Friday, February 29, 2008

Press Conference - Kota Baru 26th Feb 2008

Jed Yoong
INTERVIEW: Husam Musa, PAS vice-president
Posted in HOT, democracy, elections, fun, islam, pas, politics, religion by jedyoong on February 29th, 2008

musa bw copy_large3
Husam (left) with Sheih of Kickdefella fame at a press conference in the PAS Media Centre in Kota Bahru on Tuesday. THANKS, Sheih! /JYPix


NOTE: Husam (I keep calling him Musa cos keep thinking of IGP Musa Hassan) is quite sporting and funny. Not like some dead serious types in some dead serious parties. Or those overly emotional types in you-know-which party. Actually, in my humble opinion, the PAS fellas that I’ve met seem to be the most moderate and open-minded. Strange. I think it’s really largely a case of negative media stereotypes and not making the point to find out more about the reality. But then again, I still need to meet more people and see more of the REAL Malaysia. ;) Don’t take my word for it. Take a trip to Kota Bahru and see for yourself. :)

Jed Yoong: So do you think PAS has changed from when it started about 50 years ago when it broke away from UMNO — it was mainly a Malay nationalist party that used Islam as a differentiation?

Husam Musa: PAS is not using Islam. PAS is based on Islam. We are not using Islam. Inspired by Islam.

So, I think, not much change.

For instance, take for example, take the incident of 69. Other than Kelantan, there were riots and bloodshed and clashes, racial clashes. But in Kelantan, there was no incident. Not just by coincidence. But the Chief Minister at that time from PAS called all religious heads and instructed them to make sure they can safeguard all the people regardless of their race. So not a single bloodshed happened in Kelantan.

So it means that Kelantan and PAS propagated harmonious living between all races based on Islamic teaching. Because Islamic teaching, one, on religious freedom. Islam never forces other people to convert to Islam; there is no coercion in religion. For the people, Islamic rulers must take care of them. We have a multi-racial approach and give a fair and just treatment to all races. So this never change.

JY: So Islam the perjuangan (struggle) is the same. This time according to Ustaz Nasharudin (Mat Isa, PAS deputy president), it has been repackaged. But it’s still the same?

HM: Never change because that is, I think, subscribed by PAS activists from Islamic teaching a long time ago. The example that I quoted is one to prove that.

JY: So Datuk, under Islam, a lot of non-Muslims are concerned that Islamic law gives non-Muslims less rights. Is this true? Like when you go to court, you would need to have Muslim witnesses. Is this correct?

HM: It’s not correct. It’s not correct. It’s not correct at all. Injustice in whatever form is against Islam. Not just to human beings but you can’t be unjust towards animals, towards the plants, towards the stone. There is one saying of the Prophet. You cannot move the stone from the sacred place in Mecca, out for Mecca because of the right of the stone to remain in their sacred place. That is the most minimum example I can quote you to show you that injustice is prohibited by Islam by whatever form.

JY: There are also reports from Saudi Arabia and Iran about women who have been raped but they need Muslim witnesses. Is this true?

HM: OK, Islam and Islamic, Muslim community is different. That’s why Kelantan never based the model upon Iran, Saudi or Sudan. We base on Islam — Islamic teaching itself.

JY: Islamic teaching, but that’s very wide. What do you mean by Islamic teaching? Do you mean based on the Koran?

HM: You can read the Koran and you can correct us, if we are wrong.

JY: But Saudi Arabia and Iran are also based on the Koran.

HM: But we feel that they didn’t follow accordingly.

JY: They didn’t follow accordingly. What’s your stand on apostasy? What’s PAS’s stand on apostasy?

HM: Apostasy. I think the people can have a free reign to choose their religion.

JY: Even for Muslims?

HM: If non-Muslims convert to Islam in Sudan, they allow them to go back to their original religion.

JY: How about here in Malaysia?

HM: In Malaysia or in Kelantan?

JY: In Kelantan.

HM: In Kelantan, we don’t have a specific regulation on that.

JY: For apostasy.

HM: Yeah.

JY: No such cases yet? No one has left Islam in Kelantan officially?

HM: In Kelantan, we never notice.

JY: So would you allow it? What’s your stand? Dibenarkan atau (Allowed or)?

HM: I think this question if quoted by local media can be misinterpreted in several ways. So, I don’t want to drag our party into such delicate issues purposely. That one we can answer not during election. This is election time which is very sensitive and everything can go wrongly. We still have the time. PAS will be here and we will govern Kelantan again. I think, you can ask that question later.

JY: How about Terengganu? What do you think is going to happen in Terengganu? So far the feedback I got about Terengganu is not as positive as Kelantan.

HM: Not as positive as Kelantan.

JY: What do you think?

HM: Means in Kelantan, it’s so much more positive.

JY: Yes, Kelantan is much more positive.

HM: If Kelantan is so much more positive. Does that mean A+ or B+? What’s the mark? So if the mark (for Kelantan) is 70 and above, if Terengganu can achieve 60 per cent of the mark, I think they will pass the exam also.

JY: They will pass the exam. OK. So what do you think of development under BN for 50 years?

HM: BN is already hijacked by a few quarters.

JY: By who?

HM: By the most elitist in the ruling party, the ruling family. So from the struggle of people, (which is) power-sharing based, now becomes profit-sharing based.

JY: Just the last few questions. People always say PAS or rather Islam is not compatible with modern life. What’s your comment?

HM: I think we don’t need to comment on that. Because the question is absolutely irrelevant. It’s a irrelevant question. How can you say we are not compatible with modern life when we need to mix with modern life? We have a car, we use planes. If we have money we will use a jet but not as expensive as Pak Lah or as luxurious as that. We have internet, we are IT savvy. We transmit the interview live through streamyx. What do mean Islam is not compatible with modern life?

JY: Normally when we say development, BN would say, or rather the media would say,…

HM: There is development in Kota Bahru. We have a tower which we didn’t have before. We have five-star hotels, which don’t exist in Ipoh and Alor Setar or even in Kuala Terengganu.

JY: The civil rights, you know?

HM: Civil rights, I think here is better. Because non-Muslims can have their church, their temples, given the permit by the state government to construct the church and their temple.

JY: Entertainment? What’s your stand?

HM: Entertainment, you can sing if you want.

JY: Drinking?

HM: Yes, you can drink.

JY: For non-Muslims-lah?

HM: Yeah. Muslims, Muslims cannot drink. Not because of PAS. But because their religion prohibits them.

JY: Does PAS believe in moral policing?

HM: Moral policing, I think you can see in Kota Bahru, there is no moral policing here.

JY: I am not sure about Kota Bahru, I’ve been here for three days.

HM: You’ve got to stay here for another one year.

JY: OK, thank you, Datuk. All the best. Terima kasih (Thank you).

U rhyme?

Mohd Fuad said, on February 26th, 2008 at 5:01 pm

Peas pudding hot, peas pudding cold,
Peas pudding in the pot 9 days old,
Some like it hot, some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot, 9 days old!!!

But I prefer to have something HOT, not like the BN which has becoming not only COLD but ……………. ( theres no suitable word to describe how bad BN are!!! ) How I wish I am in Kelantan now.

