time, DAP also said you have nothing to fear of PAS, that as long as you are not a thief, PAS won't chop off your hands. Haha.

I'm non-Muslim. I've got LGBT friends. I don't care for many things that PAS stands for. But until PAS actually does something that our laws don't allow, I've got no issues with them saying what they want for Malaysia. It's no different from how every other political party says what they want for Malaysia.

Like toll free highways. Cakap saja. Akhirnya tak tunaikan janji pun. Apa kita semua boleh buat? Tunggu sajalah PRU.


Bonus edit: My thoughts on PAS -…/a.473327172687…/2135761063111246/ '

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