Friday, December 26, 2008

Kisah Mak Montuo den....

My mother in law was hospitalised tonite. The thing that puzzled me was it took her from 0300 in the evening until almost midnite for her to be admitted. The reason given, they were still analyzing her blood sample then. I had similar experience with my daughter but with a private clinic, it took about an hour for her to be admitted.

The frontliners.. the registration counter

Bilek Rawatan Akut.. Divided into individual bays

Overheard conversation at the counter. "Nih kes ape nih?". "Kes gaduh lah.."
The guy on the wheel chair got "banged" real bad..

Dah tgh malam dok menyeringai lagi...sigh...
Mamat on the left, Kak Long's nephew

"Abah , Pak Long suruh beli pampers dewasa utk wan..." Here's the catch. Tonite is Christmas nite, midnite, public holiday lak and kodai sumo tutuik.. I went hunting to five 7-11s and lastly found one at Section 14 PJ but the size was too small to fit... Anyway, Uda got one at a supermart.."Uda jumpa kat supermart depan Daftar Negara, pekerja die orang vietnam sume" Alhamdulillah tak kene sembelik ek Uda ..muakakakakakak Kat Shah Alam seksyen 15, kucing dan anjing liar langsung takder... kater orang laaaah

Sarah spotted this lone figure while we were on the way home , about an hour past midnite...
"Abah, tuh Uda tuh, Sarah tgk cara jalan pon Sarah dah tahu ..ecewaaaahhh"
hmm...sojuk poruik omak mongandung

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