Comment extracted from "Husam Musa, Hot"

Husam Musa, Hot

from Jed Yoong

Posted in democracy, elections, islam, pas, politics by jedyoong on February 24th, 2008

What do you know — blur blur Jed Yoong booked a room at a budget hotel at Husam Musa’s constituency.

I thought I was gonna have an easy Sunday at the beach so I went to bed again after getting up at about 4am. At about 9am, some shouting woke me up. Yes, it was BN supporters getting all worked up. But even they were more subdued and polite in Kelantan. I think it’s out of character for Kelantanese or North-Eastern Malaysians to be rude.

When I went down to snap some pix on my road and beyond, I still didn’t know who the calons were at this area. I was on the BN side again by accident. So when I asked some guys at breakfast at a gerai, he told me all the BN calons but claimed he didn’t know who the PAS calons were. Thank God I had a copy of yesterday’s New Straits Times with me. I was so shocked that the calon was Husam Musa — the very person I wanted to photograph in Kelantan.

He is HOT. And very tall.


As I chatted with the PAS people who were so friendly (the most among the political parties), I realised that as a Christian I was probably most ideologically similar to PAS in the sense that we believe in God. But our key doctrines are very different. I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ.

There was something pure and sincere about PAS supporters. Call them naive or what you will. Over the other side, BN supporters rushed to get FREE nasi ayam. Some took about 10 packets. They also buggered off early at about 10.30am when I rushed over to the PAS side.

I am really glad I made this trip. It’s been eye-opening so far. If Kelantan is the model, it’s better than Barisan. And that fake Islam — Islam Hadhari. I want development with strong morals. Not the BN social decay while UMNOputeras (multi-racial) rob the people. Sincerity, integrity and fear of the Almighty appeals to me. PAS scores highest in these categories.

More pix and posts to follow.


PS. I’ve a PAS pin and a Nik Aziz T-shirt! HOW COOL!

PPS. Husam said something about a BN calon not signing a nomination form. If the BN calon is disqualified, then PAS will win a seat — not sure if it’s Husam’s seat. Same thing with Nik Aziz’s opponent in Pengkalan Chepa. But his press secretary said that the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that and Nik Aziz has to “lawan (fight)”.

Over here in Kelantan, PAS is very strong.


27 Responses to 'Husam Musa, HOT'

Jed Yoong..Born Malaysia, raised Sincapoh....



Jed Yoong is an independent journalist, whose articles have been published in Asia Sentinel, Malaysiakini, New Straits Times, The Star and Brunei Times. She believes race is an artificial concept propagated to control the people. Everyone is a child of God, and it's up to us to see the divine in each other. Since an early age, she has been fascinated by politics, probably due to an over-exposure to James Bond flicks and other Cold War movies. After hopping off to Singapore, courtesy of the Singaporean government, to do her A-levels in Victoria Junior College, she flew to the United Kingdom to pursue her Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Accounting & Finance at Warwick University and "see more of the world". In 2002, she came home to experience Malaysia as an adult, started writing and is now seriously considering migration.


Ubah Gaya Hidup... Election 2008

Youth For Change Malaysia

Arrrgggghhh........... 1, 2 , buckle my shoes, 3,4, shut the door...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Laksa downed with a cold beer?

As I was passing......Cakkkk!!! ;-)

Of pearls & Corals

Doctor Lo' Lo' was our family doctor way back in the nineties when our residence was in Taman Keramat. She was then the resident doctor for Pusrawi Taman Permata. The father msut be a learned person to give her a unique name -"Pearl". Interestingly even her blog starts withn"docpearl".

Out of them both come out pearl and coral.

And may Allah give her victory this 8th March 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Party Tanah Melayu Beragama Islam

Grandma, 89, steals the show

The divorced grandmother, possibly the oldest ever candidate in the elections, was announced as an independent candidate for Kuala Terengganu.

It was her fifth effort to qualify for candidacy. She said that she failed in her last four attempts due to technicalities and lack of documentation.

Many were initially sceptical of her intent at the nomination centre at Kompleks Seri Iman here, but when returning officer Datuk Mat Razali Kassim officially stamped her candidacy, amusement filled the room.

The odds are stacked against her, as she will be up against seasoned politicians like PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu and Barisan Nasional’s Datuk Razali Ismail.

Both politicians, however, took time to chat with Maimun, who appeared frail but zesty.

Even Barisan candidate for Batu Burok Nordiana Shafie wished the Kampung Pengadang Akar resident, who runs a kain songket business, well for the March 8 polls.

Maimun told newsmen that she did not mind raising RM10,000 to register as a candidate, and the RM5,000 as campaign deposit.

Speaking in a heavy Terengganu accent, she said it was money well spent “because I can talk and want to talk to the people.”

“I want to right the wrongs and bring down the prices of necessities,” she added.

She was also accompanied by her close friends Sinah Ali, 67, and Semah Said, 53, who acted as seconder and proposer respectively.

She will be using her own party name – Party Tanah Melayu Beragama Islam – to contest.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What did I do today? - Dawud 'Ali

Only in Kelatte.........

News you may have missed

Guantenamo ...And may Allah reward u with Jannah

Lost Years in Guantanamo

By Ismail Kamal Kushkush, IOL Correspondent


Adam and Hamad are planning to sue the US for an apology and compensations after long years behind Guantanamo's high-walls.

KHARTOUM — When Pakistani intelligence stormed Salim Mahmud Adam's Peshawar residence on May 27, 2002, the Sudanese teacher had no idea this would lead to six hellish years in America's notorious Guantanamo detention.

"When I opened the door, they immediately handcuffed me," Adam, 44, told from his home in Sudan, 70 days after his release.

Adam, 44, still vividly remembers the screams and tears of his wife and three children that dreadful night.

"At 1:00 AM they came to my house from all sides. My wife was pregnant at the time. They showed no mercy."

Adam, then principal of a Peshawar orphanage school run by a Kuwaiti NGO, was blindfolded and taken into custody.

He was interrogated for twelve fore being sent to Bagram, another notorious US detention camp and airbase in Afghanistan.

Adam's agonizing torture ordeal began early on in Bagram.

"We were all left nude in front of each other," he remembers an insulting practice for Muslims.

"Interrogations would sometimes last for three to four hours."

After two months, it was the time to move to another pit of hell thousands of miles away.

Adam painfully describes Guantanamo as a place "in contrast with humanity."

He recalls the harsh interrogations, beatings, the cries and screams of fellow detainees and loud music played at the time of prayer.

"Some (interrogators) would tell me we know you are innocent but this is a political game."

The Bush administration has been holding hundreds of detainees in Guantanamo since 2002.

The camp has for years been criticized by international watchdogs and rights icons for operating outside the law.

Many at the camp, where some 275 detainees are still being held, have committed suicide, attempted to and gone on extensive hunger strikes.

Secret Charges

Like Adam, compatriot Adel Hasan Hamad will always remember the day he was arrested in Pakistan on July 18, 2002.

Hamad was working as a hospital administrator in Peshawar.

"When the [US] war started in Afghanistan, all foreigners left to Pakistan," he remembers.

Hamad, married and the father of four girls, went on vacation to Sudan with his family in the summer of 2002.

Leaving the family back home, he returned to Pakistan on July 16, 2002.

"I only wanted to help refugees in Afghanistan and Pakistan."

Two days after his arrival, he was arrested.

"I was woken up by Pakistani intelligence officers who told me not to move and asked for my papers."

