Monday, December 27, 2010

Dari segi Adab dah tak betoi, pi ikut watper..

Pakai Seluar Londeh DiDenda USD200 Di Giorgia, US

Orang yang memakai seluar londeh dan menampakkan seluar dalamnya atau bahagian bawah pinggang disama tarafkan dengan mereka yang beraksi tidak senonoh seperti mastubarsi, kencing di tempat awam atau mencabul. Begitulah rumusannya apabila peraturan ini dikuat kuasakan di Dublin - Giorgia, Riviera Beach - Florida dan Flint - Michigan, Amerika Syarikat. Lagi sini

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

BBQ - Bersama Bina Qudwah ,Dar An Nahl

'Ali at minute 1:06

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Alang main bola di Tanta

Maka barang siapa yg berat timbangan amal baiknya, maka mereka itu org2 yg berjaya.

Al Mukminun , 102

'Eee che Dah, berjaya awak ye, anak2 engineer, lectutrer cucu pon nak jadi doktor, dentist la ek..' dan yg sering di ungkapkan org dan kita apabila anak2 berjaya mendapat segulung tauliah ~ 'Tahniah!!!' Semoga Anak2 kita membesar menjadi anak2 yg soleh yg memlihara akan agama mereka , ameen

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ustaz Emran

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jangan lah kamu berputus asa dari Rahmat ALLAH...

" Katakan lah: Hai hamba-hamba ku yang banyak berbuat dosa, jangan lah kamu berputus asa dari Rahmat ALLAH. Sesungguhnys ALLAH mengampuni dosa semuanya apabila kamu bertaubat. Sesungguhnys ALLAH amat Pengasih lagi amat Penyanyang"

Surah Az Zumar Ayat 53

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Berkawan kerana Allah

Dari Nasbun Nurani

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Orang yang menyayangi satu sama lain semata-mata kerana Allah akan berada di atas kursi yang diperbuat dari yaqut (delima) di keliling arasy”

Orang Islam kena sayang antara satu sama lain. Menyayangi satu sama lain semata-mata kerana Allah ialah berkawan tanpa kepentingan peribadi (untuk mendapatkan sesuatu) atau kerana nafsu (contohnya sama-sama meminati perkara yang tidak baik seperti judi).

Rasululah saw yang bermaksud: “ Seseorang itu adalah mengikut agama temannya, oleh itu hendaklah seseorang itu meneliti siapa yang menjadi temannya” (H.R Abu Daud). Bak kata pepatah Arab, “ Bersahabat dengan penjual minyak wangi, kita akan menerima percikan wangiannya, manakala bersahabat dengan tukang besi, percikan apinya akan mencarikkan baju kita.”

Tuhan menghargai persahabatan yang tulus ikhlas kerananya dengan memberi tempat ‘special’ di akhirat iaitu di atas kursi yang diperbuat dari delima di keliling arasy. Arasy itu lebih tinggi dari syurga, ia seolah-olah bumbung syurga (tetapi bukan). Para malaikat juga beredar di sekeliling Arasy:-

Az-Zumar [75] Dan (pada hari itu) engkau akan melihat malaikat beredar di sekeliling Arasy dengan bertasbih memuji Tuhan mereka,

Addinun Nasihah....

Nasihat dari sa orang ayah kepada anak ...


semalam hari kesungulan gua. sekali lagi gua terkedu dan hampir tersungkur. gua merasakan satu kepedihan hidup yang amat menyakitkan. seringkali gua terhenti dan mengelamun.sekiranya ada yang terhenti dan kemudian ter'refleks' akan dirinya sebentar, gua rasa ianya sangat beruntung kerana tuhan masih lagi memberi peringatan.

gua suka. gua suka bila jadi macam ni. gua jadi lemah dan sentiasa mencari-cari orang yang baik untuk memberi nasihat. sepanjang hidup gua, gua bukan suka mengadu, tapi tak salahkan kalau gua suka bertanya. gua tertanya-tanya bagaimana manusia dan maksiat. gua sering lakukan maksiat dan kemudian bertaubat.kemudian maksiat balik dan kembali lagi bertaubat. "apa gua menganjing tuhan ke?" sentap hati gua. tu yang gua rasa serba salah, letih dan rimas.

