Monday, March 31, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ganu kite.. Yiowz Deris/Rosol Dude, Eat yr heart out man!

Kalu tuang gi pata timor
Jangan lupa maghi sokmo
Negeri terengganu memang sohor
Tempat molek, tanah subor
Tempak Molek, tanah subor
Na na na na na
Terengganu kita (2X)
Hoi guang gamoik tu Yak kelih wak tangi
Pulau Kapas, Pulau Redang
Kita lalu ikut Marang
Jangan lupa Kuala Berang
Sekayu comel, zaman berzaman
Sekayu comel, zaman berzaman
Na na na na na
Terengganu kita (2X)
Hoy hoy hoy bangun ke laut eeh...
takat ikang di Kuala Kemamang
Petang-petang wat kerpok gete
Ramai orang, atah gere
Main dam dua tiga papang
Dok sedor sampai ke malang
Kedai payang jual budu belacang
Batek tembaga dan macang-macang
Kalu nok tra nasi dagang
Kita pakat gi kampong ladang
Buat bekal gi merang
Di setiu pata peranginan
Singgah sebetor ke Rantau Abang
Kita tengok penyu telor
Kita tengok penyu telor
Selamt datang wei...
Tempat kami ramai-ramai
Selamat datang Negeri kami
Kita singgoh kat Primula
Batu Burok tepi pata
Laut biru di Tanjong Jara
Tempat rilek orang dok kacau
Tempat rilek anok-anok dara
comel-comel belaka...
Na na na na na
Terengganu kita (2X)

Mat Sabu , Rapper - Cukup Cun

Jim Croce - I have to say I love u in a song

Jim Croce - I've got a name

Laughter in the rain.....

Koo Gud .. Bird Thong Chai McIntyre

Because I'm free, nuthins' worrying me...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hail to tthe King?

He’s The MB, He’s The Finance Minister, He’s The King…

March 23, 2008 · 1 Comment


He is Patrick Badawi. The man Idris Jusoh has to kow-tow to. And all the UMNO Jokers in Terengganu risking their future just to defend Idris Jusoh or actually defending Patrick Badawi?

Daulat Tuanku!

Picture - Ferrari Man ‘angkat sembah’ to Patrick Badawi. If I tell you that someone somewhere has the photo of I-Belis doing the same thing…. ah… impossible.

→ 1 CommentCategories: Current Affairs

Huzir Sulaiman - WIde Angle, The Star


Your burning questions answered!

This week, Wide Angle joins Thelma in the advice game, dipping into the mailbag and answering some urgent queries from readers.

DEAR Wide Angle, Can you help me save my marriage? Ever since he lost his job two weeks ago, my husband has been gloomy and despondent. He has been bringing home hundreds of boxes of documents. I am very distressed because the house is full of these documents. They even cover the dining table!

In the evenings, my husband sits gazing at these stacks of paper. Sometimes he appears gleeful. He cackles to himself, “Heh, heh, heh! The bastards won’t be able to do a damn thing!” At other times, he tears his hair out, crying, “They’ll find out! They’ll find out! I’m finished! I’m doomed!”

Late at night, I find him slowly tearing up pieces of paper, one by one, tears rolling down his face.

I don’t understand what is going on. He refuses to communicate with me. What can I do to repair our relationship?

Desperate Housewife, Shah Alam

Dear Desperate Housewife,

Your husband is going through a very difficult time right now. What he needs is love, understanding, and the Destroyit 4107 Cross Cut Paper Shredder.

It is capable of mincing up 82 pages at a time, at a speed of 53 feet per minute. Its hardened steel cutting shafts can destroy CDs, VHS tapes, and hardbound documents, such as tender submissions, joint venture contracts, and “consultancy arrangements”.

It is not cheap, retailing at US$11,999 (RM38,396) but why don’t you just sell some of the diamonds your husband has given you over the years?

As you and your husband stand there in the lonely evenings, loading the evidence of his wrongdoing into the Destroyit 4107, perhaps you will regain some of the love and tenderness that characterised the early days of your marriage. This will sustain you in the trying times ahead, when you have to queue up in the hot sun every month to visit him in prison.

Remember: Couples that shred together stay wed together.

Dear Wide Angle,

I have just escaped from a detention centre in a neighbouring country, where I was being held on suspicion of terrorist activities. Now a fugitive, I am trying to decide whether to sneak into Malaysia or another neighbouring country.

What advice do you have? How can I go unseen in Malaysia?

Safe Gold, “South Johor”

Dear Safe Gold,

If you want to remain unseen, I suggest you purchase half a dozen songkoks and take them to No. 77, Jalan 20/9, Petaling Jaya.

Posing as a travelling songkok salesman, ask for an appointment to sell songkoks to the DAP Selangor headquarters.

No one will see you.

Dear Wide Angle,

I played badminton the other day against a young man. It was a tough match and I beat him by just one point. He conceded defeat and shook my hand, congratulating me. However, when I left to buy an isotonic sports drink, he and his friends locked the doors of the multi-purpose hall and announced that he had won the match by 10 points!

I am so angry! This is not how the game should be played.

