Friday, June 5, 2009

To my sons....

Last night, the significant other and me was driving to the Muktamar held at Melawati stadium while listening to Ustaz Zahazan on the radio. He was doing the tafsir on an ayat which i do not know but the tafsir emphasized the relationship between a father and his sons, daughters, and wife and summarised as follows (I didn't catch it in full):
  • That the father's love to the son is more tha the love of a son to his father
  • That on the day of resurrection, the father no longer can protect his son nor the son to his father.
  • That the daughters will defend their fathers
  • That the wife will "prosecute" the husband.
What really moved me is the hadeeth quoted below, which was stated by the learned Ustaz and which i browsed from the net:

RASULULLAH menangis, hiba hatinya mendengar luahan hati seorang ayah mengenai anaknya. Lelaki tua itu berkata: “Ketika kecil, tanganku inilah yang memberimu makan. Engkau kehausan, akulah yang menuangkan. Jika kau sakit, tiada aku tidur sepanjang malam, sakitmu itu membuatku kerisauan. Tetapi kini selepas engkau mencapai tujuan. Kulihat dalam dirimu apa yang tidak kuharapkan. Kau balas dengan kekerasan dan kekasaran. Seolah-olah nikmat dan anugerah itu engkau yang berikan.”

Berlinangan air mata Rasulullah, baginda memanggil anak itu dan bersabda kepadanya: “Kamu dan semua milikmu, semuanya adalah milik ayahmu.” Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah, Imam Ahmad dalam al-Musnad, Ibnu Hibban dalam Sahihnya dan al-Baihaqi dalam al-Sunan.

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