Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On the way to Bangsar to visit his uncle who was discharged from UH due to surgery on his testicals (actually tak jadi bedah, kensel....muekekekekke)

When i 1st heard the Nus, I thought it might be prostrate cancer. "Takde la, doktor buat "ultrasound", banyak air je. Masa solat, duduk "tahiyat akhir" (bukan jama' takyah), tokono latai mondo tuh! Takler sakit plak. (muakakakakaakak, maka berderai derai ketawa kitorang). Pastu die tanyer, ade blood presure ke, dah buat ECG ke? Banyak sangat soalan, Kensel!"

And now, without further ado, may we present you, the one only, "No 3 Son" singing "apo apo la heh!" (clap! clap! clap! more! more!...please, please u all don't have to stand, please, you're so kind...pewwweeeeettt!)

Sigh ... die amik tepon kakak die terus die "tangkap" clip ni sendiri..


:: NbC :: said...

fuh, slang yea anak sebut 'cerah'.. like father like son... :-P

hmmmm how old is he...?

mangchikla said...

He was borned on the very day i went on "retirement leave" and "Chinese New Year", 7th Feb 2000. That would make him 8 years old. Boleh "begetar" masa nyanyi. Tyg kitorang dan tahan nak gelak (die marah)..akakakakakakkaak

mangchikla said...

Nostalgia. N since i was on a very long leave (3 months prior official retirement date), I got nothing better to do other than to take care of da wife. All these while it was "saya nak balik umah mak. Mak kite, kite balik lah".

So it was routine, buat susu anak every two hours, tukau nappy, basuh /sidai/lipat baju, buat sup, boh banyak lada, pegi pasau and the occasional "Bang, tolong kutip baju nak ujan", "Bang tolong jerang air", "bang, pilin bang", "Eeee bang mana boleh minum air banyak niiiii","Sayur ni maner boleh, sejukkk", "bang, stoking bang". Once in a while i would retort "alaaaah ..makan je, bukan nyer mak awak nampak pon, tuh pompuan mat salleh tuh, steady je minum arak, 2 minggu dah 'up & running'". the mattress was full of it...heh, tak sangka wat sumer tuh. The MIL was around for two weeks n kept a watchful eye. "Pandai abah nyo.." ..Muekekekek masa tuh "Kembang" pungk*k. Less I forgot , Allah bless me with memorising Surah As Sajdah, An Naba', An Naziat, Al Abassa, which I need to relook as i seem to have forgotten again..sheeeh. N now? "Anak lagi? Eeee takde laaa, saya dah tak larat, awak nak kawin, kawin la..." ekekeekekek..btoi ke nih? ....muahahahhaahhahahaahah

:: NbC :: said...

wah salute lah leh buat semua tu... canggih canggih daddy ni..

mangchikla said...

Like i said , nostalgia n the least i could do, after seeing all four of our kids (except one which i miss while going down to the parking lot to put in the coins, no2 son ler..ekekekek) coming out into this world at the operation theater. Yang lebih canggih actually is the wife/womenfolk who cater for her family from dawn to dusk religiously. "Jantan" nih relax je, pastu order "Err,wat kopi satu, boleh?", muekekekek. Tgk die "merintih" had humbled me and began to understand the love my mother had showered me all these years, n even now walau pon eden yg dah tuo nih..tapi pantang pantang tah hape hape ek? Ikot den takyah tapi nak jaga ati omak montuo den, isteri den pon kuek pantang...akakakakak