Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Road to recovery, Insya Allah

Update 21:41 - Blood count up to 60.
Overheard by his sister while the nurse was administering the needle into his arm...
"Errmmm...dah ade selera dah..."
Ehmm... bagus lar.. nih darah nih pekat lagi nih, kene minum banyak air lagi nih"
his attempt to go home...akakkakakaakka

Update 19:45 - "Bah, biler nak datang?" "Lepas Isya kot." "Bah , tolong beli roti canai telurrr, boleh?" hmmmmm......

Update 1400 PM - Blood Count down to 56, temperature constant. Appetite picking up..

Waduh! Kok selera mau makan kek "Secret Recipe".. Gue bisa bankrap loooo.....

Spoke to the doctor last night. Signs of recovery is on the way, rashes visible, temperature down, white blood cells increasing form 2.5 to 2.7, blood platelette , even though down to 77 from 98, but this is normal as the count is expected to increase. Needs to increase water intake, especially fruit juices.

"Bah, sejukkkkkkk..."

"Bah, gatal lahh.. tak tahan...."

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