Tuesday, August 11, 2020

'Damn thick face mahchan..'

 Credited to Joe Najib with thanks..

The SS2 Pelita is super packed tonight. I couldn't get a table to myself, so I asked a group of well-dressed boys (college kids ready to go clubbing I assumed then) if I could share their long table. They gave me an up-down-up-down stare and looked away. Thick-faced, I took it as a reluctant yes, and sat down anyway.

I must add too that I'm a little "underdressed", wearing my cheap Sports Toto-sponsored bowling t-shirt (Berjaya Group sponsors my bowling team). I'm also wearing a worn-out frown too, from the rough evening I had today. I minded my own business, until I overheard the boys talking in Cantonese:

Boy 1: "Damn thick faced this mahchan. Dunno how to wait for table, simply sit down."

Boy 2: "You surprised meh? See what he wear oso you know lo. "Ahmad" driver or dispatch lo, where got care one. They think this one still like their kampung, everywhere oso can sit."

They break out in laughter.

Boy 2 adds on: "...probably make RM800 per month feed 4 kids. Go everywhere on motorbike must do stunt cos all sit together"

They started talking in English again about their college assignments, and by such brilliant coincidence, they're studying marketing communications from what I gathered.

So right before I left, I stood up, tapped brother no.2 on his shoulder, and spoke to all:

"Contrary to your stereotypical beliefs, I don't work as a dispatch. I own a car, being washed back there. Yes, I understand Cantonese."

I took out 3 of my name cards, and put one in front of each of them.

"I'm an A&P head at a bank, I lead a team of young men just like you, aspiring to be where their 'mahchan' boss is now in terms of knowledge, experience, and a more than decent income. In fact, here, *putting down RM10 on the table* let me pay for your drinks."

I left. Never felt better.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

08082020 - 'FACT CHECK: Regarding YB Tony Pua’s ‘The Curious Case of the Persecution of Lim Guan Eng’'

 Credit goes to Chan Quin Er with thanks

FACT CHECK Regarding YB Tony Pua’s ‘The Curious Case of the Persecution of Lim Guan Eng’

'With all due respect YB,

1. The tunnel project was NOT awarded via Open Tender. It was awarded via a Request for Proposal (RFP). In Open Tenders, all parties bid on the same project with the specifications provided by the client. The bidders will fight to see who is able to carry out the same set of specifications for the lowest price. However, in an RFP, the client does not provide any plan or project specifications for the parties to bid on. The client only has a rough idea of what they want. They then call a RFP, leaving bidders to submit different proposals, and no two proposals are the same.

The entire Penang Transport Master Plan was an RFP (Request for Proposal) RFP is NOT Open Tender, as the public have no means to scrutinize or compare the proposals. Also, RFP are a type of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), which are rather risky. According to Prof Jomo, they are easily abused “because they are ‘off balance sheet’ and do not show up on government debt, giving the illusion of ‘easy money’ or credit”.

MACC did NOT close the case in November 2018. As late as March 2019, when Pakatan Harapan was in full swing, the MACC had confirmed that there were at least 6 active investigation papers looking into the Penang Tunnel issue.

But after PH came to power, MACC mysteriously marked the Penang file ‘No Further Action’, which even perplexed Latheefa Koya so much that she called for it to be reviewed in July 2019 .

But we will never know the results of that review as she suddenly refused to talk about it.

3. Not a single sen involved? Not all corruption has to do with the exchange or transfer of funds & cash. It is public knowledge that cost of the feasibility studies was to be paid via a land swap. It was previously reported to be RM305 million, and the findings are still unreleased as of today – 7 years after the agreement was signed.

Back in January 2018, Penang State Public Works Committee chairman Lim Hock Seng admitted that RM208 million had already been paid just for the feasibility study and road design alone, and such payment was made via alienation of two pieces prime seaside freehold land at the exclusive Seri Tanjung Pinang to Consortium Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd, the firm which was awarded the project to build an undersea tunnel and three roads.

Also in January 2018, Lim Guan Eng had said that the feasibility study for the tunnel was 92% complete. It is now August 2020 and the tunnel study is still nowhere to be seen. But by now, condominium blocks with a gross development value of RM800 million and the Wellness City of Dreams at Bandar Tanjong Pinang, Penang with a gross development value of RM15 billion, have already sprung up on the lands given as payment for the tunnel study.

Not a single sen involved indeed.

4. Lim Guan Eng is not the only one targeted. A whole host of persons have been interviewed and questioned by the MACC, not just Lim Guan Eng alone. You mentioned that the tunnel project was evaluated by a committee chaired by the state secretary? Well, both the Committee chairman Danny Law Heng Kiang and Penang State Secretary at the time Datuk Seri Farizan Darus have been called up for questioning as well.

