Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Bahagia btoi hari. Si Abah tak keje, no 1 son mmg cuti sekolah, no 2 son and no 3 son osso don want to go. Cuti la korang sume, pedehal..ekekekekke. Masa nak pegi ke bilek mandi, nampak sesuatu yang dah lama tak kelihatan,
In fact waaaaay too long, about 20 years ago. Bought the pullover in Victoria market, Melbourne when I attended a 3 months course in Laverton. Out of the blue it appeared. " Dah burok dan tak elok dahhh ....buat kain lap lantai je lah" was the reply from my significant other. hmmm....Ape lagi mau ciakap!! All of us then went to PKNS Shah Alam to have breakfast, nasi lemak x 4, 1 x coffee, 1 x milo and 2 x air bandung...

On the way back, saw a blood donation campaign...

On reaching home, two played "ragnarok" , the youngest lounging on the sofa playing "Play Station 2" ...sigh.. Bahgiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Tapi yantg syiokkk tuh, Tengah dok main tuh diroang hentam "bergaduh" ... hmmm ape lagi "Mai sini , angkat tangan!" Mukekeekek acah je..muka Cembaeng je...akakakakaka.... tak kena pon, "gempaq" je. Last - last, "googled" article on rotan n found this.... Ok la gak..
Belah malam pegi "dinner" kat kedai.. rengan rengan je..

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