What can I do?

Cheated, Chebong

Dear Cheated,

Badminton has always been a dirty sport.

We Malaysians tend to romanticise the game, because we imagine that once upon a time, in the depths of our childhood, badminton was a gentle pastime, with cherubic brothers and sisters innocently hitting a shuttlecock back and forth over the gate of their house.

But think back: are those memories really that happy? Didn’t your sister offer you 10 cents and a red bean pau to not show up at the time of the match so she could have a walkover? Remember? And wasn’t it your brother who, when it looked like you were going to beat him, invented the concept of “postal points”, which he just happened to have 15 of?

You must lose your illusions and face the facts.

Frankly, it’s better that you switch to football, which is a very clean sport, especially in this country.

Dear Wide Angle,

A few weeks ago you praised the long-serving Minister of International Trade and Industry in your column, saying that she is “very effective and greatly respected overseas”. Following this, however, she was dropped from the Cabinet. Was she removed because of your column?

Conspiracy Theorist, Kemaman

Dear Conspiracy Theorist,

Just because Wide Angle praises a BN leader as being “very effective and greatly respected overseas”, it doesn’t automatically mean that the PM will remove him or her. It is absolutely not true that there is such a thing as the Wide Angle Curse. In fact, I deny it strongly.

For example, the Deputy Prime Minister is very effective and greatly respected overseas, but I don’t think the Prime Minister has the slightest desire to remove him. They have a very good relationship, largely because the Deputy Prime Minister is, I repeat, very effective and greatly respected overseas.

Dear Wide Angle,

As editors of local dailies, we find ourselves in a difficult position these days. It used to be easy to know what to put in the newspaper and what to leave out. There was no question of “neutrality”.

But in the new political reality, with change in the air and reforms afoot in the post-racial era of the New Malaysia, what on earth do we do?

New Age Editors, KL

Dear New Age Editors,

What you should do is give all your staff a raise. They work long and hard and frankly are quite tired from all the cheering they were doing that night in the newsrooms as the election results came in.

So please give them a pay increment.

And all your columnists, too.

We are all exhausted from writing essentially identical opinion pieces analysing the failure of the Barisan Nasional at the 12th Malaysian General Elections and the task ahead for the new State Governments, and we would like a small token of your appreciation, perhaps 10 cents and a red bean pau.

But don’t worry about being trying to be neutral. Really, all you need are buzzwords.

Dear Wide Angle,

If am boycotting the mainstream media, how will I know whether you’ve answered this question?

Paradox, Pontian

Dear Paradox,

You won’t, and I didn’t.

  • Huzir Sulaiman writes for theatre, film, television, and newspapers
  • Saturday, March 22, 2008

    Al Maa idah Ayat 54

    Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Sesiapa di antara kamu berpaling tadah dari ugamanya (jadi murtad), maka Allah akan mendatangkan suatu kaum yang Ia kasihkan mereka dan mereka juga kasihkan Dia; mereka pula bersifat lemah-lembut terhadap orang-orang yang beriman dan berlaku tegas gagah terhadap orang-orang kafir, mereka berjuang dengan bersungguh-sungguh pada jalan Allah, dan mereka tidak takut kepada celaan orang yang mencela. Yang demikian itu adalah limpah kurnia Allah yang diberikanNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya; kerana Allah Maha Luas limpah kurniaNya, lagi Meliputi PengetahuanNya.

    Little Bird speaks - Of half truths, truth n damned lies

    Anwar Has Spoken To Idiot and S-I-L PDF Print E-mail
    Posted by Raja Petra
    Saturday, 22 March 2008

    By Little Bird

    New Information Minister Dato Shabery Chik says that he wants to meet the Bloggers. Well Dato we have met so many times, even before I became a Blogger. Dato tak ingat ke?

    Anyway I don't want to meet you any more lah. Assolaatu was salaam ya rasulil islam. Wabilaahi taufik wal hidayah.

    Kawan-kawan, just a few days after the Election results, I first mentioned that Anwar Ibrahim had been to Sarawak and Sabah to try and 'win' over some BN MPs there. A few of you did not like to hear this and even questioned my objectivity.

    Well it is public knowledge now. Here is today's Star:

    IPOH: PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that he has met with Barisan Nasional MPs from Sabah and Sarawak over the issue of crossing over without him needing to go to the two states. “It is true that Barisan MPs from Sabah, Sarawak and the peninsula have met me. I don’t deny that,” he said. . .He claimed he had also been talking to MPs from Peninsular Malaysia and not only those from Sabah and Sarawak. He, however, did not say where the meeting took place. Anwar was speaking to reporters after calling on Perak Mentri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin at his office at the State Secretariat here yesterday.

    Anwar is saying that the BN MP's met him. I dont see what is there to hide anymore. The facts are the other way around. Anwar is actively (day and night, siang dan malam, 24-7) courting the BN MPs.

    And yes Anwar is not just talking to the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak. I have heard from the vine that Anwar has spoken to Idiot and the S-I-L in Kuala Lumpur. What do you say to that? He has also met a very senior Pemuda UMNO EXCO member.