If the tunnel project was really free from any form of corruption, why was Consortium Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd so eager to get MACC to close their investigations into the RM6.3bil undersea tunnel project that they paid a conman RM19 million to egt MACC to ‘settle’?

So what could be the reason Lim Guan Eng has been so kind to Consortium Zenith Construction, giving them the project and practically free land?

It has been revealed today (7th August 2020) that the MACC charged Lim Guan Eng under Section 16 (a) (A) of the MACC Act 2009 for “corruptly soliciting” 10% of the profits in kickbacks from Datuk Zarul Ahmad Zulkifli, the senior executive director of Consortium Zenith Construction, in return for the projects.

We keep hearing “not a single sen paid/received” from YB Tony and his comrades. But Lim Guan Eng was not charged for receiving bribe money; rather, he was charged for SOLICITING bribe money (https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2020/08/614672/guan-eng-charged-soliciting-bribe-bail-fixed-rm1-million) . So it should have been “not a single sen paid…yet”.

Of course, we have been hearing about this from Raja Petra since last year, but it still remains to be proven true. Raja Petra chose to ignore the lawsuit in order to protect his source in the MACC, hence Lim Guan Eng was awarded a judgement-in-default. We hope that Lim Guan Eng’s lawyers fight the good fight in clearing his name, and may the judges be fair.

PS: On a side note, there is no need to bring Dato’ Sri Najib into this at all, YB. He has already been convicted by a court of law. Two wrongs don’t make a right. At least Dato’ Sri Najib was tried in court, perhaps it is time for Lim Guan Eng to prove his case too?'

In Super Ring snack photo, Najib appears to troll Dr Mahathir over ...

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

'You tahu siapa curi Negara punya wang. ' ~ bg non...

credit to bg non opkos...

'You tahu siapa curi Negara punya wang. You pun tau. Saya kesian juga, Dr. Mahathir hari-hari marah sama saya. Antara orang yang paling takut saya jadi Perdana Menteri ialah Mahathir. Dia demam tau. Kemudian ada orang beritahu, “Mahathir, Anwar mungkin jadi Perdana Menteri. Terus dia bangun, tak boleh, kata dia haha. You tau apasal takut? Sebab harta sudah banyak. Harta anak-anak dia berpuluh puluh BILIYUN. Tengok kontrak Petronas. Siapa dapat banyak? Kencana Petroleum. Mokhzani Tun Mahathir. Semua dia angkut. Takdak melayu pandai berniagakah? Tak da Cina, Dayak pandai berniagakah? Semua anak dia punyakah?

Itu satu. Kemudian beli itu beer punya company. St Miguel Filipina. Saya punya meja takdak. Carlsberg takdak. Tetapi Mahathir punya anak, Mirzan beli..beer punya company.. Aiyoo! Kadawale..Berapa harga? 2900 juta cash..RM 2.9 billion cash! Mana angkut (dapat duit)? Menang loteri tiap hari? Dia menang loteri, every month for 20 years. Kemudian selepas ambil St Miguel ini untung. Beli Esso Malaysia. Kalau tak salah kira-kira RM 1.7 billion. Tukar nama kepada Petron. Semalam, Malaysia Airlines. Siapa dia penasihat petronas? Mahathir. Semalam Malaysia Airlines umum, pertama sekali dalam sejarah dan ini satu syarikat penerbangan di dunia yang beli minyak untuk enam bulan ini, tiada syarikat penerbangan lain (lakukannya). Malaysia Airlines hanya akan beli dari syarikat minyak (milik) anak Mahathir, Petron - 6 bulan. SAYA MAU TANYA INI NEGERI.. BAPAK YOU ATAU RAKYAT PUNYA? KALAU RAKYAT PUNYA, HENTIKAN BENDA MENGARUT INI.'


Thursday, July 23, 2020

'No intersection. So area bounded in infinity....Q.E.D. 😐'


An answer to sarcasm , credit to Mr Abdul Wahab Ishaari, Ex UTM - FKE, retired not retarded.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

