Saturday, October 4, 2008

The apartment

The apartment was in Bukit Sekilau area and is part student dormitory, lecture rooms and Guest house. 6 "three room apartments" were allocated, fully furnished and reasonably priced. Recently the building underwent major renovation.

Master bedroom

2nd bedroom

3rd bedroom

Neighbour with Parkson Grand, sepelaung je .."Oit" dahhh sampai

Ze kitchen

Err , cite Hindi, nampak macam cite "Porn "..Huush.. kuss semangat..

Crockeries, brand nu

View from the kitchen window, Bukit Sekilau

Uish..kalau jatuh lar..


:: NbC :: said...

amboi2 kaki sape nengok TV tu.. ;-)

mangchikla said...

Muekekekekke... Ciakkkk!!