    Anwar told The Star that 'the principle of the BN MPs crossing over was based on an agenda of struggle and changes for the nation.' 'The question of buying people does not arise. It is not our tradition' he said.

    Well my dear friends on Thursday, 15 MPs from Sabah (and possibly Sarawak) were in Melbourne, Australia being entertained by Saifuddin Nasution and Musa Aman's brother, Hanipah (?) - the guy who did not want to be Deputy Minister. They are being courted by Anwar to cross over. This is an all expenses paid trip. Where is the money coming from and who is paying for it?

    They are being served not just food ok. There may be a couple of Australian sheepksins thrown into the deal . They may be engaged in some vigorous pushing and struggling over the weekend in Melbourne but let me assure you that 'struggle and changes for the nation' are the furthest things from their minds.

    These are Sabah MPs. Have you heard of a jumping animal called the katak?

    Money is involved. How much money? Well here is an idea for you to mull over: UMNO-BN tried to buy over three ADUNs in Perak - they are three short for a simple majority Folks say they were ADUNs from PAS. Folks say that PAS Perak and Hassan Ali, PAS Commissioner in Selangor had agreed to the crossover. The offer was in the millions of Ringgit. Yet this offer was turned down.

    Why? A few reasons were because Hadi Awang and Husam Musa came out with strict and public warnings against any PAS people teaming up with BN. Also there was quick agreement that the PAS man Jamaluddin would be the MB of Perak, thus defusing the talk of crossing over. But there was something else. There was also a counter offer that was even better. Kawan-kawan this time there is money available on both sides of the divide.

    Whatever amount UMNO can offer, Anwar can counter offer. These are political animals ok. Lets not kid ourselves. And in Melbourne the ASIO (Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation) - the Aussie version of the MI5 lah, is busy bugging and video taping the 15 MPs and their antics. The British are also watching and so are the Singaporeans.

    Talk is Anwar has also met Idiot and S-I-L. This is simple common sense from a political survival point of view. The Gomen is weak. People say that Idiot may not last more than 30 days. Something is cooking over in UMNO with Tengku Razaleigh sending off letters, making statements and getting things organised. Big wheels are turning.

    By coincidence or not today's Star Online is running a two page Google Ad about Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Hmm... I wonder who put it there. The Ad is at this location : Do check it out. Something is surely cooking.

    Idiot 's days are numbered. Dato Najib is a non starter. For the past one week his wife Rosmah looks like a dead zombie on TV and in the newspapers. So Idiot sees no harm in talking with Anwar and exploring possibilities.

    The S-I-L is also an Anwar fan. Did any of you attend any of Anwar's ceramahs during the campaigning recently? I did. He said Najib will be sent off as Ambassador to Mongolia. He made fun of Idiot. But never once did Anwar criticise S-I-L. Why? Dont' accuse me of losing my objectivity okay. Please think.

    I wonder if any of you were 'blogging' in the late 90s and early 2000? Does anyone recall the pantun 'Hujan Renyai Renyai'? Here they are again.

    Hujan Renyai Renyai

    Toyol bukan Batak

    Duit punya pasai

    Orang jadi katak

    Hujan Renyai Renyai

    Santan boleh berlada

    Kuasa punya pasai

    Kawan jadi kuda

    And here are the lyrics to an old song by Tony Christie.

    In the avenues and alleyways alike,

    Everybody's wheelin', everybody's dealin'

    All the low are living high

    Every City's got them

    Can't we ever stop them

    Some of us are gonna try.

    Lets keep our eyes and ears open.. Just talking about it is powerful enough.

    Samy Vellu, I miss u la Macha! dey ! wer la u hiding?

    Immortalising Samy Velu On A Stamp

    After serving for 25 years, Samy Velu believe that the country should give tribute to him by immortalising on a postage stamp. He met Pak Lah and expressed his intention.

    Realising the anguish Samy had to undergo for facing up to Hindraf's onslaught till election day, Pak Lah decided to agree. The stamps were produced and sold to the public. But after a while, problem cropped up. The stamps were not sticking to the envelope.

    Samy personally decided to investigate and realised that it had nothing to do with the quality of the stamp. The stamps were using good quality paper and glue. The problem was simply because people were spitting on the wrong unglued side of the stamp.

    We will miss Samy's funny and strangely worded but confidently expressed press statements.

    Zulkifli Nordin

    Anak-anak dan Isteri

    Rame orang tanya pase family aku. Ni gambar terbaru family aku ambik masa raya di Baling baru-baru ni. Wife aku yang lawa tu Maimun Ahmad..orang Masjid Tanah. She's MBA (Ohio) degree program. Dulu keje..sekarang Menteri Dalam Negeri full time. Anak sulong aku Aqila Zulaiqha (23.03.1995) Form 1 di Sek. Kebangsaan Taman Keramat. Dapat 5A UPSR tapi mak dia tak bagi sekolah jauh..anak aku pun tak minat nak gi sekolah asrama. Yang nombor dua Muhammad Amirul Muqimin )23.04.1997)..sekarang Darjah 5..jejeka hensem dalam keluarga aku pase ikut mak dia. Rame minah sekolah sangkut kat dia. Yang ketiga Muhammad Azrul hero aku. Geng horse riding aku..dia lagi terer pada aku. Kalu dia buat trot atau canter memang cukop cantik. Sekarang darjah 3 (by the way birthday dia esok 21 Mac). Dua-dua hero aku Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Keramat 1. The newcomer Aisya week 1st birthday. Cukop lasak..pase dua-dua ateh dia hero. She's my jewel..very cute..macam bapak dia..hehehe.. adios

    Tuesday, March 18, 2008

    Are you ok LKS?

