Friday, February 29, 2008

Husam Musa, Hot

from Jed Yoong

Posted in democracy, elections, islam, pas, politics by jedyoong on February 24th, 2008

What do you know — blur blur Jed Yoong booked a room at a budget hotel at Husam Musa’s constituency.

I thought I was gonna have an easy Sunday at the beach so I went to bed again after getting up at about 4am. At about 9am, some shouting woke me up. Yes, it was BN supporters getting all worked up. But even they were more subdued and polite in Kelantan. I think it’s out of character for Kelantanese or North-Eastern Malaysians to be rude.

When I went down to snap some pix on my road and beyond, I still didn’t know who the calons were at this area. I was on the BN side again by accident. So when I asked some guys at breakfast at a gerai, he told me all the BN calons but claimed he didn’t know who the PAS calons were. Thank God I had a copy of yesterday’s New Straits Times with me. I was so shocked that the calon was Husam Musa — the very person I wanted to photograph in Kelantan.

He is HOT. And very tall.


As I chatted with the PAS people who were so friendly (the most among the political parties), I realised that as a Christian I was probably most ideologically similar to PAS in the sense that we believe in God. But our key doctrines are very different. I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ.

There was something pure and sincere about PAS supporters. Call them naive or what you will. Over the other side, BN supporters rushed to get FREE nasi ayam. Some took about 10 packets. They also buggered off early at about 10.30am when I rushed over to the PAS side.

I am really glad I made this trip. It’s been eye-opening so far. If Kelantan is the model, it’s better than Barisan. And that fake Islam — Islam Hadhari. I want development with strong morals. Not the BN social decay while UMNOputeras (multi-racial) rob the people. Sincerity, integrity and fear of the Almighty appeals to me. PAS scores highest in these categories.

More pix and posts to follow.


PS. I’ve a PAS pin and a Nik Aziz T-shirt! HOW COOL!

PPS. Husam said something about a BN calon not signing a nomination form. If the BN calon is disqualified, then PAS will win a seat — not sure if it’s Husam’s seat. Same thing with Nik Aziz’s opponent in Pengkalan Chepa. But his press secretary said that the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that and Nik Aziz has to “lawan (fight)”.

Over here in Kelantan, PAS is very strong.


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