lalu gua beranikan diri tanya-tanya manusia yang lebih bijak dari gua. yang lebih berpengalaman dari gua. apa punca. punca segala keluh kesah yang bertatang di dada. rahsia-rahsia penguat dan pembaikpulih jiwa yang rosak dan amalan yang korup.

gua cakap gua nak jadi baik. dia cakap "rahmat tuhan tu maha luas"
gua cakap gua nak jadi baik tapi banyak halangan. "biasalah tu"
gua cakap gua payah nak kawal diri. dia cakap "banyakkan sedekah, puasa sunat dan amalan-amalan sunat yang lain".
gua cakap gua sering buat dosa. dia cakap "kalau satu kaum tu berhenti buat dosa, dah tentu tuhan akan gantikan dengan satu kaum yang lain yang buat dosa dan kemudian bertaubat"
gua cakap gua buat dosa lagi dalampada nak bertaubat. dia cakap "biasalah tu"
gua mengeluh. dia kata "tuhan tak akan sia-siakan orang yang nak kembali pada-Nya".

dia cakap lagi "jangan sekali-kali putus asa dengan tuhan"

dada gua kembali normal dan gua sedut cukup-cukup.

syukran abah.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Friday, November 5, 2010


Test borang hehhehe picit la.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tut Tut :D

Da boys having a great time in Tanta :D My son , let this be your friends' your goodself's hijrah for the sake of Allah & Rasul, ameen

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wayyy ta go dude!!!!

Begin Quote

Walaupun begitu, selaku seorang yang taat beragama, sudah tentulah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Muhammad Ke-V juga berhasrat untuk memenuhi tuntutan agamanya. Untuk itu, sama-samalah kita mendoakan agar Baginda dikurniakan seorang permaisuri yang memenuhi ciri-ciri yang diingini oleh Baginda, khususnya yang berakhlak mulia, yang menguasai dengan baik al-Qur’an dan yang menutup dengan sempurna auratnya.

Allahu Akbar.

End Quote

Excerpt taken from Kelatte Insider :D

Monday, October 4, 2010

Finally , since the 27th Sept 2010 and on the 3rd Oct 2010, he finally called online :D

"Barang sini murahhhh, arab ni kasar lah. cuaca panas sgt, tapi nak masuk musim sejuk... makan sedapppppp" patutlah nampak 'cendul' je pipi

On why the long silence a week "senior tgh nak beli SIM card. Yg lain pon camtu gak" Sure u do!!!

Maka terubatlah rindu seorang ibu terhadap anaknya... abah die rock steady je heheh

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Tribute to Ali by Zaharie Xaharie

The never ending story of Satang..Greed & Power

Monday September 27, 2010

Satang lacks fast-track solutions to exit PN17


It’s still grappling with pressing issues, which needs serious attention

SATANG Holdings Bhd is still making no headway in its attempt to get out of the PN17 status after being delisted from Bursa Malaysia for more than a year.

Despite the emergence of Pascal Resources Sdn Bhd as its largest controlling shareholder in July last year, the maintainance, repair and overhaul (MRO) service provider to the Defense Ministry is still grappling with various pressing issues, which warrant serious attention but sadly “no” fast track solutions to streamline its operation and business activities.

Several attempts to put Satang’s house in order include the proposed rights issue and a capital reduction exercise to remedy its financial position but still has yet to obtain the approvals from regulators as well as the revised listing application submitted last month which is still waiting the greenlight from Bursa Malaysia.

Pascal meanwhile, since acquiring a 26.43% stake from the previous controlling shareholder Datuk Jamaluddin Hassan, had been actively bringing in new board members including another shareholder Lofti Miskam.

As of last Monday, the latest to join the board was Dr Mohamad Salmi Mohd Sohod as director.

Despite facing the turbulences, Satang, which provides maintainance, repair and overhaul services to the Defense Ministry, still managed to make profit.

Jamaluddin, a former staff officer of the Royal Malaysian Air Force headquarters at MINDEF had since resigned from the company after disposing his entire stake in Satang.