    Gerald Khor says:
    Subject: Strong disappointment on DAP’s decision over Perak Menteri Besar
    From: Gerald Khor
    Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 08:32 AM
    Subject: Re: Strong disappointment on DAP’s decision over Perak Menteri Besar
    To my beloved DAP leaders,
    Hope this message get to your CEC members as well.
    Why you want to sour the already fragile relationship with PAS, at a time where you can work towards strengthening it? PAS has shown willingness to discuss Barisan Rakyat and we rakyat is happy to see the formation of Barisan Rakyat to realize the dream of 2-party system, as long as it carry a mandate of secular state for Malaysia.
    And why such a flip-flop? Where is DAP’s integrity? DAP Perak pledged to abide by Sultan of Perak’s choice of Menteri Besar just a day earlier. Why DAP CEC rejects it? Why not discuss this among PAS, PKR and DAP? Why does it has to go public, and in such high profile? You guys are not better than Pak Lah nor BN in handling such situation.
    Your report card is already tainted. Go mend the fence now and take corrective action immediately.
    Gerald Khor
    ps: Don’t know which email address to use thus use whatever email addresses I know to hope to get my message across.
    —– Original Message —-
    From: Gerald Khor
    Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:11:39 AM
    Subject: Strong disappointment on DAP’s decision over Perak Menteri Besar
    Dear YB Karpal Singh, YB Lim Kit Siang, YB Lim Guan Eng,
    As a supporter of DAP that believe strongly in "Malaysian’s Malaysia ", I wish to express my strong disappointment on DAP’s decision to disapprove Perak Sultan’s selection of the next Menteri Besar (from a PAS representative). At the very least, please respect the choice made by Sultan Azlan Shah.
    We just witness a new era in Malaysia politics after 8th March that gave so much hope to the people of this lovely nation. The loose pact between DAP, PAS and PKR scored big win in GE2008. Please keep up the good work and strengthen the pact. In fact, you guys should just formalize the pact and form Barisan Rakyat as suggested by many concerned Malaysians. Chinese voted for PAS and Malay voted for DAP on 8th March. I personally called my family members to make sure they vote no BN candidates. It is time that DAP seriously consider formalizing a pact with PAS and PKR. PAS seems to come a long way and is becoming more moderate. A pact should be made if PAS can drop their mandate to form an Islamic country.
    Please don’t let this pact break away because of selection of Perak Menteri Besar. It is no doubt an important post but the next General Election will be even more important. The bigger task for DAP, PAS and PKR is to prove to the rakyat that you guys can be good government, starting with showing good results in Kedah, Kelantan, Penang, Perak and Selangor. It is a bad start to score an "E" for this fiasco. Furthermore PAS has given its words to work closely with the coalition government in Perak, and DAP has more seats and have been promised the most EXCO members. Give and take will go a long way for this young coalition.
    I am a Chinese from Taiping and I have no problem seeing a PAS representative as Perak’s Menteri Besar, as long as there is no Islamic rules (as yet) like those in Kelantan. Given the Constitutional constraints and the state’s demographics, it is fair to have a Malay State Assemblyman to be appointed as Menteri Besar with a Chinese and Indian Naib Menteri Besar representing the other two major races.
    The rakyat is still trying to grasp with the new scene in Malaysia politics. For me hailing from Perak, I know it is not easy for the Chinese in Perak to accept a PAS rep as Menteri Besar but we are ready to give him a chance to perform. People voted him (and his coalition government) in this time round. People can vote him out the next time. And we hope DAP will put national interest before party to give this man a chance to perform with his comrades in the Perak State Assembly as well.
    If DAP cannot resolve this fiasco properly, all the manifestos and promises given pre-election will not be relevant anymore. Walk-the-talk. Integrity is everything. Otherwise DAP is no different from any BN component parties. And I will regret very much the thousands of dollar donation I made to DAP Malaysia in Jan and Feb 2008.
    Thank you for your attention.
    Gerald Khor

    Sunday, March 16, 2008

    Cina Islam, Titi Serong, PAS

    28 Februari 2008

    N 08 Titi Serong

    Drs.Khalil Idham Lim Abdullah
    N.08 Titi Serong

    PENDIDIKAN :1.SM Jelawat, Kelantan2.Inst. Machang, Kelantan3.Inst.Agama Islam Negeri [ IAIN ] Acheh4.Dip.Pendidikan UIA5.Kolej Bahasa Jinan Uni. Guangzhou, China

    PENGALAMAN PEKERJAAN:1.Guru Agama Kementerian Pendidikan SM Teknik Sibu, Serawak

    JAWATAN DALAM PAS :1.Timbalan Yang Dipertua Parit Buntar

    Jumlah Pengundi: 24,210Peningkatan jumlah pengundi:
    Peratusan Kaum: M: 73.99% C: 18.08% I: 7.90% L: 0.03%
    Penyandang: Abu Bakar Mat Ali (BN)(Majoriti: 2,587 undi)

    Performed the Solat Hajat, Fasted the entire exam period, drank honey every day....

