Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trip to Ktn Jul 2009 - Leaving Kuantan

Hmmm ...Now how did the leaves get into the lamp i suppose?

Leaving the hostel n making a trip to UIA's medical centre wher Along is presently studying..

Yo momma...

Bubye Along.. Insya Allah till we again...

N now it's time to leave Angah behind..insya Allah , Allah is with u , n Along

Stop by at the usual haunt near the RMAF base...

Tok beli belah ..heh, anak pompuan ade dua , lelaki pon dua....(den excluded la muakakakak)

Alahai , ponek sgt tok

Bridge over 'River Kwai' (Sungai Pahang kat Temerloh)

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