Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cookabout ~ morning 20th Dec 08

Buzy day ahead. The women folks were already doing the chores early in the morning. The good thing is, every neighbou chipped in.

Tokwey basuh specially brought down from Pulau Pinang..heheeheh
Kidding... Along's (BIL's wife's bro in law..faham ke?)

Bro Hatta relaxing .. "I'm coool.."

My son, my son, my son....

He's cousin from Perelih.. Kpg Santan in Kangaq

Bro in Law, far right.. "Ang buek kojo kojo botul botul Hamdan (the one standing next).. nanti tak buek kojo eden sombolih ang buek sup!!"

200 egss boiled

Trying to thaw the frozen meat in the freezer.. tough call dude!

Muekeke me relaxing just after Dzuhur...takde lak cicak ek

"Yiow, yiow, yiow! Chill .. me and my biceps, six packs ready to roll babeh!"
Burn ~ aka Abdul Muhaimin

"Apo la kono si menantu den nih... merato rato tangkok gambar... tobiat gamak nyo nyieee"


Lunch, me daughter

Oliver Twist ~ "Please sir, I want some more....". "What!!!"....muakaakkakaak

Chef, Extra ordinaire.. The man's from Nogori Sombilan

dah takdo apo nak buek den pon betulak ko umah mak den

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