Last week, however, Satang was again confronted with another stumbling block. It was reported that a boardroom tussle was brewing between Pascal Resources and the non-aligned independent directors pertaining to the reinstatement of its managing director Malim Mohamed last week. The board members of Satang were believed to have form an alliance with Pascal Resources to reinstate Malim who was suspended by the board in the middle of last month, according to recent reports quoting sources.

The unexpected move came about after a board meeting last Tuesday to discuss queries raised by Bursa Malaysia, including the appointment of a reputable independent audit firm to review the internal controls of Satang.

It was learnt that eight of the 10 board members attended the meeting but only seven voted on the matter.

Five board members voted in favour of Malim’s reinstatement, while one voted against and one abstained. Two independent board members were away.

Malim who holds a degree in chemical engineering (natural gas) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, has a vast experience in the oil and gas sector.

In a filing to Bursa last Friday, Satang said its decision to lift the suspension on Malim was among others, to ensure a smooth day-to-day operation for Satang.

During Malim’s suspension, a management committee was established to run the company’s operation.

Malim was earlier suspended based on an undated report of alleged irregularities presented to the board on August 11 with auditing firm Ernst & Young to conduct in-depth investigation into the alleged irregularities.

The suspension on Malim had been lifted with conditions that the management committee appointed on August 11 continue to monitor Malim while Ernst & Young should be retained as the audit firm to investigate the alleged irregularities.

However, despite facing all these turbulences, Satang somehow still managed to make profit for its business. For the first nine months ended June 30, the group posted a net profit of RM1.1mil for on the back of RM36.98mil in revenue.

According to Satang, it wants to merge several workshop operations offering MRO services under its subsidiary Satang Jaya Sdn Bhd. It also planned to enhance Satang Dagangan Sdn Bhd’s product range, thus making it the group’s sole trading arm for safety, survival and rescue equipment.

Based on previous report, Satang’s contract for the maintenance of Mindef’s safety and survival equipment would end in September next year.

Monday, September 27, 2010

27th Sept 2010 - My son left for Tonta U to further his studies in Medicine

May Allah look upon u with compassion and enhance your Iman, ameen

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lesson in Islam - 1924, the Khilafah

Ruben Abu Bkr ~ Open up your eyes , Maher Zain

I've almost had an ice-cream once if not for an uncle who reminded me it was Ramadhan ;D

Hadith of the Day Narrated Abu Hurairah (RA): The Prophet (may peace be upon him) said, "If somebody eats something forgetfully while he is fasting, then he should complete his fast, for Allah has made him eat and drink." [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 8, Hadith No. 662] Thanks to sister Irfana for posting this on HOTD earlier :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One breast bouncing... Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

Raden Galoh, She died a 19th Jul 2010. A comment on her last blog entry, presumably her doctor (?):

Blogger Dr. Hasanah said...

Salam Dalilah,

I tengah bercuti satu minggu sekarang and getting a glimpse of your current condition quickly.

Takut tak sempat nak wish for your coming trip, I pohon kemaafan daripda you dan I memberi kemafaan kepada you juga.

Semoga you tabah dan berjaya dalam perjalanan nanti.



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Al Ulama Al Fadil Kickdfella speaketh...

Why not allow sports betting too, Kelantan Govt told

KOTA BARU: Controversial blogger Kickdefella has questioned why PAS leaders are vehemently against legalising sports betting when Kelantan allows the sale of alcohol to non-Muslims.

“I do not understand why the PAS government in Kelantan is against sports betting when they can legalise alcohol consumption for non-Muslims,” said the blogger whose name is Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz.

“One sin is not lesser than the other,” he said when interviewed.

Syed Azidi said on Nov 19, 1992, Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat issued a statement that alcohol could only be sold to non-Muslims.

“He had said that if the sale of such beverages was banned, it would make things difficult for non-Muslims..”

