Thursday, June 4, 2009

Muktamar PAS 2009 , Stadium Melawati

Persuade the wife to visit PAS 2009 Muktamar which begind tomorrow, 6th June 2009. It was like a carnival. According to the announcement made, 500 tents were erected for vendors to hawk their wares...

Book by Tuan Sabariah, TGNA's wife, 'Bidadari dari Timur'. Bought one for Along..

Registration for the Muktamar

Lookie here, an old friend..long time no c dude (with his wife)

The Stadium where the Muktamar will be held

Solat Isya'

Good for Diabetes, Gout, blah. blah, blah...and...Ahem...

'Waaaaa.. dari mana dek ?". "Temerloh"."Uissshh jauh nyer.. darjah berapa nih?"."Darjah 4..."

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