Thursday, May 1, 2008

Folio Sejarah dan Keluarga, No 2 Son.

It began with "Abah nak kene hantar Folio hari Juma'at" .....this was last Sunday. Shoot, thought of just relaxing on Thursday.

No 2 son while he was a "taliban" in Maahad Tahfiz, Ciakkk!!!
After proof reading by the significant other (she insisted, even though she was "berkemban" right after shower..ekekekek.. we were pressed for time at 2210 fearing closing time) Went straight to the printing shop ( no color printer maaaa, couldn't afford one.. ekekeek :-( ).

The boys did the plastic sheet selection..pale blue

Looking in awe at the "binding using the comb" process...

Vuola.. the end product.. But doing the folio made me dig into some old photos which I have not seen for so many years. Old and quaint.

Al Fatihah. He would have been 80 years old today. Insya Allah, not only your offsprings n wife who will constantly be making du'a, but u are bless by Allah in having several grandsons as "muhafiz". Allahu Akhbar!

Other that the above, the rest was kind of laid back..

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