Damai Bersamamu

Aku Termenung Di Bawah Mentari
Di Antara Megahnya Alam Ini
Menikmati Indahnya Kasih-Mu
Kurasakan Damainya Hatiku

Sabda-Mu Bagai Air Yang Mengalir
Basahi Panas Terik Di Hatiku
Menerangi Semua Jalanku
Kurasakan Tenteramnya Hatiku

Jangan Biarkan Damai Ini Pergi
Jangan Biarkan Semuanya Berlalu
Hanya Pada-Mu Tuhan
Tempatku Berteduh
Dari Semua Kepalsuan Dunia

Bila Ku Jauh Dari Diri-Mu
Akan Kutempuh Semua Perjalanan
Agar Selalu Ada Dekat-Mu
Biar Kurasakan Lembutnya Kasih-Mu

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bill Clinton called his as 'socks' n daughter Chelsea loves it so much!.... Welldone UPCO :D

Najib asks names for his new cat

June 18, 2010
Najib up close with his new pet.
KUALA LUMPUR, June 18 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak welcomes suggestions of names for the kitten he bought yesterday.

“My family and I are in the process of picking out a name for it, but I welcome suggestions from you,” he said in his blog today.

The prime minister said that having had cats for pets before, he picked it up and was instantly taken by this cuddly creature.

“I am sure my daughter will be excited to meet it the next time she comes home,” he said.

Najib said that at the launch of the “Buy Malaysia” campaign yesterday, he was able to make some personal purchases and among these was a spur-of-the-moment buy — an orange-and-white Persian kitten. — Bernama

Thursday, May 27, 2010

When it comes to subsidies, the ppl will decide. When it comes to Tanjung Pagar, UMNO will decide...:D

PM: The people will decide if subsidies stay or go

The people will decide if subsidies are maintained or abolished but the important point is that they must fully understand the consequences of that decision, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said on Thursday. Earlier, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala said that Malaysia would be bankrupt in nine years if it failed to cut subsidies and rein in borrowings. ~ The Star

Najib says Umno backs Singapore deal

KUALA LUMPUR, May 27 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak declared today that he had obtained the backing of the Umno supreme council for the government’s decision to relocate the Tanjong Pagar railway station in Singapore.

The prime minister also said more meetings with Singapore would be required to solve other contentious bilateral issues. ~ Malaysian insider

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's not good talking thru your below the stomach orifice....

Thursday May 6, 2010

Minor at fault in shooting incident, says expert

KUALA LUMPUR: It is clear that 14-year-old Aminulrasyid Amzah was at fault in his shooting, leading him to being accidentally shot by police who were only discharging their duties, a clinical psychologist said.

Assoc Prof Dr Teoh Hsien Jin said the situation was getting out of proportion and that the public had overlooked the most important issue, which was that of a minor driving a car without a driving licence.

He said that as far as the law was concerned, such an act was an offence.

“The crime rate in Selangor is worrying and the police have taken the necessary steps to reduce crime in the state by putting more men on patrol to react to any perceived threat.

“A lot of violent crime takes place after midnight and a speeding car pursued by a group of motorcyclists fits the scenario perfectly,” said Dr Teoh who is the Head of the School of Natural Health and Sciences in Sunway University College.

Dr Teoh, a former journalist, said the usual procedure for policemen in a patrol car or at roadblocks would be to pull a suspicious car over and shine a torchlight into it.

“But the policemen may not have had the chance to do that in Aminulrasyid’s case as the minor sped off, which led to the police firing at the speeding car.

“Police on shifts are normally armed with automatic firearms because they do not know who or what they will be up against. You just have to react to dangerous situations.

“When they opened fire, it is likely that one stray bullet could have hit him. In the dark, they were probably shooting to stop the car,” said Dr Teoh, who was also a Territorial Army officer.

He said he sympathised with the Inspector-General of Police who had come under fire from various quarters for threatening to pull his men off the streets following a public outcry over the incident.

“They are already overworked and underpaid and politicising the matter does not help. It is only making them more frustrated and angry,” he said.

Yeawwww, Mr Professor man, read this dude, n see if fathom this, congrat to these breed of police officers man, I commend u for using your brain unlike the professor quoted above:

takened also from The Star

Teen robber shot in cybercafe


KUALA LUMPUR: A 17-year-old who robbed a cybercafe with seven accomplices was shot in the leg and arrested when he tried to attack a policeman.

However, his accomplices managed to flee with RM1,300 taken from the cybercafe in Jalan Genting Klang here.

Sentul OCPD Asst Comm Zakaria Pagan said two plainclothes policemen were in the cybercafe on crime prevention rounds when the robbers armed with machetes, knives, a saw and an axe entered the premises.