    Meet Azali - the 21A student

    PUTRAJAYA: SMKA Yan student Azali Azlan has set a new record by obtaining 21 As – 20 1As and one 2A – in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination.

    He has beaten the record set by former SMK Ulu Tiram student Nur Amalina Che Bakri who scored 17 1As in 2004.

    Elated: Azali and Quek clowning around after finding out their results in Putrajaya yesterday.
    Education director-general Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom said Azali was the only student who took 21 subjects.

    “We encourage students to take between eight to 10 subjects but because it is an open certificate, we cannot stop students from taking more subjects if they feel they can cope,” he told reporters when announcing the SPM and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) results at the ministry yesterday.

    He said one student each took 19 and 18 subjects respectively, two took 17 and 10 took 16 subjects.

    Azali, 17, who wants to study biotechnology, either in the United States or Britain, said he wanted to thank his teachers from kindergarten to secondary school.

    “My success is not mine alone as I could not have done it without my parents and all my teachers,” he said.

    Asked why he took so many subjects, he said he wanted to prove to himself that he could do it, adding that he had obtained 18 1As and 3 2As in the trial examination.

    Azali said he performed the solat hajat and fasted during the entire examination period, adding that he had dates and drank honey for strength every day.

    SMK Hwa Lian student Quek Khai Ren was the only one to score 16 1As in the examination.

    “I am hoping to obtain a scholarship; that’s why I did 16 subjects because I want to stand out from the rest who usually do 10 or 11 subjects,” he said.

    Quek, who wants to study either engineering or actuarial science, said he did not want to burden his parents as he had three younger siblings.

    Alimuddin said 189 special students out of 355 managed to obtain an SPM certificate.

    “The best special student (blind category) is Loh Wei Siong from SMK Batu Lintang in Kuching who scored six 1As and two 2As,” he said.

    Gembiranya Seorang Sultan - Retro

    Dari Buletin Online
    PDF Cetak E-mail
    Ditulis oleh Editor
    Friday, 14 March 2008 Terengganu, 23 Disember, 1999 – Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Baginda Sultan Terengganu memang dikenali rakyat sebagi seorang raja yang gemar mempelajari agama. Telah menjadi perbualan sekalian rakyat jelata bahawa Tuanku Sultan Mizan gemar membaca al-Qur’an dan tekun mengerjakan sembahyang tepat pada waktunya.

    Banyak juga diperbualkan oleh sekian kakitangan kerajaan bahawa apabila sesuatu majlis yang dihadiri sendiri oleh Tuanku, majlis tidak menyediakan jamuan kerana Tuanku dikatakan berpuasa. Memang Tuanku diberitakan gemar berpuasa.

    Di akhir-akhir pentadbiran Tan Sri Wan Mokhtar sebagai MB, beliau dikatakan mengalami sedikit kesukaran dengan Baginda Tuanku. Antaranya ialah pemilihan SUK yang sebelum ini. Baginda Tuanku memang sudah tidak memperkenan dari awal lagi. Malah kerap kali senarai penganugerahan pingat dan kebesaran tidak dipersetujui oleh Baginda Tuanku. Baginda kerap mempersoalkan kredibiliti bakal penerima pingat yang dicadangkan oleh Wan Mokhtar.

    Dengan kemenangan parti PAS dan pemerintahan yang menjuruskan prinsip Islam, Baginda diberitakan amat gembira. Semasa mesyuarat pemilihan MB di kalangan pimpinan PAS negeri, berlaku suasana yang tidak pernah berlaku di kalangan pimpinan BN/UMNO. TG Ustaz Hadi, Dr. Harun Taib dan beberapa lagi pimpinan dikatakan sama-sama menolak dari dicalonkan sebagai MB. Pelbagai alasan diberikan oleh mereka. Setelah keputusan tidak dapat dicapai, maka Baginda Tuanku diberitakan meminta TG Ustaz Hadi menjadi MB.

    Kegembiraan Baginda Tuanku tergambar ketika upacara mengadap Baginda Tuanku dilakukan semasa penyerahan watikah baru-naru ini. Lihatlah dari rakaman gambar yang telah disiarkan di dalam TV.

    Baginda Tuanku ketika memasuki balai majlis didapati menunduk kepala sedikit (sebagai tanda hormat) kepada Us. Hadi walaupun Baginda Tuanku sebagai seorang Raja yang memerintah negerinya. Memang perwatakannya yang merendahdiri tidak dapat disembunyikan Baginda.

    Dipetik dari Arkib Tranungkite

    Transparency in Islam...