Stunned Hamad watched as one officer approached an accompanying American official with the question that changed his life for ever.

"He told him my papers were OK, should we arrest him?" he remembers. "The American said ‘yes.’"

Hamad was taken to a Pakistani prison where he remained for six months and fifteen days, questioned by intelligence officers.

He and three others, who were all hand-cuffed and hooded, were then flown on an American military plane to Bagram, now known to have always been a stopover for most of the people shipped to Guantanamo no matter where they were first detained.

"There, they started beating us once we arrived."

US soldiers and officials there, Hamad explains, subjected him to constant interrogation, often associated with either beatings, cursing or threats.

"They would not let us sleep."

After two months of constant "interrogation and punishment", Hamad explains, he and others were shipped to Guantanamo.

"We were taken in a cargo plane, tied to the floor," he recalls.

"It took nearly twenty hours to get there."

In Guantanamo, Hamad again was interrogated daily; sometimes twice a day, but never officially charged.

"They 'accused' me of helping Taliban and al-Qaeda," he said.

"I asked how so? They said that was secret information.

"I was accused of being an enemy combatant but I never carried weapons."

Washington had declared all Guantanamo detainees as "unlawful enemy combatants" to deny them legal rights under American legal system.

Only three of some 750 people sent to Guant?namo since 2002 have faced formal charges.

Some 400 prisoners have been discharged over the past two years without explanation for years behind bars.

Lost Years

In 2004, Hamad appeared before a Combatant Status Review Tribunal that cleared him of the charge of being an enemy combatant.

In September, 2007, he was finally cleared by a military court of posing a threat to the United States.

Three months later, he breathed a sigh of relief while being taken away from hellish Guantanamo.

Flying home together on December 13, Hamdan and Adam had no idea more agony was in store.

Heart-broken Hamad, 50, was told his youngest daughter, Fida, had passed away while he was languishing at Guantanamo.

The family, which lost its source of income by his detention, could not afford to treat Fida when the young angel was struck by illness.

Adam, meanwhile, is still trying to reunite with his Pakistani wife and three children, still living in Peshawar.

One daughter, 5-year-old Amina, was born after his detention and has never known a father.

With the help of human rights groups, the two men are planning to sue the US for an apology and compensations after long years behind Guantanamo's high-walls.

"Guantanamo is place where human rights are abused," said Adam, fighting back tears.

"It needs to be shut down immediately."

Man Erhabe???

Beginning with "Kickdefella".....

From kickdefella

Oooohhh ..yumy, yummy!!

Perjuangan Rakyat Sudah Bermula!

February 24, 2008 · No Comments


Tanda-tanda keranapan Barisan Nasional semakin nyata. Setelah kemarau hampir dua minggu, tiba-tiba jam dua pagi tadi, hujan bercucuran seolah-olah mahu menyucikan musibah dan segala kecemaran yang diconteng Barisan Nasional selama 3 tahun 10 bulan menjadi pembangkang terkuat di dunia dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan, tetapi pada waktu yang sama juga menjadi pembangkang roti Pak Lah, roti yang tak bertelur.

Dalam Barisan Nasional berarak dengan nyanyian “Inilah Barisan Kita”, rakyat bertafakur seketika kemudian menyucikan diri dengan wuduk sebelum memohon restu dari Maha Pencipta untuk melangkah berjuang membela agama dan bangsa.


Apabila rakyat bertempit menyanjung Yang Maha Kaya bila nama rakyat diumumkan sebagai calon pilihanraya, Barisan Nasional mengiringi nama calon mereka dengan tepuk sorak seperti waktu mereka bertepuk sorak berhibur dengan segala hiburan import di Kediaman Rasmi Perdana Menteri di Seri Perdana dengan menggunakan wang titik peluh rakyat.


Ternyata Barisan Nasional sudah kalah. Ternyata rakyat ada sejuta sebab untuk berjuang hingga ke titisan darah terakhir kerana, perjuangan mereka, sama seperti hidup mereka dan mati mereka, hanyalah untuk Yang Satu.

Kekucarkaciran Barisan Nasional Kelantan menjelaskan mengapa moto mereka hanya untuk mendapat satu undi sahaja, tidak lebih dari itu. Jadi, berilah Barisan Nasional permintaan terakhirnya, supaya Barisan Nasional boleh berkubur selamanya di bumi Kelantan.

Maka, hari ini, semua rakyat Malaysia yang layak mengundi adalah panglima perang mereka sendiri. Selamat berjuang pengundi Malaysia. Selamatlah selamanya.


→ No CommentsCategories: Current Affairs

Let the game begin.....

Munajat Pilihanraya - Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat


Oleh obory

الحمدلله الواحد الاحد الفرد الصمد الذى لم يلد ولم يولدز لا اله الا الله الحليم الكريم ،سبحان الله رب العرش العظيم الحمد لله رب العالمين واصلاة والسلام على رسول الامين اشرف الانبياء المرسلين وعلى اله الطاهرين واصحابه اجمعين اللهم نسألك موجبات رحمتك وعزائم مغفرتك والغنيمة من كل بر والسلامة من كل اثم لا تدع لنا ذنبا الا غفرته ولا هما الا فرجته ولا حاجة هي لك رضا الا قضيتها يا ارحم الراحمين يا ذىالجلال والاكرام

Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Perkasa, Maha Berkuasa atas segala sesuatu, Yang menjadi tempat hamba-hamba-Nya mengadu, yang tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Engkau Ya Allah. Sesungguhnya, kami mengaku, lemahnya kami, banyaknya dosa kami, buruknya kelakuan kami, lalainya amal-amal kami, sedikitnya ibadat kami, tatapi Ya Allah, kami tidak pernah berTuhankan melainkan kepada Engkau Ya Allah, kerana tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Engkau Ya Allah Yang Maha Tunggal.

Ya Allah, Tuhan Yang memiliki alam semesta, kami mengadu kepadaMu, berilah kemenangan kepada Parti Islam SeMalaysia dan sekutu-sekutunya dalam pilihanraya kali ini Ya Allah. Kau berikan kekuatan kepada kami, kegerunan kepada musuh-musuh kami, Kau kuatkan saf-saf kami, hancurkan barisan musuh-musuh kami. Ya Allah Yang Maha Perkasa, Engkau hancurkanlah peluang mereka, patah-patahkanlah hujah mereka, kembalikanlah tipu daya mereka kepada batu jemala mereka sendiri.Engkau kalahkanlah mereka sebagai mana Engkau kalahkan tentera ahzab dahulu.

Ya Allah, tamatkanlah keangkuhan dan kesombongan mereka, patah-patahkanlah tulang-temulang mereka, putus-putuskanlah urat temurat mereka, lemahkanlah daya mereka, dan berikanlah kemengangan kepada Kami Ya Allah.

Ya Allah, kepadaMu kami mengadu, kerana tiada tempat bergantung melainkan kepadaMu, kami serahkan pengundi-pengundi hantu yang memihak kepada musuh kami kepada-Mu Ya Allah. Engkau timpakanlah kesusahan kepada mereka, Engkau sempitkanlah usaha mereka, Engkau halangkanlah usaha mereka, Engkau lumpuhkanlah segala pergerakan mereka,Engkau timpakanlah musibah kepada mereka seumur hidup mereka, Engkau butakanlah mata mereka sehingga tiada apa yang mereka nampak melainkan bulan purnama yang bersinar ceria.

