Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Of Beruks and Orang Utans

Reproduced from Akhi Aarif Iman 'Abdullah

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Of Beruks And Orang Utans...

So, many UMNO members got quite upset at what Tok Guru Nik Aziz called them - Orang utan... But Tok Guru wasn't the first to start calling people names... Wasn't it S-I-L Khairy who called bloggers "Beruk"?

And if UMNO takes such idioms and figures of speech that seriously, I wonder how they will take the Holy Quran! That's because in Islam, animals have been used as a basis of comparison to human's (mis)behaviour...

Take verse 19 of the Surah Luqman: "And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass."

Will UMNO kick up a big fuss because if they did not lower their voice (like they always do in parliamentary seatings and UMNO General Assemblies), they would've been likened to an ass! And that's from the Al-kitab!

And mind you, the Malays have a plethora of idoms. And animals have been used as comparison in most... So, isn't it a part of the Malay culture to (not call others by names of animals but) liken certain behaviours to those of animals'? Here are a few examples:

- Seperti kera dapat bunga
- Kera kena belacan
- Melepaskan anjing tersepit
- Ada bangkai, ada hering
- Adat gajah terdorong
- Anak kera hendak diajar memanjat
- Anjing bercawat ekor
- Anjing galak, babi berani

So, why are they getting so upset? Using the opportunity to strip PAS to the barest? Trying to gain political sympathy and mileage? SHEESH!!!!!

Oh, BTW Datuk Seri ZAM, wasn't that a "Konvensyen Jentera Pilihanraya Kementerian Penerangan" you were attending? Correct me if I am wrong: that convention was to brief the Info Ministry's elections machinery on their roles and duties during the upcoming elections.

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The event...

If so, why were you preaching about the opposition's weaknesses? Weren't you supposed to stay on course, and talk about how the ministry provide broadcast support to the elections commission? Last minute indoctrination? SHEEESHHHH!!!


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