    Sunday, March 16, 2008

    From Cakap Tak Serup Bikin

    Islam stress transparency & Justice for all

    Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Penang adviser Dr Danial Zainal Abidin said representatives from the organisations met Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng yesterday morning and realised that the state government was not against the NEP.

    “Lim told us that he had no intention of throwing away the NEP. He, however, mentioned that it had been tainted with cronyism and corruption, and that is what he wants to throw away, not the entire NEP.

    “So, if that is the idea, then we agree with him,” Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin said.

    Dr Danial said Islam stressed on transparency and justice not only for Muslims but also for all religions and races and that the NGOs want the government to be transparent and clean.

    “I think YAB has listened and agreed to what we said. If he can fulfil these, then it is in line with Islamic regulations and rules,” he said.

    Source: TheStar - Support from Muslim NGOs

    What is wrong with transparency and having a clean and fair government? Isn't this what Malaysians wants? Isn't this the moral code of UMNO too? Or, UMNO is saying corruption is what they want in interpreting Malaysia as an Islamic state?

    If UMNO also believes in a clean and fair government, why are they afraid of transparency and justice for all citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims? Is UMNO preaching Islam as justice means discrimination of all others except themselves? Is this Islam?

    Shame on UMNO; they can cook the Quran and interpret it in the way that promotes discrimination and cronyism. NEP is about assisting everyone who is poor and needed assiatance, not stealing the nation to make UMNO leaders rich and powerful; not about making UMNO president's family and son-in-law ultra rich and all others to remain poor. It will take some time for the virtues of Islam to sink into the head of UMNO leaders who pretend they understand Islam and is protecting the Malays.

    Dr Danial was right; Islam promotes justice for all; Islam promotes honesty and Islam promotes a clean and fair government. That is Islam.

    Sunday, March 9, 2008

    PAS wins big with gentler image: analysts

    Mar 9, 08 1:37pm

    PAS made huge strides in weekend elections, by putting on a moderate face and dropping fundamentalist rhetoric that had alienated voters, analysts said today.

    The opposition party made a remarkable recovery after 2004 polls when its calls for an Islamic state to be imposed in the multicultural country were soundly rejected by voters.

    The conservative party of Muslim scholars absorbed that painful lesson, shifting away from its fire-and-brimstone rhetoric and even reaching out to ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities.

    It was rewarded with a big win in its heartland of Kelantan which it had held by a slim majority, and is expected to join coalitions to rule three of the four states wrested from the mighty Barisan Nasional coalition.

    It also claimed 23 seats in the national parliament, from just six before.

    "There was a big shift in PAS' attitude by dropping any mention of plans to set up an Islamic state," said political analyst Shahruddin Badaruddin.

    "Instead it concentrated on the idea of a compassionate and welfare-like state," he said.

    While the Barisan Nasional dangled billions of dollars in development projects for the impoverished Malay heartlands, PAS offered its brand of pious values and sedate economic growth.

    pas kl event 030308 nik azizKelantan Mentri Besar Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat hailed the "tsunami" of electoral support for the party in a victory speech that reflected its inclusive new approach.

    "The people who are not Muslim, the Chinese, the Indians and (other minorities) now clearly accept our Islamic governance despite attempts by the BN's throwing of money and promises of development," he said.

    PAS' last big gains were in 1999 when it captured Terengganu, leading it to believe Malaysians were willing to accept a hardline Islamic government, Shahruddin said.

    But its tough line, including prohibitions on nightclubs, skimpy clothes and alcohol, coupled with excitement over Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's new administration, saw it lose Terengganu in 2004.

    "The new PAS agenda was more appealing and the Malay heartland agreed that basic economic issues had yet to be addressed by the BN regardless of promised development projects," Shahruddin said.

    "As a result, there was a coming together of forces in the various states as the Malay swing against the government coincided with big swings in the Chinese and Indian communities, something which has never happened before."

    PAS, DAP 'must put differences aside'

    cpps bar council roundtable 030407 tricia yeohPolitical analyst Tricia Yeoh (right) said PAS' greater acceptance of minorities was key to its success.

    "This signalled their need for support from non-Muslim voters who did not disappoint them, and backed what is an essentially Islamic government," said Yeoh, from the Centre for Public Policy Studies thinktank.

    Chinese and Indians living in Kelantan, which PAS has ruled for 18 years, mostly have few complaints and say they are free to practice their religions and cultural traditions.

    In a concession to minorities, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said its new government in Kedah would give seats on its ruling committee to non-Muslims.

    "We will offer two state exco posts to non-Muslims in the Kedah state government to recognise the role they played in our victory," he said.

    Hadi Awang said there would not be any dramatic changes for non-Muslims in the new PAS-ruled Kedah, unlike when it took over Kelantan in 1990, and it intended to respect minority rights.

    hadi awang and pas"Whatever we (restrict), it will be in consultation with the various races living in these states," he said.

    "Whatever is allowed by their religion we will not interfere in but what is banned in Islam, we will forbid for Muslims."

    Shahruddin says the challenge is now for PAS to find a viable arrangement with the DAP with which it must work to control some of the newly transferred state parliaments.