Ya Allah Ya Aziz Ya Jabbar, Tuhan Yang Maha Membalik-balikkan hati, berilah petunjuk kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk mengundi parti kami dan sekutunya, balikkanlah hati mereka untuk mengundi parti kami dan sekutunya, hanya Engkau Yang Maha Berkuasa.

Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Meeting an Old Friend...

Met an old friend tonite around 9:10 pm. We used to work together for 13 odd years together. He had chicken tadoori n I had Fried Mee, "Mamak" style. Venue - Restoran Hakim Seksyen 7..

Engaging Mat Rempit....

Dari Isu Hangat

Free Image Hosting at

Al Haqqah - The Reality (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)!

From Muxlim TV

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Work smart, not hard - With a single comment ;-)

Got it from - Life's a rumble

jotting down what i learnt today.

Many years ago in a small Indian

village, a farmer had the misfortune
of owing a large sum of money to a
village moneylender. The moneylender,
who was old and ugly, fancied the
farmer’s beautiful daughter. So he
proposed a bargain.

He said he would forgo the farmer’s
debt if he could marry his daughter.
Both the farmer and his daughter were
horrified by the proposal. So the
cunning money-lender suggested that
they let providence decide the matter.
He told them that he would put a black
pebble and a white pebble into an
empty money bag. Then the girl would
have to pick one pebble from the bag.

1) If she picked the black pebble, she
would become his wife and her father’s
debt would be forgiven.

2) If she picked the white pebble she
need not marry him and her father’s
debt would still be forgiven.

3) But if she refused to pick a
pebble, her father would be thrown
into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn
path in the farmer’s field. As they
talked, the moneylender bent over to
pick up two pebbles. As he picked them
up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that
he had picked up two black pebbles and
put them into the bag. He then asked
the girl to pick a pebble from the bag.

Now, imagine that you were standing in
the field. What would you have done if
you were the girl? If you had to
advise her, what would you have told

Careful analysis would produce three

1. The girl should refuse to take a

2. The girl should show that there
were two black pebbles in the bag and
expose the money-lender as a cheat.

3. The girl should pick a black pebble
and sacrifice herself in order to save
her father from his debt and

Take a moment to ponder over the
story. The above story is used with
the hope that it will make us
appreciate the difference between
lateral and logical thinking. The
girl’s dilemma cannot be solved with
traditional logical thinking. Think of
the consequences if she chooses the
above logical answers.

What would you recommend to the Girl
to do?

Well, here is what she did ….

The girl put her hand into the
moneybag and drew out a pebble.
Without looking at it, she fumbled and
let it fall onto the pebble-strewn
path where it immediately became lost
among all the other pebbles.

“Oh, how clumsy of me,” she said. “But
never mind, if you look into the bag
for the one that is left, you will be
able to tell which pebble I picked.”

Since the remaining pebble is black,
it must be assumed that she had picked
the white one. And since the money-
lender dared not admit his dishonesty,
the girl changed what seemed an
impossible situation into an extremely
advantageous one.


Most complex problems do have a
solution. It is only that we don’t
attempt to think. Start your day with
this thought provoking story and have
a nice day.


February 18, 2008 - Posted by lifeinside | Life's Lessons | | 1 Comment

1 Comment »

the girl should have married that guy, take all his money and run away! that’s the way to do it!

Comment by Hannan | February 18, 2008

My lunch today...abih la Gout perggh!!!

Si kecik belum lagi kebah...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Eldest Nephew, the faces of.......I luv' ya dude, even though ya dad disaprove yr outlook...ekekek

Like I've promised u dude, I'll "tocang"ed once the hair grows...

Chummy with the Yemen kids...

Tribal Leader..Yiow my man, wassup?

The Burqa lookkk ...Oooooh

Dudes, dudes!! is that Mandi Biryani?

Al Qaaa'iddah in Recess..Hey, all work n no play makes Jack (Muhammad?) a dull dude! Chill!!!

Reach for the Sky....

Yeaaaayyy - Buses for Women only....

Got this from International Herald Tribune via Holding on to Cinder If this was to be implemented "Kelatte" it'll make a big bruhaha, just like the special lane separate cashier already implemented. But this is in Mexico, and to here their joy is so fullfilling..

Las mujeres sólo
¡Somos tan felices!
¡Porque tenemos nuestro propio autobús!
¡Y es para nosotros sólo!

Women only
We are so happy!
Because we have our own bus!
And it's for us only!

I think "Ayoh Zitt/Husae & da gae"(hee hee pardon if the slang didn't come out right, kelate is the LAST language i profess) should seriously look into this and be the first.

Perhaps Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT), RapidKL Sdn. Bhd. should now reconsider their stand as quoted by Bernama:

Pengendali: Tiada cadangan asingkan penumpang LRT ikut jantina

KUALA LUMPUR 10 April – Syarikat pengendali sistem Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT), RapidKL Sdn. Bhd. belum bercadang mengadakan tempat duduk berasingan bagi penumpang lelaki dan wanita seperti disarankan di Parlimen semalam.

Pengurus Besar Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat RapidKL Sdn. Bhd. Katherine Chew berkata, kebanyakan penumpang memilih LRT sedar bahawa mereka perlu bersesak khususnya pada waktu puncak.

“Ada juga pengguna yang datang secara berpasangan, jadi mustahil mereka duduk berasingan. Dan sehingga kini kami tidak pernah menerima sebarang aduan berkenaan ketidakselesaan,” katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama di sini hari ini.

Cadangan pengasingan tempat duduk itu dibuat Datuk Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) dan disokong penuh Chong Eng (DAP-Bukit Mertajam) di Dewan Rakyat atas alasan mengelak masalah ketidakselesaan penumpang khususnya pada waktu puncak.

Mohamad berkata, kesesakan secara tidak langsung boleh mengundang masalah gangguan seksual yang membabitkan maruah kaum wanita.

Selain itu, Katherine berkata, sekiranya terdapat penumpang yang menghadapi masalah seperti gangguan seksual mereka boleh terus mengadu kepada pegawai bertugas di setiap platform dan tindakan segera akan diambil.

“Kita dari semasa ke semasa akan menambah bilangan train bagi mengelak kesesakan. Sekarang ini penambahan train hanya dilakukan pada waktu puncak di stesen Ampang dan Seri Petaling setiap lima minit manakala stesen Kelana Jaya setiap tiga minit,” katanya.

Perkhidmatan LRT dan monorel semakin mendapat sambutan. Pada tahun lepas perkhidmatan tersebut merekodkan 125.8 juta penumpang.

Daripada jumlah itu, sistem LRT-Putra mencatatkan jumlah purata harian penumpang seramai 160,000 atau 56.7 juta orang setahun, manakala bagi sistem LRT-Star seramai 140,000 penumpang sehari atau 49.8 juta penumpang setahun.

Perkhidmatan KL Monorel pula mencatat sejumlah 50,000 penumpang sehari atau 19.3 juta setahun walaupun laluan monorel hanya sejauh 8.6 kilometer.

– Bernama

Now let me see if can impress Rapid KL to start with the "Wangsa Melawati/KLCC" route first. Y , sentimental reasons.... muakakakakaakakak (r) ..Cak!!!!

