Saturday, May 24, 2008

No2 son got sick - Dengue Fever

Blood platelette is 126. Glucose drip..

Registered as patient at 12:30 and wheeled to the ward at 4t floor.

At the ward.. hmm, school holiday begins, aaaah but of course!! No 1 on would be a good candidate to accompany number 2 son!!

Update 6:50 PM - Blood Platelette count is 116

Performing his solat

"Em..Imran, tak nak makan ke nasi tuh?".... It doesn't take a smart alec to know where it'll lead to..

Kasihnya ibu... "Imran kene makan sup ketam yang Ummi buat tuh. Tuh 100 plus, habiskan tuh..."

Hmmm.... 07:00 pm is "Sin Chan" followed by "Doraemon" at 07:30 pm
Maghrib kejap je...isk

On the way home leaving no 2 son around 08:00 pm

Update 09:30 - Blood platelette constant. Tok came a calling

"Bah , nak French Fries boleh?" "Boleeeeeh! Janji makan...."
"Erhm... Tuh Fish Fillet saper punya?" "Takper takper, amik kat Imran...." Orang tgh sakit, layan je laa, Fish Fillet tuh boleh beli lagi ek..

"Nak Sikit boleh" "Tuh Uda punyer lah.. Sket je tau"

"Sket lagi boleh?"

3 sons in perspective ..sigh


Nadiah Mohd Noor said...

salam takziah dpde yaya sekuarge..kpd mangchik sekuarge.kem salam kat imran..iAllah kitaorg dtg melawat..kalu umi sihat siket..umi lon tgh "weng" pale,,bp tinggi!

mangchikla said...

Pak Uda tgh "weng" kat sini sebab BP gak. Baru lepas makan sup ketam, bubur kacang campur durian..toksah menyusahkan diri. suruh ummi bertenang. TQ for the kind gesture , Yaya.. Dengor cite membeli sakan sebab nak masuk Matrix. Biler laspur diri?