'Budaya Arab vs Budaya Melayu' ~ Dr MAZA

Link disini

'Ada pihak mengkritik melayu yang meniru budaya Arab termasuk menggunakan istilah-istilah seperti iftar, 'idil fitr dan lain-lain. Ya, kita pun akui bahawa Islam pun tidak memerintahkan kita mengamalkan budaya atas dasar kearaban Arab. Islam itu bukan agama perkauman Arab.Namun perlu disedari bahawa sebahagian perkataan arab itu telah menjadi istilah yang dipakai dalam keilmuan Islam termasuk iftar, haji, masjid, sujud, rukuk dan seumpamanya. Tiada salahnya kita menggunakan istilah-istilah ini seperti mana banyak istilah Inggeris kita guna dalam bidang yang lain. Bahkan banyak istilah Arab itu lebih mendekati maksud syarak dalam kerangka istilah ilmu.
Lebih daripada itu, al-Quran berbahasa Arab yang tidak boleh ditukar ganti dengan bahasa lain. Apa yang boleh, sekadar terjemahan maksud ayat-ayat al-Quran bagi yang gagal memahami teks Arabnya yang asal. Namun bacaan al-Quran kekal dalam bahasa Arab. Al-Quran bahasa Arab dan Nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w juga berbahasa Arab.
Islam tidak memaksa kita memakai jubah ataupun mensyaratkan muslim mesti memakai jubah. Tapi, tiada salah ataupun ganjil seseorang melayu memakai jubah. Apatah lagi di peringkat dunia, jubah telah sekian lama menjelma sebagai pakaian sarjana. Itu sebabnya, hasil dari tamadun ilmu yang umat Islam kembangkan di zaman kegemilangannya, sehingga hari ini, jubah telah menjadi pakaian graduan di seluruh dunia pada hari mereka menerima ijazah.
Tidak mengapa untuk kita menyatakan tidak setuju ikut budaya Arab sebab kita Melayu. Namun, yang ganjilnya, jika kita tidak pernah pula mengkritik budaya Barat sehingga ia menjadi ikutan bukan sahaja dalam pakaian bahkan tingkah laku kita dalam semua perkara, baik dan buruk.
Ada orang Melayu yang sudah tiada melayu lagi sekalipun pada upacara 'kemelayuan'. Hari diangkat menjadi 'ketua melayu' pun tiada pakaian melayu dan cara melayu. Budaya dan pakaian begitu Barat sekali. Tidak pula kita nilai dengan kritis.
Tiada salahnya untuk kita kritik budaya yang tidak sesuai dengan identiti baik kita, tapi dengan sikap adil untuk setiap budaya bukan dengan mentaliti yang double-standard.
Islam tidak menyuruh melayu menjadi Arab. Tidak pula supaya melayu menjadi Barat. Apa yang disuruh adalah seperti Surah al-Hujurat iaitu 'kenal-mengenal antara satu sama lain'. Sudah pasti antara tujuannya untuk mengambil manfaat dari budaya yang baik dan menghindari budaya yang tidak baik. Isunya bukan Arab ataupun Barat, tapi menilai antara yang positif dan negatif."'

Sessi Soal Jawab - 'Arabization'

Link - disini

'Pada sesi soal jawab forum Pengawas Almari Orang Melayu bertajuk "Arabisation" yang antara ahli panelnya terdiri dari seorang anak Tok Arab celup, seorang anak Cina berpangkal nama Mat Salleh dan seorang anak perempuan Mamak Kerala, satu soalan telah dikemukakan oleh seorang anak Melayu. Di atas kepala Anak Melayu itu satu topi baseball dipakai terbalik yang hadapan ke belakang, berbaju kemeja T dipadankan seluar jeans sendat dan kasut kulit bermuncung tajam ala koboi. Berkata anak Melayu itu dengan sedikit pelat California Timur,
"First of all, my name is Joe and I'm from Subang Jaya." Dia memperkenalkan dirinya seperti yang diminta.
"I memang setuju with you Datin Paduka. I think those Arab wannabes are losers seriously. I paling menyampah bila dengar diorang bercakap konon konon nak bunyi Arab, you know. "Ana", "enta", tak boleh ke cakap macam biasa je. "Iftar" konon. What's wrong with "Bukak Puase"? Kenapa nak campur campur bahasa Arab? Please lah".
Dia berhenti seketika apabila hadirin bertepuk gemuruh menyambut kata katanya itu.
"Yang lelaki sibuk nak berjubah, yang perempuan pulak dah jadi ninja. I mean c'mon la weh. Those jubah, purdah, are not our culture kot. You tengok Chinese mana ada sibuk nak ikut budaya orang lain, tengok pakaian diorang. Kenapa ada Melayu Melayu ni yang perasan nak jadi Arab? Ada you jumpa Chinese pakai nama Arab? Mana ada. Diorang semua bangga pakai nama sendiri. Tak ada pun terhegeh hegeh nak ikut orang. Tengok diorang punya wedding, pengantin diorang pakai je pakaian tradisional diorang."
Sekali lagi dewan gamat dengan tepukan dari para hadirin.
"Ok la my question to you Datin Paduka, why these people are so judgemental? Kenapa diorang suka judge orang? Especially judging us from the way we dress? Kita tak pernah pun nak judge diorang base on pakaian diorang. We are just stating the facts. The fact is, Melayu yang pakai jubah ni memang judgemental. Perasan bagus, berlagak alim. Insecure. Teringin nak jadi Arab. What's your take on this Datin Paduka?"