Friday, October 31, 2008

3rd Halaqah

Ustaz recap on previous week discussion, namely in order to know Allah is to
  • To know his "Zat"
  • To know his "Sifat" thru Al Asma Ul Husna
  • To know His Iradah via Iradah Syar'iah n Iradah Kauniyah
In studying the Mantan, the Ustaz stress the importance of Manhaj, thw "A" to "Z" approach of studying the "Fiqh" or "thourough understanding of" the Aqidah. It is importance to recognise the type of trnasgression against Islam:
  • Murtad - Transgression against the the Pillars (Rukun) of Islam.
  • Kafir - Transgression against the Pillars of Iman.
  • Syirik - Transgression against the Tauhid of Allah

"pening ustaz.."."relax, relax...tuh anak tuh bagi diam sket naa...nih penting kena faham..."

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