Kamal Aturtuk ...Kepale Bapok Turki

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Turkey: Hijab Ban Lifted

ISTANBUL: Turkey's Parliament took a major step on Saturday toward lifting a ban against women's head scarves at universities, setting the stage for a final showdown with the country's secular elite over where Islam fits in the building of an open society.

Turkish lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in favor of a measure supported by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to change Turkey's Constitution in a way they say would guarantee all citizens the right to go to college regardless of how they dress.

Turkish authorities imposed the ban in the late 1990s, arguing that the growing number of covered women in colleges threatened secularism, one of the founding principles of modern Turkey.

Secular opposition lawmakers voted against the ch
ange, with about a fifth of all ballots cast. Crowds of secular Turks backed them on the streets of Turkey's capital, Ankara, chanting that secularism — and women's right to resist being forced to wear head scarves by an increasingly conservative society — was under threat and demanding that the government step down.

"This decision will bring further pressure on women," said Nesrin Baytok, a member of Parliament from the opposition secular party, during the debate in Parliament. "It will ultimately bring us Hezbollah terror, Al Qaeda terror and fundamentalism."

Copied from "Holding on to a Cinder"

The irony is, the wife to the "Father of Turkey" is wearing the Hijab, masya Allah

This thing about Khindzir...

Dari laman Nurani

Sepertimana diketahui umum,Islam telah mengharamkan babi dan telah dikategori sebagai Najis Mughallazah iaitu najis berat.Umat Islam juga diharamkan daripada menyentuh babi apatah lagi memakannya.

Mengenai babi ini juga,para ulama telah bersepakat bahawa daging babi ini haram dan tidak boleh dimakan sekalipun diproses dan dibersihkan dengan penggunaan teknologi terkini yang dianggap boleh menghapuskan kuman dan bakterianya.

Di sini,salah seorang Ulama’ yang terkemuka telah memberikan kita penjelasan mengenai pengharaman babi ini.

Pada suatu ketika, Imam Muhammad Abduh mengunjungi negara Perancis. Imam Muhammad Abduh adalah seorang tokoh besar dalam perjuangan dan dakwah Islamiah. Sewaktu berada di Perancis, masyarakat di sana bertanyakan beliau tentang mengapa dan rahsia pengharaman babi atau khinzir dalam Islam. Mereka bertanya kepada Imam Muhammad Abduh, “Kalian (umat Islam) mengatakan bahawa babi haram kerana ia memakan benda kotor yang mengandungi cacing,kuman dan bakteria-bakteria yang lain.Hal itu sekarang ini sudah tidak ada lagi kerana babi diternak melalui kaedah penternakan moden dengan kebersihan yang terjamin dan proses strelilisasi yang mencukupi.Bagaimana mungkin babi-babi itu terkena jangkitan cacing,kuman dan bakteria?”

Imam Muhammad Abduh tidak langsung menjawab pertanyaan itu. Dengan kebijaksanaannya, beliau meminta mereka membawa dua ekor ayam jantan dan seekor ayam betina, dan dua ekor babi jantan dan seekor babi betina. Mengetahui hal itu,

mereka bertanya,”Untuk apa semua ini?” Beliau menjawab,”Penuhi apa yang saya pinta, maka saya akan memberikan jawapan dan suatu rahsia.”

Lalu mereka pun memenuhi permintaan Imam Muhammad Abduh. Kemudian beliau memerintahkan agar dua ekor ayam jantan dengan seekor ayam betina dilepaskan dalam satu kandang.Kedua ayam jantan itu lantas berkelahi dan saling membunuh untuk mendapatkan ayam betina bagi dirinya sendiri sehingga salah seekornya hampir tewas. Imam Muhammad Abduh lalu memerintahkan kedua ekor ayam itu dikurung kembali.

Kemudian, beliau memerintahkan mereka untuk melepaskan dua ekor babi jantan bersama seekor babi betina pula. Kali ini mereka menyaksikan satu keanehan.Salah seekor babi jantan itu membantu seekor lagi babi jantan untuk melaksanakan hajat seksualnya (nafsu syahwat) tanpa rasa cemburu,tanpa harga diri atau keinginan untuk memjaga babi betina dari menjadi mangsa teman sejenisnya.

Melihat hal yang demikian, Imam Muhammad Abduh berkata,”Saudara-saudara, daging babi membunuh ‘ghairah’ orang yang memakannya.Itulah yang terjadi pada kalian. Seorang lelaki dari kalangan kamu melihat isterinya bersama lelaki lain membiarkannya tanpa rasa cemburu.”Seorang bapa di antara kamu melihat anak perempuannya bersama lelaki asing (bukan mahram) dan kalian membiarkannya tanpa rasa cemburu atau marah.Ini kerana daging babi itu menularkan sifat-sifatnya kepada orang yang memakannya.”

Imam Muhammad Abduh dengan cara yang tersendiri telah memperlihatkan kepada masyarakat Barat bagaimana istimewanya hukum yang telah ditetapkan dalam Islam.Ia semata-mata untuk kebaikan dan kesejahteraan bukan sahaja umat Islam,tetapi juga untuk seluruh alam ini.

Tazkirah - Nik Aziz ziarah keluarga Sharlinie

Opinion : A Chinese in Kelantan speaks out

Taken from

Most non-Muslims, when you ask them about PAS, probably fear them more than they fear the evil BN. That fear is not entirely misplaced, because of PAS’ previously stated ambitions to make this country into an Islamic state.

But I would say, non-Muslims should fear the BN more, especially since BN is no longer an equal coalition, but one that is led by UMNO and UMNO Youth, followed by “dan lain lain”. In a bid to out-Islam the PAS, we have got UMNO politicians releasing statements to try to show the Kelantanese voters that they are also very strong in Islam.

In the near term, non-Muslims should certainly fear BN more since BN has all the power, and PAS has limited power.

First, UMNO politicians claim that this country is an Islamic country, just to win some votes.

Then, Badawi introduces Islam Hadhari, which honestly, could probably have just come out from a Pendidikan Moral textbook.

Recently, Najib promises Kelantan that the government will build many many mosques, and will turn Kelantan into an Islamic civilization hub. How that will help Kelantan, he didn’t say. And whatever an Islamic civilization hub really means, I don’t know either.

Right now, it seems like in UMNO’s zealousness to prove their Islamic credentials and win back control of Kelantan, the interests of non-Muslims in this country has been ignored or sidelined. So if it came down to it during the elections, if it’s BN vs. PAS for the parliamentary seat, how would you vote?

Perhaps this letter from Richard Teo, taken from Lim Kit Siang’s blog can open up some eyes.

Yes the tide is turning in Kelantan but certainly not in favour of BN but for PAS. As a Kelantanese I can safely tell Najib the true current political situation in Kelantan. How could Zubaidah Abu Bakar speculate in the 6th Jan.2008 NST that “there are many in Kelantan who want to see a change of government”?

This is farthest from the truth. The Malay psyche in Kelantan is vastly different from the psyche of Malays from the other states. The Malays in Kelantan are astute when it comes to politics. That explains why it is the only Malay state where the opposition party other than UMNO has ruled for a substantial period since Merdeka.