Dangerous weapon: ACP Zakaria showing the saw which was used by the teenager during the cybercafe robbery.

He said the policemen, who were in the washroom, were shocked to find the robbers waving their weapons at the manager when they came out.

They pretended to be patrons and waited for the right time to act. There were also other customers in the premises.

“When the manager handed over the money to the suspects, one of the policemen shouted ‘police’ and all the suspects turned towards them,” ACP Zakaria told a press conference here yesterday.

The 17-year-old, who was armed with a saw and a chopper, tried to attack one of the policemen, forcing him to open fire. Two shots hit the suspect in the leg, while a third went wide.

ACP Zakaria said the other suspects fled in a BMW waiting outside, but one of them escaped on foot.

The youth is reported to be in stable condition at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. Police have yet to interrogate him.

Initial investigations revealed that the suspect is believed to have been involved in seven other robberies in Ampang and Keramat.

“We are looking for the other suspects aged between 17 and 24 years,” said ACP Zakaria.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I see the bad moon rising.... First day out

'I see the bad moon rising
I see the trouble on the way
I see earthquake n lightnin'
I see bad times today... '

~ Creedence Clearwater Revival

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pain Remover...

'Uthman ibn Abu Al-'As relates that "once he complained of pain in his body to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) The Messenger of Allah, (pbuh), said: 'Put your hand where you feel pain in your body and say, "Bismillah (in the name of Allah)," and say, "A 'udhu bi 'izzatillah wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uha...dhiru (I seek refuge in the might of Allah and in His Power from the evil that I find and that I fear)," seven times'." 'Uthman continued: "I did that a few times and Allah removed my pain. I always advised my family and others to do the same." (Muslim)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pig Cells in Cigarette


Rokok ada sel darah babi

ROKOK bukan sahaja berbahaya tetapi kini timbul isu kandungan darah babi di dalamnya.

KUALA LUMPUR - Seorang pakar akademik dari Australia semalam mendedahkan satu hasil kajian di Belanda baru-baru ini yang mendakwa menemui sel darah merah babi sebagai kandungan penyekat bahan kimia dalam puntung rokok.

Profesor Simon Chapman dari Universiti Sydney dilaporkan berkata, kajian itu mendapati babi digunakan dalam 185 jenis industri termasuk penemuan sel darah merah haiwan itu dalam penapis (filter) rokok.

Kenyataan beliau yang disiarkan oleh akhbar Daily Telegraph kelmarin menjelaskan, hasil kajian tersebut pastinya mengejutkan perokok yang beragama Islam serta Yahudi yang diharamkan memakan babi.

Menurutnya, setakat ini satu jenama rokok yang dijual di Greece telah didapati mengandungi darah babi.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Telling isn't it?


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


'Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'uun'

Imam Ahmad reported that Umm Salamah narrated:

Once, Abu Salamah came back after he was with Allah’s Messenger and said: I heard Allah’s Messenger recite a statement that made me delighted. He said:(No Muslim is struck with an affliction and then says Istirja` when the affliction strikes, and then says: `O Allah! Reward me for my loss and give me what is better than it,’ but Allah will do just that.) Umm Salamah said: So I memorized these words. When Abu Salamah died I said Istirja` and said: "O Allah! Compensate me for my loss and give me what is better than it.” I then thought about it and said, "Who is better than Abu Salamah” When my `Iddah (the period of time before the widow or divorced woman can remarry) finished, Allah’s Messenger asked for permission to see me while I was dyeing a skin that I had. I washed my hands, gave him permission to enter and handed him a pillow, and he sat on it.

He then asked me for marriage and when he finished his speech, I said, "O Messenger of Allah! It is not because I do not want you, but I am very jealous and I fear that you might experience some wrong mannerism from me for which Allah would punish me. I am old and have children.” He said: (As for the jealousy that you mentioned, Allah the Exalted will remove it from you. As for your being old as you mentioned, I have suffered what you have suffered. And for your having children, they are my children too.) She said, "I have surrendered to Allah’s Messenger.” Allah’s Messenger married her and Umm Salamah said later, "Allah compensated me with who is better than Abu Salamah: Allah’s Messenger .’ [ Muslim reported a shorter version of this Hadith]