Monday, July 13, 2009

Menjejak "Mok Eincekk.."

Started early morning drive to Pasar Selayang at about 0900 n the morning when i decided to drop by at Selayang Hospis in search of Mak Ence.. from there the wife and i travelled to Bukit Beruntung, back to Taman Koperasi Polis II in Gombak, off to Bandar Pinggir Gombak, back again to Selayang Hospis, then to IPD Gombak , off again to Bukit Beruntung and back to KL reaching Shah Alam at about 1130 pm...

Big daddy Azizan, 'Yiow ma man !! wassuppppp.... lookin' goooddddd.."

Sista Norma.. had a stroke with three valves blocked... masya Allah

Umah abang Dan.. last i saw him was about 25 years ago at least?

Da main man..Ciakkk!!

Singgah masjid di Bkt Beruntung utk solat 'Asar

Lepas solat singgah sat 'Gedung Azizan'.. Alhamdulillah Allah has given his much due bounty after much hardship

Adam...yg poyo akakakakaka, hardworking dude!

Nurul, isk ..tak clear lak

Mercedes Towkay...

Wani at work...

Uish... penat!!! Berenti jap kat Bangsar jam 0813 malam pekena teh tarik .. org umah biasela "Air suammm uneee!" muakaaka

Overall ..praise be to Allah, Lords of the worlds.. insya Allah much has been accomplished my prayers that everything will be fine after this..

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