During BN’s tenure, pork sellers in the Chinese market were harrassed daily . They were confined to a small inconspicous space where pork could be sold hidden from public view. There was conditional and restricted time when pork could be sold. When PAS took over the government in 1990, they improved the Chinese market and pork was sold without any
restrictions . In short they were not harrassed.

Again, during BN’s tenure, Chinese could not buy houses built on Malay reservation land. Since most of the land come under the purview of Malay reservation, most Kelantanese Chinese could not own a home. But all these changed when PAS came to power.
Under the able DUN of Kota Bharu, Dato Annuar Tan, 30% of houses built on Malay reservation land were allocated for sale to the Kelantan Chinese.

Any doubts where the Chinese loyalty lies can easily be dispelled by visiting the Chinese enclave in Jalan Kebun Sultan. Ask any Chinese business community there and they will brazenly tell you that they will vote for PAS. Yes the Chinese votes in Kelantan are solidly behind PAS.

It is also a fact that the Chinese miniority’s vote in Kelantan are insignificant and confined to only few seats where their votes are crucial for victory or loss. But in a state where a lot of seats are won and lost by a handful of votes this becomes immensely important where in the final analysis the fate of the government could merely depend on the margin of one or
two seats.

The Malays in Kelantan were generous in giving Pak Lah a resounding victory in 2004. But this was partly due to PAS over-zealous Islamic reforms which persuaded the Malays to vote or Pak Lah’s Islam Hadhari.

Further they were captivated by Pak Lah’s assurance of tackling corruption which was beginning to be rampant in all branches of the government. But alas, Pak Lah was a disappointment. Instead he took it as an opportunity for his relatives and family to plunder the nation’s wealth by giving contracts to his son and son-in law.

There is a saying among the Malays in Kelantan that UMNO can fool the Malays in the other states with their rhetoric of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ but they cannot fool the Malays in Kelantan . They are aware that BN has introduced many programmes and development

According to Datuk Annuar Musa “RM2 billion worth of projects are flowing into the state”. But the local malays will ask you who are the beneficiaries of these projects? Yes, its the UMNO cronies and the UMNO connected politicians who will secure all the major

Of late, the sprinkling of Indians are also behind PAS not due to Hindraf’s effort but because of the awareness that it was under PAS rule that a prominent land in Jalan Hamzah was approved for the Hindus to build a temple when the same approval was rejected by BN four times before.

Because of centuries of close proximity of Kelantan to Thailand and the close rapport between the Chinese and the Kelantanese Malays, the local Malays are not only intelligent and well-versed in commerce but they are very conversant with local and federal politics.

This perhaps explain why UMNO with their brand of politics can never fool the Kelantan Malays.

In the coming general election BN will not only lose in Kelantan it will lose as badly as in 1990. This is not only a fact, it is a promise.

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Of Beruks and Orang Utans

Reproduced from Akhi Aarif Iman 'Abdullah

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Of Beruks And Orang Utans...

So, many UMNO members got quite upset at what Tok Guru Nik Aziz called them - Orang utan... But Tok Guru wasn't the first to start calling people names... Wasn't it S-I-L Khairy who called bloggers "Beruk"?

And if UMNO takes such idioms and figures of speech that seriously, I wonder how they will take the Holy Quran! That's because in Islam, animals have been used as a basis of comparison to human's (mis)behaviour...

Take verse 19 of the Surah Luqman: "And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass."

Will UMNO kick up a big fuss because if they did not lower their voice (like they always do in parliamentary seatings and UMNO General Assemblies), they would've been likened to an ass! And that's from the Al-kitab!

And mind you, the Malays have a plethora of idoms. And animals have been used as comparison in most... So, isn't it a part of the Malay culture to (not call others by names of animals but) liken certain behaviours to those of animals'? Here are a few examples:

- Seperti kera dapat bunga
- Kera kena belacan
- Melepaskan anjing tersepit
- Ada bangkai, ada hering
- Adat gajah terdorong
- Anak kera hendak diajar memanjat
- Anjing bercawat ekor
- Anjing galak, babi berani

So, why are they getting so upset? Using the opportunity to strip PAS to the barest? Trying to gain political sympathy and mileage? SHEESH!!!!!

Oh, BTW Datuk Seri ZAM, wasn't that a "Konvensyen Jentera Pilihanraya Kementerian Penerangan" you were attending? Correct me if I am wrong: that convention was to brief the Info Ministry's elections machinery on their roles and duties during the upcoming elections.

Image hosting by
The event...

If so, why were you preaching about the opposition's weaknesses? Weren't you supposed to stay on course, and talk about how the ministry provide broadcast support to the elections commission? Last minute indoctrination? SHEEESHHHH!!!


The youngin' got sick today....

Tak ke sekolah la mike ek?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Harga Sebuah pencalonan..... Zulkifli Nordin

Got the statistics from Zulkifli Nordin's blog. Bantu bantu lerr... Maybank account no is 164593029443:

Boleh neli Nazaria!! Isk , Isk, Isk.....

Monday, February 18, 2008

A World Where Womanhood Reigns Supreme - The Seeds of My Own Re-evaluations

Impact International

When I joined the team of "Living Islam" two years ago, my perception of Islam was dominated by prejudice and ignorance, and I found its treatment of women abhorrent. To me the veil symbolised the oppression of women, making them invisible, anonymous and voiceless, and the cause of this oppression lay in the will to perpetuate the family and maintain a patriarchal framework - the very basis of an Islamic Society. I thought women were entirely submerged by divine justification of their role as wife and mother.

"Living Islam" was filmed over two years in 19 different countries and on location I was a lone female in an otherwise male team. I was aware that I especially should behave appropriately. In my mind, women were to be neither seen nor heard. My first trip took me to Mali - to an untypical Muslim community in the bush. Making sure to cover every bit of naked flesh while the men wandered around in short sleeves, I wondered what rooms I was permitted to enter and who I was permitted to talk to. But I also wondered whether my new-found meekness was not in part a reaction to the overpowering atmosphere of the patriarchal society I found my self in. Was this how Muslim women felt - resignation in the face of impossible odds?

The first Muslim woman I met in Mali was far removed from my preconception about the Muslim female. She was the wife of a Shaikh dedicated to converting pagan villagers to Islam. A sophisticated, well-educated woman, previously married to a diplomat, she had renounced a Western lifestyle for a life in purdah. In my eyes she had sentenced herself to life imprisonment. But here was no prisoner, no poor downtrodden slave. A sharp intelligent and influential woman stood before me, clearly the one "who wore trousers" round here. Here seclusion gave her a status of honour and allowed her to exercise control from behind closed doors without confrontation. She was the bargainer, the head of the household, and the manager of her husbands affairs and schedule.

The emancipated woman in the West faces the conflict between confirmation of her femininity and the privileges that she associates with it, and repudiation of the confines of her female role and all the limitations that men want her to assume. From where I stood, this woman had transformed those limitations into privileges.

On my next trip to northern Nigeria I met two more women who would alter my views even further. These were two women from the household of Shaikh Zakzaky, a fervent preacher of Jihad who urges his supporters to follow the example of Iran and replace the imperialistic western regime with an Islamic state. Zeenah Ibraheem, Zakzaky's wife and Fatima Yunus, her friend, had agreed to be interviewed about the role of women in Islam. They were in purdah and would only speak to another woman. The producer asked me to interview them. I was nervous apart from the fact that I had never interviewed anyone before. I was worried that my feminist sympathies would antagonise the women. But it was precisely these sympathies that Zeenah and Fatima themselves were questioning. Once again, the women were educated and articulate. And once again they had rejected the Western lifestyle which I considered so superior to Islam in its treatment of women.

