Friday, October 10, 2008

Uptown Shah Alam

Not much variety in Giant enroute home stopover at Uptown Shah Alam in Section 24... Y uptown u say? Beats me bud, They got one in Kota Damansara, Subang Jaya. if u ask me Uptown Girl , that i know..ekekekekek

Waaaa... got Karaoke session osso maaa.. sigh

Anok anok jatae ambo dok munda mandir

"Err warcraft ade? "."Aippppp!! tammo..."

Ewah ewah ewah...stedy je die dok tgk karaoke ek...weih jang! tuh kerusi orang tuh

Tgk bulan je ingat "Bad moon rising"

On the way back stop to buy 'teh tarik'. This lady is the koay teow goreng seller..
Takde customer memalam nih. tuh yg tgh boring tuh..ekekeke

'Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you’re free
And Look into your heart
And you’ll find
The sky is yours
So please, don’t please
don’t please, no please
There’s no need to complicate
‘Cause our time is short
This is, this is, this is our fate, I’m yours'

sung by that guy 'Jason' wats his name again?

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