Friday, October 31, 2008

3rd Halaqah

Ustaz recap on previous week discussion, namely in order to know Allah is to
  • To know his "Zat"
  • To know his "Sifat" thru Al Asma Ul Husna
  • To know His Iradah via Iradah Syar'iah n Iradah Kauniyah
In studying the Mantan, the Ustaz stress the importance of Manhaj, thw "A" to "Z" approach of studying the "Fiqh" or "thourough understanding of" the Aqidah. It is importance to recognise the type of trnasgression against Islam:
  • Murtad - Transgression against the the Pillars (Rukun) of Islam.
  • Kafir - Transgression against the Pillars of Iman.
  • Syirik - Transgression against the Tauhid of Allah

"pening ustaz.."."relax, relax...tuh anak tuh bagi diam sket naa...nih penting kena faham..."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Morning time in Mayangsari

Woke up and while waiting for Harun , went scouting around the resort.

Outside the door is pool

Decided to have alook at the "Pool Villa", 2 bedrooms, with a pivate pool. How much u say ? RM 500.00 pe nite...

Our friend Harun..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trip to Dungun with PA

Another trip to Dungun and this time with the PA. Set of at 15:00 PM today in his car it was a long ride and we reached Dungun at 19:30 PM.

Stop at Temerloh R&R for solat

On reaching Dungun, stayed at Mayangsari... nice place, RM 50.00 a room. "Err. ..Ziz, satu bilek ke asing asing?". "Mana mana lah...". "Aku dengkor kuat oooo...". "camtu kalu, asing asing lah.." ;-) Gave a call to Harun on tonite's dinner

Harun took us to Kuala Dungun. There's this secluded restaurant near the LKIM. we had "Ikan Kraci tiga rasa". Finger lickin good...ekekekekek... The price ? RM 13.00, it would be RM 30/35 each in Shah Alam.

Harun's youngest... luper lak nama.... spunky and talkative fellow

PA n Harun...

"bah, naper lambat? lapor la..."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dinner do for the famil, wife's side....

Tonite we decided to throw in a dinner for the family on the wife's side. Cooked ikan siakap tiga rasa, udang masak lemak and sayur campur as well as ulam. Along & Famil , Uda & Famil, Ocu and Ina, Yan & Famil came with exception to Cik Talib...he had other plan u c...

Ina with daughter was the first to arrive

"Pak Uning , ade ape kat atas tuh?" JAF Effendi Arman, nephew

Akhyar, nephew..he's 25, got i;m REALLY OLD dude!