As I took my seat on a carpet in the courtyard, the invisible boundary between men and women was a welcome partition, and within this boundary womanhood reigned supreme. This was a sharp contrast with the feelings from the previous days in locations where my presence had been acceptable only as an "honorary man". We had been filming the medieval theatrics of the 'Salla' celebrations that marked the end of Ramadan. Men, men, men everywhere: 500,000 men gathered for prayer on the morning of the Salla, men pouring into the inner courtyard of the Emirof Kano's inner courtyard to pay homage - I was grateful to be allowed to witness these events but at what price? The complete annihilation of my female identity?

But now. I was taking the reins because of my sex. No more the feeling of inferiority and exclusion, as a novice in things Islamic surrounded by a team of experts, as a woman in a patriarchal society. Now the men were excluded. Apart from the cameraman and sound recordist, they were encouraged to stand well back. The cameraman covered his head and the camera with a black cloth - his very own veil. I was now in a world where the men had
no voice.

The women talked and in their answers I saw the seeds of my own re-evalutions.

They argued that the veil signified their rejection of an unacceptable system of values which debased women while Islam elevated women to a position of honour and respect. "It is not liberation where you say women should go naked. It is just oppression, because men want to see them naked." Just as to us the veil represents Muslim oppression, to them miniskirts and plunging necklines represent oppression. They said that men are cheating women in the West. They let us believe we're liberated but enslave us to the male gaze. However much I insist on the right to choose what I wear, I cannot deny that the choice is often dictated by what will make my body more attractive to men. Women cannot separate their identity from their appearance and so we remain trapped in the traditional feminine world, where the rules are written by men.

By choosing to wear the veil, these women were making a conscious decision to define their role in society and their relationship with men. That relationship appeared to be based more on exchange and mutual respect (a respect that was often lacking in the personal relationships I saw in the West), than the master/servant scenario I had anticipated. The Veil to them signified visual confirmation of their religious commitment, in which men and women were united, and for Zeenah and Fatima an even stronger commitment to a political ideal.

So were my notions of oppression in the form of the veil disqualified? If my definition of equality was free will then I could no longer define that oppression as a symptom of Islam. The women had all exercised their right to choose. To some extent, they were freer than me - I had less control over my destiny. I could no longer point at them and say they were oppressed and I was not. my life was influenced by male approval as theirs - but the element of choice had been taken out of mine. their situations and their arguments had, after all, served to highlight shortcomings in my view of my own liberty.

Mary Walker.

Mary Walker was Production Coordinator on the BBC2 series "Living Islam".

Sunday, February 17, 2008

To my sons, daughters, nephews, nieces........n others

As I was reading the article by Permaidani, I suddenly remembered an email received thru PIBG-Hiraq Forum, reproduced below, word for word, dated 18th Nov 2006. Though it's two years old, i think it is still relevant:

Subject: [pibg-hira] Kongsi dilema cinta anak remaja
Salam semua,

Harap coretan di bawah menjadi iktibar bagi anak remaja
kita mengharungi hidup mereka yang kala ini ingin dicintai
dan mencari cinta ...


Sebuah kisah yang sy peroleh utk dikongsi bersama semua..

Salam untuk semua. Saya terkejut kerana cerita
saya, walaupun tergantung, mendapat sambutan
yang saya tidak sangka. Oleh kerana pada hari itu
saya tergesa-gesa dalam menulisnya lantaran
kelas yang menghambat, maka saya ambil
keputusan untuk menulisnya kembali dari mula.
Saya harap para pembaca yang sudi melihat tidak
bosan dengan cerita saya.

Wahai teman-teman sekalian,

Kisah ini datang dari lubuk hati saya sendiri, apa
yang saya rasa dan apa yang saya alami sendiri.
Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mengeluh apatah lagi
mengingkari apa yang telah Allah s.w.t tetapkan
kepada saya dan kita semua orang yang beriman
dengan-Nya. Kisah ini saya khabarkan agar apa
yang saya lalui tidak berlalu begitu saja tanpa
saya kongsi dan tanpa saya rekodkan sebagai
panduan bagi diri saya sendiri untuk hari-hari

Saya sama seperti orang lain, punya keinginan
untuk menyayangi dan disayangi. Walau
bagaimanapun, tidak mudah bagi saya untuk jatuh
hati pada seorang wanita. Saya tidak mencari
seorang wanita untuk dijadikan kekasih, tetapi
saya mencari seorang teman pendamping hidup
saya hingga ke akhir hayat saya. Seorang yang
boleh mengingatkan saya kiranya saya terlupa,
dan yang paling penting wanita yang amat saya
percayai untuk mendidik anak-anak saya kelak
dan generasi yang akan lahir daripada keluarga
kami nanti. Untuk itu, sejak di bangku sekolah lagi
saya telah letakkan beberapa syarat bagi seorang
wanita untuk hadir dalam hidup saya, dan dialah

Dalam masa beberapa bulan saya belajar di
sebuah pusat pengajian tinggi di Petaling Jaya,
banyak perkara yang telah saya pelajari. Yang
paling penting buat saya ialah, bagaimana saya
mula mengenali wanita-wanita dalam hidup saya
kerana saya sejak dari sekolah rendah belum
pernah bergaul secara langsung dengan seorang
wanita pun dan saya amat peka terhadap larangan
pergaulan antara lelaki dan wanita kerana saya
bersekolah di sebuah sekolah menengah agama
lelaki berasrama penuh. Lantaran itu, saya tidak
pernah punya hati untuk memberi cinta atau
menerima cinta walaupun peluang itu hadir
beberapa kali.
Saya mula mengenali si dia apabila kami sama-
sama terpilih untuk mengendalikan sebuah
organisasi penting di tempat kami belajar.
Ditakdirkan Allah s.w.t, dia menjadi pembantu
saya. Dari situlah perkenalan kami bermula.

Dia seperti yang telah saya ceritakan, bertudung
labuh dan sentiasa mengambil berat tentang
auratnya terutama stokin kaki dan tangannya.
Itulah perkara pertama yang membuatkan saya
tertarik padanya. Dia amat berhati-hati dalam
mengatur butir bicaranya, bersopan-santun dalam
mengatur langkahnya, wajah yang sentiasa berseri
dengan iman dan senyuman, dan tidak pernah ke
mana-mana tanpa berteman. Suaranya amat sukar
kedengaran dalam mesyuarat kerana dia hanya
bersuara ketika suaranya diperlukan dan tidak
sebelum itu. Saya melihat dia sebagai seorang
mukminah solehah yang amat menjaga
peribadinya dan maruah dirinya. Saya tidak pernah
bercakap-cakap dengannya kecuali dia punya
teman di sisi dan atas urusan rasmi tanpa
dipanjangkan-panjangkan. Saya seorang yang
amat kuat bersembang dan sentiasa punya modal
untuk berbual-bual seperti kata teman saya, tetapi
dengan dia saya menjadi amat pemalu dan amat
menjaga. Bagi saya, itulah wajah sebenar seorang
wanita solehah. Dia mampu mengingatkan orang
lain dengan hanya menjadi dirinya, tanpa perlu
berkata-kata walau sepatah.
Pada hari terakhir saya di sana, saya punya tugas
terakhir yang perlu saya selesaikan sebelum saya
melepaskan posisi saya dan semua itu melibatkan
dia. Sebaik sahaja semua kerja yang terbengkalai
itu siap, saya mengambil peluang untuk berbual-
bual dengan dia. Saya bertanya perihal keluarga
dan apa yang dia rasa bertugas di samping saya
untuk waktu yang amat sekejap itu. Alhamdulillah
dia memberikan respon yang baik dan dari situlah
saya mula mengenali dengan lebih dalam siapa
sebenarnya pembantu saya ini. Namun, apa yang
memang boleh saya nampak dengan jelas, dia
amat pemalu dan dia amat kekok semasa
bercakap dengan saya. Selepas itu barulah saya
tahu, sayalah lelaki pertama yang pernah berbual-
bual dengan dia bukan atas urusan rasmi
sebegitu. Di situlah saya mula menyimpan
perasaan, tapi tidak pernah saya zahirkan
sehinggalah saya berada jauh beribu batu