    "Being the party of Islamic scholars, PAS will now have to tread a much more moderate line in ensuring that they can form a coalition with the DAP," he said.

    "If they can do this, there will for the first time be a viable opposition coalition facing off the government in parliament," he added.

    PAS vice-president Husam Musa said the opposition parties, including former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim's PKR, must put their differences aside.

    "We must now try and unify and bring the races together and to pursue a more mainstream agenda," he said.

    Translated - Pegi jauh jauh metaphorically?


    Saturday, March 08, 2008

    Kelantanese tell Pak Lah to go fly wau

    Welcome to Pas country. Did somebody start the "Pade Doh" campaign before the PRU12 and told Nik Aziz, the Pas Spiritual Leader, to start packing up. Arrogant young upstarts don't know Malaysia enough, let alone this unique East Coast state and its unique people. Today, the Kelantanese voted to keep Pas as their government and basically tell that somebody to go back to, er, Kuwait, since he's not so welcomed in Rembau, either.

    Or watch and learn from Husam.

    Saturday, March 8, 2008


    Gambar Munajat Perdana E-mail
    Anak-anak masa depan...

    Penuh pengharapan

    Tak cukup ruang..

    Melentur buluh

    Tiada kekuasaan melainkan kekuasaan Engkau

    Masya Allah...

    Sayap kiri perjuangan

    Putih itu suci...

    Hancurkan mereka ya ALLAH..


    Hanya Engkau tempat ku bermohon Ya Allah..

    Titisan pengharapan..

    Kewajipan Mengundi Mengikut Hukum Syarak

    Frozen Memory

    Oleh Dato' Haji Harun Taib

    aMenegakkan Pemerintahan Islam

    Pemerintahan Islam itu berbentuk khilafah atau Imaratul Mukminin ataupun al Imamah al 'Uzma. Ia merupakan sebuah pemerintahan yang berteraskan kepada syariat Islamiyyah sama ada pada perlembagaannya, undang-undangnya, ekonominya dan lain-lainnya. Ia ditakrifkan oleh Al Mawardi, Abu Yu'la, Ibnu Khaldun dan lain-lain dengan maksud :

    ''mengalang ganti kenabian dalam urusan menjaga agama dan mentadbirkan dunia dengannya''.

    Pengertian ini dibuat berdasarkan kata-kata Abu Bakar Al Siddiq r.a. sesudah wafatnya Rasulullah s.a.w. maksudnya:

    ''Muhammad sudah wafat, maka agama ini sudah pasti memerlukan orang yang mengurusnya''.

    Kata-kata ini terus mendapat sokongan dan persetujuan padu dari kalangan para sahabat yang menghadiri perhimpunan Saqifah Bani Sa'adah yang berakhir dengan pencalonan beliau (Abu Bakar) sebagai khalifah menggantikan Rasulullah s.a.w.

    Hukum Menegakkan Pemerintahan Islam

    Ramai di kalangan 'alim ulama' yang bercakap tentang perkara ini, yang biasa didengari ialah seperti Al Imam Al Mawardi, Abu Yu;la, Ibnu Khaldun, (faqih Siasi), Imam Al Haramain Al Juwaini, (Faqih Ijtima'ie), Imam Al Ghazali, (Faqih Tasawwuf) dan lain-lain lagi. Sebagai contoh kita ambil sahaja kata-kata al Faqih al Ma'ruf Ibnu Hazam Al Andalusi:

    ''Para ulama' daripada Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah, Al Murji'ah, As Syiah dan Khawarij bersatu pendapat dalam mengatakan bahawa menegakkan Pemerintahan Islam itu adalah wajib, maka seluruh umat berkewajipan melakukan taat kepada Imam yang adil yang menegakkan ke atas mereka hukum hakam Allah, yang mentadbir dan memerintah mereka dengan syariat Allah yang dibawa oleh junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

    Namun begitu terdapat satu puak daripada Al Khawarij yang bergelar Al Najdat mengatakan bahawa tidak wajibnya menegekkan kerajaan yang serupa itu. Walau bagaimanapun mereka sudah tidak wujud lagi dewasa ini.

    Pendapat mereka ditolak oleh Ijma' mereka yang telah disebutkan itu, lebih-lebih lagi apabila kita dapati Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah turut menyatakan wajibnya menegakkan pemerintahan yang serupa itu.

    Wajibnya menegakkan Pemerintahan Islam itu berdasarkan Syara' dan berdasarkan 'Aqal

    Kita telah menyatakan bahawa menegakkan pemerintahan Islam itu wajib. Apakah wajibnya itu berdasarkan syara' atau berdasarkan 'aqal atau kedua-duanya sekali?

