Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ganu Trip - 18th May 2008, Meet ADUN Bukit Payung, YB Mohd Noor Hamzah...

Meet ADUN N18 Bukit Payung, Trrengganu, YB Mohd Nor Hamzah. We met him at his house as after an appoinment made to see who happened to be the brother of BIL daughter's colleague.

The mild mannered and affable, Al Fadhil, Ustaz Mohd Nor Hamzah...We had a short chat, mostly on politics of the day. As we had along way to go, we would only stopped only a few minutes. He's parting short "Betoi ke nih? Dok minum dulu ko? Nanti wat citer "Tok Ketua" tok bagi makang .."

Caught hold of this chap on the wall while chatting with the Ustaz...

Kampung Sungai Derhaka..

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