Semasa saya berada di Jordan, saya
menghubunginya kembali dan menyatakan hasrat
saya secara halus agar dia tidak terkejut.
Alhamdulillah, dia menerima dengan baik dan
hubungan kami berjalan lancar selama empat
bulan sebelum saya balik bercuti ke Malaysia.
Kadang-kadang saya terlalai dalam menjaga
hubungan kami dan dialah yang mengingatkan.
Dialah yang meminta agar kami mengehadkan
mesej-mesej kami agar tidak terlalu kerap. Semua
itu menguatkan hubungan kami dan bagi saya
dialah teman hidup yang sempurna buat saya.
Walau bagaimanapun, sewaktu saya pulang ke
Malaysia bulan lepas, ummi dapat menghidu
perhubungan kami. Saya tahu ummi tidak berapa
suka anak-anaknya bercinta tetapi saya tidak
pernah menjangka ummi akan menghalangnya.
Tetapi perhitungan saya silap, amat silap.

Buat pertama kali, adik perempuan saya
memberitahu ummi sudah tahu perihal saya dan
ummi tidak suka. Saya tidak pernah
menganggapnya sesuatu yang serius sehinggalah
ummi bercakap secara peribadi dengan saya pada
satu hari. Saya masih ingat lagi kata-kata ummi
yang buat saya tak mampu membalas walau

"I haven't found any entry in Islam that permit what
you are doing right now. I haven't heard from
anyone that love before marriage is permitted. But I
know there's no relationship between male and
female except for what is very important and official
between them. So, may I know what kind of
relationship you are having now and I want to hear
it from your mouth that it is legal in what you have
been learning until now."

"Not a single phrase, nor a word."
"My sweetheart, if you want to build a family, a
faithful one, you can never build it on what Allah
has stated as wrong and proven false by the way
Rasulullah p.b.u.h has taught us. A happy and
blessed family come from Allah, and you don't
even have anything to defend it as blessed if the
first step you make is by stepping into what He
has prohibited. You can't have a happy family if
Allah doesn't help you so, and you must know in
every family that stands until their dying day, they
have Allah on their side. You can't expect Him to
help you if you did the wrong step from the very

Saya tiada kata untuk membalas kerana
semuanya benar. Saya tahu kebenaran itu sudah
lama dulu, tetapi saya tak mampu untuk melawan
kehendak nafsu saya sendiri. Saya akui, saya
tertipu dengan apa yang dipanggil fitrah, dan apa
yang dipanggil sebagai keperluan manusia. Cinta
tak pernah membawa kita ke mana, andai cinta itu
bukan dalam lingkungan yang Allah redha. Tiada
cinta yang Allah benarkan kecuali selepas tali
perkahwinan mengikatnya. Itulah apa yang telah
saya pelajari lama dahulu dan dari semua kitab
Fiqh yang saya baca, tiada satu pun yang
menghalalkannya. Saya tahu kebenaran ini sudah
lama dahulu, tetapi saya tidak kuat untuk
menegakkannya. Saya tidak mampu untuk
menundukkan kemahuan hati saya. Dan kata-kata
ummi memberikan saya kekuatan untuk bangkit
kembali dari kesilapan saya selama ini.

Ummi berkata:
"It's not me who want you to make a decision like
this, but Allah tells you so."

Saya percaya, itulah yang terbaik buat saya dan
dia. Dengan kekuatan itulah saya terangkan
kepadanya, dan alhamdulillah dia faham. Amat
faham. Walaupun air matanya seakan air sungai
yang tidak berhenti mengalir, tetapi dia tahu itulah
yang terbaik buat kami. Dia meminta maaf kepada
ummi kerana menjalinkan hubungan yang tidak
sah dengan saya, tetapi ummi memberi isyarat,
janganlah bimbang. Andai ada jodoh kamu berdua,
insya-Allah, Dia akan temukan kamu dalam
keadaan yang jauh lebih baik dari sekarang.

Hidup saya sekarang lebih tenang kerana tiada
apa yang menggusarkan hati saya lagi. Hidup
saya lebih suci dan saya boleh bercakap kembali
tentang agama saya dengan lebih bebas tanpa
dihantui oleh perasaan berdosa. Bagi saya, dan
dia, inilah saat untuk kami muhasabah kembali diri
kami dan kami betulkan kembali segala kesilapan
yang telah kami buat. Inilah saat untuk kami kejar
kembali cita-cita kami dan sediakan diri untuk
menjadi seorang ibu dan ayah yang berakhlak
mulia dan berperibadi tinggi. Inilah masanya kami
insafi kembali keterlanjuran kami dahulu dan
memohon moga-moga Allah sudi maafkan kami
Sesungguhnya Ya Allah, aku insan yang sangat
lemah. Aku tidak mampu melawan godaan syaitan
yang tidak pernah jemu, juga hambatan nafsu
yang tidak pernah lesu. Ampunkanlah aku.

Walau bagaimanapun, perpisahan ini hanya untuk
sementara. Saya telah berjanji dengan diri saya
sendiri, dialah yang akan jadi teman hidup saya
nanti. Sesungguhnya pencarian saya untuk
seorang calon isteri telah berakhir. Insan seperti
dia hanya satu dalam seribu. Mana mungkin saya
melepaskan apa yang amat berharga yang pernah
hadir dalam hidup saya. Insya-Allah, sekiranya
Allah s.w.t panjangkan umur, sebaik sahaja saya
tamatkan pengajian saya di sini, saya akan
kembali ke Malaysia dan melamarnya untuk
menjadi permaisuri di hati saya. Insya-Allah, saya
akan setia menunggu saat itu, dan saya akan
berusaha sedaya-upaya saya untuk mengekalkan
kesetiaan saya.

"Sekiranya kita telah bertemu dengan seorang
insan yang amat mulia sebagai teman dalam hidup
kita, janganlah lepaskannya kerana kita tidak tahu
bilakah pula kita akan bertemu dengan insan yang

Siapakah lagi dalam dunia ini yang menjaga adab
berjalan antara lelaki dan perempuan sebagaimana
yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi Musa a.s dan puteri
Nabi Syuaib a.s beribu-ribu tahun dahulu?