Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The blessing 'Eid to all and Sundry, Kullu am, wa antum bi khair...

Did Solat Sunnattan Li 'idul Fitri at Masjid UIA as planned , Solat started at 0830 AM. The khutbah was in Arabic, multinational congregation. I felt like I was in Makkah all over again. The theme was on Islamic Unity, the need of unity according to Islam, the need to assist the plight of Muslims Falastin, Iraq, Chechan, Philippines, Thailand, Kashmir, Pakistan, Kulli makkan. It was later translated into English by the same Imam, Dr Sonnu, who was lecturer as well as the Mutawwif during my pilgimage to Makkah in 2002 (looks like him , vocie like him. It was quite a distance. I'm beginning to sound like Lingam "Korek, korek, korek" heheheheh). Wa' tasimu bihamlillahi jami 'aa, wa la tafarraku ~ Berpegang teguh la kamu dengan buhul tali Allah dan jangan kamu bercerai berai.."

Yeehah, stedy tok, steddy... u rock!! (lariiiiiiii..hehehe tok marah sebab taknak potong rambut)

UIA Gombak entrance

Too much of "Warcraft III" last night..sigh

Another casualty, his cousin 'Usman

"Bah, sejukkk.."

Zakat anyone?

Pak Lang looking splendid... ciakkk!!!!

Nephew, Hafiz, anak Wancu

I digress.. Mak told me this plant can heal cancer. but she doesn't know the name..

Ehek..Mek (Nabi)La with her Pak Lang....muekekekekekeke... wonder why all the nieces do not want to get close to Pak Lang... Err.. Pak Lang if u read this..muakakakakakak

Momad said "Mak Long orang yg berkerja.."

Toksu, adik omak eden

"Meh, amik gambar ngan tuh hehhh..."

Time to hit the road.. Nak pogi umah mondek gelen lak (umah wan ler, the MIL).. Sompik jalan , camno nak lalu nyo..

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