Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Meet Bro "Usman! (Bukan Meet Uncle Hussein la heesh!)

"Bang, tolong jumpa ade satu bruder stranded at immigration Shah Alam...". So I met bro Usman and after exchanging pleasantries, we headed straight to FC in PKNS Mall. Bro Usman is a Mu'allim teaching student s to become Hufaz in JB. He's first degree from Algeria, age 29 with four kids and a wife (currently), the eldest child be an 8 yr old boy. Family is residing in JB as well. Soft spoken and with a pleasant exposition. "U know brother, Malaysia is different.." he lamented in between gulps of meal. "I lived in Kanou one of the city with 4 million population. Algeria alone is 160 million populace,70% muslims, 25% christians, and 5 % others. In JB, i can c 3 Tahfiz whille, in my "Taman" back home, we have 20 Tahfiz. The children would go to school in the morning until 4 in the evening followed by Tahfiz from evening late into the night..."
On getting married at a young age od 21 , "That is normal, bro , 20/21, young is when u get married at 14, 17...". The bro hadn't had a meal since morning until i met him...I think i would have died for obvious reasons...muekekekekekek

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