Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kenduri rumah Pengantin lelaki

Right after Isya' around 9 pm, we drove off to the bridegroom's house in Jengka 20 which was about 1/2 hour's drive. It was pitched balck all the way as there was no street light. By the time we reached the place, it was raining.

Main dishes, sambal belacan, goreng ikan kering, daging masak sup... sehingga menjilat jari... errr, pesal no kambing dude?

Ciakk!! Asmady, the bridegroom, entrpreneur...

Tongah beburak nyo..muakakaka masa nih tengah "gendang gendut, tali kecapi"
"kenyang poruik ..suko la ati..." akakakak

Along the road we met the Police Reserve Unit barrier..."Susah bang, banyak pencuri .."

The best part was on the way back , WITHIN the uitm compound , I got lost wandering into the estate area where we were met by a flock of "friendly" cows...akakakaa

The boys spending time together viewing Astro at the dining hall

"Lalu lalu..Pak Long nak tengok.."

Hmmm ..looks familiar

Takdo cerito lain ko...."Autobots, Transformed!"... Kawan lamo den si Optimus Prime

Blisss... Biler tgk camni terasa hiba..biler tgk die bangun ,rasa nak piat je telinga..muekeekekke

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