Friday, October 10, 2008

Death comes without warning...

Last night, a former colleague sent me a sms stating the wife of another former colleague, Lt Col Razif RMAF had been admitted into SJMC due to cancer and was already in critical stage. It has been seven to eight years since i last met him. I decided to pay a visit with the wife and daughter. It was heart rendering to see her in her present condition. I only stayed for about 5 to 10 minutes professing a few words of comfort as I believe that it would be for best that we leave them alone with their love ones. I was told, it seems the wife was unaware that she had cancer and by that time it was too late.

Some people are of the view certain death are unexpected. I recalled a hadeeth narrated of which Nabi Musa 'alahis Salam (Or was it Nabi Dawud
'alahis Salam or Nabi Muhammad sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam?). The Angel Iszrail came to visit the Nabi who enquired whether his presence was to denote it was time for his demise. The Angel said no but it was just merely to visit him. The Nabi then requested that the Angel Izrail provide him with signs before the his time is up for him to make the necessary preparations. When the time did came, the Angel inform the Nabi of his imminent demise, to which the Nabi enquired why was he not given any signs as requested earlier. The Angel replied that there are plenty of signs that death is imminent among which are the the greying of the hair, wrinkled skins, etc.... Death, therefore, is not unexpected....

This morning, Along sms her ummi informing her that her friend's mom died of cancer at 0100 AM this morning at SJMC. Apparently, Razif's son is in the same batch studying in Kuantan. Small world indeed,

Razif in yellow shirt....

Skot, Col Sabri RMAF (black jumper), with Lt Col Zulkifli (blue shirt with white collar) RMAF
"Waaa hang rambut panjang naa, gemok lak tuh.."
:-) tushey!

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