Saturday, October 4, 2008


Tanjung Lumpur would always be our first choice whenever we're in Kuantan. Tonite we decided somthing different. 'Aliah suggested we try it out at "Suzanna's" , a regular UIA students hangout. Unfortunately, it was closed for Aidil Fitr, which was a blessing since we get to taste a different culinary delight - Steamboat. Never tried it before and when we requested for "Tom Yam" steamboat, automatically we asked for seven plates of rice which sent the waiter (a boy age below 12) into "stupor". "Nasi takde pakcik". "Habis , makan ngan ape.." which sent him scurrying to his father.... After the "steamboat" arrived did we realised that the "nasi" wasn't necessary. ekekeke...


Anonymous said...

Guano mu! Darak benar demo! Mano ado oghe make steamboat denge nasik. muakeke

mangchikla said...

Daghak pong daghak la... ambo memae oghae daghak pong..mano beso degae makae lagu nih.. biaso kawae makae steak, caviar dan seangkatae. Lagu nih utk "peasants" jah.. muaka kakakak akakakaka.. Bapok budok tuh datea antar 2 pinggae.. tersipu malu ambo macae anok dagho sunti...uiiii