Monday, July 6, 2009

Trip to Ktn Jul 2009 - Living Dangerously

Along was not in as she attended her first lecture for the semester. It was a free day today as Angah will be registering her course tomorrow..

Tok , sambil basuh sambil "membebel" akakakakakak

Rumah tumpangan dilarang memasak, tapi org umah NAK jug memasak... "nasi basi lauk lauk suma... kejap je" maka harum semerbak wangi la satu rumah, masak rendang ayam, apa lagi .... yang masalah nyer ade smoke detector...Ari tuh my bro rented the place and cooked 'keropok lekor' on a gas stove... the alarm was set off and and all occupants , mostly students who were attending their classes had to come down while the guards went on a search ...unfortunately mak lang got a tongue lashing, "trauma" jap maklang , sian die...

Don't ask ..we managed to cook for half an hour ...heheheheh

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