Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cerita Imran.....

Pickup Imran from school... selalu sgt balik lambat, almaklum... sekolah jauh , traffic jam, naik bas pusing merata and 'voila' , usually 2 hours later baru sampai umah all pooped!! Since it was still early I decided to drop by his ummi's office

"Ummi, lapar la..". "Roti mak nyah ari tuh ada, nak?"

"sedappp.. sehingga menjilat sudu.."

This where the fun starts.. Since it was nearly 'Asar , we went to Masjid Negeri..

After solat.. waited for my 'dearly beloved son' for almost 10 minutes when I decided to search for him.. and true to my suspicion, he was sleepin like a log akakakakakak

"Aaa ..ape? Katner nih?"

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