Tuesday, August 11, 2020

'Damn thick face mahchan..'

 Credited to Joe Najib with thanks..

The SS2 Pelita is super packed tonight. I couldn't get a table to myself, so I asked a group of well-dressed boys (college kids ready to go clubbing I assumed then) if I could share their long table. They gave me an up-down-up-down stare and looked away. Thick-faced, I took it as a reluctant yes, and sat down anyway.

I must add too that I'm a little "underdressed", wearing my cheap Sports Toto-sponsored bowling t-shirt (Berjaya Group sponsors my bowling team). I'm also wearing a worn-out frown too, from the rough evening I had today. I minded my own business, until I overheard the boys talking in Cantonese:

Boy 1: "Damn thick faced this mahchan. Dunno how to wait for table, simply sit down."

Boy 2: "You surprised meh? See what he wear oso you know lo. "Ahmad" driver or dispatch lo, where got care one. They think this one still like their kampung, everywhere oso can sit."

They break out in laughter.

Boy 2 adds on: "...probably make RM800 per month feed 4 kids. Go everywhere on motorbike must do stunt cos all sit together"

They started talking in English again about their college assignments, and by such brilliant coincidence, they're studying marketing communications from what I gathered.

So right before I left, I stood up, tapped brother no.2 on his shoulder, and spoke to all:

"Contrary to your stereotypical beliefs, I don't work as a dispatch. I own a car, being washed back there. Yes, I understand Cantonese."

I took out 3 of my name cards, and put one in front of each of them.

"I'm an A&P head at a bank, I lead a team of young men just like you, aspiring to be where their 'mahchan' boss is now in terms of knowledge, experience, and a more than decent income. In fact, here, *putting down RM10 on the table* let me pay for your drinks."

I left. Never felt better.

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