Saturday, May 31, 2008

To the market we will go....

Update 18:35 pm today. Went to the same tyre workshop to service another car of ours. "Abang, memang manyak telok ini keleta. Kena buat itu cambering, alignment dan balancing. Tapi itu proses ade sikit mahal lagi sebab kelete kembala" "Brapa" Fidgeting furiously on his calculator in his hp. "RM 145.00" "kurang la RM 5.00" "Boleh, boleh...", he managed a weak smile...

"Shittt.." the mechanic cursed. Ui pandai die cakap ek... tak sangka lak..."afsal bang.." "Abang tak penah buat cambering kaa? " Angguk je lerr. "Ialah ape pasal?" "Kene tukar ini 'Cambering Pin'. Ini yang ade pasang bukan'Flexible Pin', ape macam mau adjust it Camber maaaa?" Lantak ler bang.. "Err, berapa ek ?" "RM 45.00 satu batang. Kene tukar dua batang depan sahaja.." "kurang lagi RM 5.00 satu lar bang, boleh ?" The silence was deafening. Apa lagi mau ciakapp....? "Menatang tuh gambar kat bawah nih...yang wana kuning tuhhh...

"Abang, ini suma saya kila aaa, tadi ade janji RM 140.00 , campur itu RM 80.00 untuk itu 'pin', suma kila RM 220.00.." yelah, yelaaaaah...
Went to service the enigne oil... ~ RM 59.00
All in , expenses for the day is ~ RM 560.00.. bahagiaaaaa...

Went to the Section 16 market today...~ RM 100.00

Went to section 24 to have tyres fixed. The car keep veering to the right while driving. "Allo kawan, manyak teluk ooooo, cambering and kaster DEFINITELY off, balancing osso...." "U punyer rim ate bengkok" RM 750.00 for four pieces, Sports Rim. Takyaahh aaaaah...RM~ 115.00

This couple heave a sigh on the prices for "their" sports rims...

As it was quite late in the afternoon, bought some food for the whole family ...~ RM 23.00

Stopped over at Section 17's Az Zain, which boasted selling deer meat, organic chicken meat and other forzen stuff which are halal certified...~ RM 13.50

Had the car serviced. "Akak, Air filter dah kotor la... mau tukar ka? " "Ape tu?" "Ini aaa, iut kereta suck itu angin . Ini filter kasi tapis dulu sebelum masuk. Manyak kotor ooooo....""Berapa?" "RM 28.00 sahaja.... Itu fan belt ade bising. Saya ingat lain kali akak kasi tukar itu fan belt dan spark plug next servicing" ~ RM 87.00

Hmm ..betoi ke mamat nih?

All in ,RM 340.00 spent...eeep!

Friday, May 30, 2008

1st June 2008 - Air Force Day... Happy Birthday RMAF

As I was reaching my office in Bukit Subang, Allah gave me the rizki to see Sikorsky S61A or Nuri, landing near an open area. The fly boys have been busy these last few days practicing their routine for the Air Force day celebration on every 1st June. Incidently the occasion is celebrated in RMAF Base Subang.

Happy Birthday Dude!

Traffic Snarl...0830 AM

Got caught in a traffic snarl around 08:30 AM while on the way to work..

Dressing 17:00 pm today

My son, my son, my a dressing down today. My famous last words? "Bang, i've been in your shoes before and insya Allah , i know all that is needed to know within the palm of my hand ..."

MIdnite tidbits (Junk)............

Two cups of slurpy, Tic-tac, Cheezels and teh midnite, hmmmm

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yeaaaaayyy..... Uda balik, yeay, yeay, uda balik, yeay , yeay...

Given a clean bill of health . Blood test again this coming 5th June 2008.

All my bags are packed , i'm ready to go...

The Bill, RM 3,732.30. Ouch!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Recovering, 28th May 2008.

Update 22:47 . Big crowd at the clinic.

Update at 21:45 . no change. Body covered with rashes. "Bah gatallll.."

At 14:47 PM, blood platelette count went up to 67, White blood cell count up to 4.7 , normal being 5 to 11 scale. Is he ok? Hmmm... hari ini die gaduh ngan adik dia....rebut laptop.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Road to recovery, Insya Allah

Update 21:41 - Blood count up to 60.
Overheard by his sister while the nurse was administering the needle into his arm...
"Errmmm...dah ade selera dah..."
Ehmm... bagus lar.. nih darah nih pekat lagi nih, kene minum banyak air lagi nih"
his attempt to go home...akakkakakaakka

Update 19:45 - "Bah, biler nak datang?" "Lepas Isya kot." "Bah , tolong beli roti canai telurrr, boleh?" hmmmmm......

Update 1400 PM - Blood Count down to 56, temperature constant. Appetite picking up..

Waduh! Kok selera mau makan kek "Secret Recipe".. Gue bisa bankrap loooo.....

Spoke to the doctor last night. Signs of recovery is on the way, rashes visible, temperature down, white blood cells increasing form 2.5 to 2.7, blood platelette , even though down to 77 from 98, but this is normal as the count is expected to increase. Needs to increase water intake, especially fruit juices.

"Bah, sejukkkkkkk..."

"Bah, gatal lahh.. tak tahan...."

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm worried..no2 son at DEMC

He has refused to eat anything. Platelette count down to 103..

Update 09:25 PM - Blood platelette 103, White Blood cells at 2.7 counts temp down form 40 C to 35 C

Sleeping like a log...

Relatives came to visit ...

The youngest gettng cozy with his ummi...

Cousins at our house b4 going to the hospital...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

No2 son got sick - Dengue Fever

Blood platelette is 126. Glucose drip..

Registered as patient at 12:30 and wheeled to the ward at 4t floor.

At the ward.. hmm, school holiday begins, aaaah but of course!! No 1 on would be a good candidate to accompany number 2 son!!

Update 6:50 PM - Blood Platelette count is 116

Performing his solat

"Em..Imran, tak nak makan ke nasi tuh?".... It doesn't take a smart alec to know where it'll lead to..

Kasihnya ibu... "Imran kene makan sup ketam yang Ummi buat tuh. Tuh 100 plus, habiskan tuh..."

Hmmm.... 07:00 pm is "Sin Chan" followed by "Doraemon" at 07:30 pm
Maghrib kejap je...isk

On the way home leaving no 2 son around 08:00 pm

Update 09:30 - Blood platelette constant. Tok came a calling

"Bah , nak French Fries boleh?" "Boleeeeeh! Janji makan...."
"Erhm... Tuh Fish Fillet saper punya?" "Takper takper, amik kat Imran...." Orang tgh sakit, layan je laa, Fish Fillet tuh boleh beli lagi ek..

"Nak Sikit boleh" "Tuh Uda punyer lah.. Sket je tau"

"Sket lagi boleh?"

3 sons in perspective ..sigh