    Al Mawardi, Abu Yu'la, Ibnu Hazam dan Ibnu Khaldun menyatakan bahawa syara' dan 'aqal sama-sama mewajibkan kita menegakkan pemerintahan Islam. Hal ini berdasarkan Al-Quran, Al-sunnah, Al-Ijma dan 'aqal (logik). Antara lain Firman Allah Ta'ala:

    Ayat ini menfardhukan kepada kita mentaati Allah, Rasul dan Ulu Al Amri yang memerintah kita. Rasulullah s.a.w. antara lainnya ada bersabda:

    Selain dari Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah, para sahabat dan tabi'in telah sebulat suara mengatakan wajibnya menegakkan pemerintahan yang serupa itu (Pemerintahan Islam).

    Dari segi logiknya pula, manusia itu tidak boleh hidup dalam keadaan porak peranda tanpa tanzim, maka setiap tanzim perlu kepada pihak yang berkuasa, maka yang berkuasa di dalam sesebuah negara ialah pemerintah. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang maksudnya:

    ''Jika tiga orang berada dalam pelayaran maka hendaklah mereka melantik seorang ketua''.

    Hadis ini menunjukkan bahawa nabi mewajibkan perlantikan ketua dalam kumpulan yang kecil, maka apatah lagi kumpulan yang lebih besar dan tersebar.

    Cara-cara Menegakkan Pemerintahan Islam

    Sebelum itu, kita telah menyatakan bahawa Pemerintahan Islam itu berbentuk khilafah. Pembentukan dilakukan melalui perlantikan pemimpin tertinggi iaitu khalifah dan khalifah pula akan melantik pembantu-pembantunya sama ada jemaah menteri, ahli syura dan lain-lain.

    Dalam keadaan biasa, perlantikan khalifah itu berlaku melalui tiga peringkat pencalonan, penapisan calon dan pungutan suara rakyat yang berhak bersuara. Ia dikenali dengan Bai'ah Ammah.

    Hal ini dipetik dari peristiwa perlantikan Saidina Abu Bakar Al Siddiq, di mana beliau dicalonkan dan disahkan pencalonannya di dalam perhimpunan Saqifah Bani Saidah, kemudian selepas itu dilakukan 'baiah 'ammah' di masjid Al Nabawi.

    Baiah 'ammah itu kadangkala dipanggil pungutan suara ramai, kadangkala digelar dengan nama Al Syahadah iaitu para saksi yang juga dipanggil pengundi memberikan penyaksiannya bahawa calon itu adalah layak memiliki syarat-syarat yang dikehendaki oleh Islam.

    Kewajipan Ummah di dalam Menegakkan Pemerintahan Islam

    Sama ada persetujuan kepada pencalonan yang kita sebutkan di atas dibuat atas nama 'Baiah Ammah' atau 'Al Syahadah' maka setiap umat Islam yang aqil baligh wajiblah menyertainya. Atas nama baiah ianya wajib kerana bersandarkan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang maksudnya:

    ''Sesiapa yang mati dan tidak pernah melakukan bai'ah nescaya matinya itu dalam keadaan jahiliyyah''.

    Antara maksud lafaz baiah itu ialah:
    ''Aku memberi baiah kepad kamu dengan syarat kamu menegakkan kepada kami Kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulnya''.

    Adapun atas nama Al Syahadah, ianya diwajibkan bersandarkan kepada antara lainnya Firman Allah Ta'ala, maksudnya:
    ''Dan hendaklah kamu persaksikan dua orang yang adil dari kalangan kamu''. (At Talaq:2)

    Firman Allah lagi, maksudnya:
    ''Dan hendaklah menegakkan syahadah semata-mata kerana Allah''. (At-Talaq:2)

    Firman Allah Ta'ala lagi, maksudnya:
    ''Dan janganlah kamu menyembunyikan syahadah dan sesiapa yang menyembunyikannya maka sesungguhnya berdosalah hatinya''. (Al-Baqarah: 283)

    Oleh kerana itu para pengundi haruslah mempunyai syarat-syarat yang ada pada saksi, antara lainnya bersifat adil. Mereka memberikan persetujuan kepada seseorang calon itu hanya berdasarkan kelayakan peribadi dan matlamat pencalonan seperti mana hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. yang maksudnya:

    ''Aku memberi baiah kepada kamu dengan syarat kamu menegakkan kepada kami Kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasul-Nya''.

    Mendaftar Diri Sebagai Pemilih

    Sayugia diingatkan bahawa menegakkan pemerintahan Islam di Malaysia memerlukan kepada proses mendapat suara majoriti di dalam dewan rakyat atau dewan negeri. Untuk mendapat suara majoriti di dewan rakyat atau dewan undangan negeri mestilah memenangi kerusi terbanyak di dalam dewan-dewan tersebut.

    Untuk memenangi kerusi-kerusi yang dipertandingkan di dalam pilihanraya mestilah mempunyai pengundi yang ramai (majoriti). Undi yang serupa itu tidak akan diperolehi kecuali para pencinta Islam layak menjadi pengundi.

    Mereka tidak akan layak mengundi (mengikut peraturan yang ada) kecuali mereka didaftarkan sebagai pemilih. Oleh kerana itu dan berdasarkan kepada fakta-fakta yang telah kita bentangkan di atas dan berdasarkan kaedah fiqh:

    ''Sesuatu yang wajib tidak sempurna melainkan dengannya maka ia menjadi wajib''.

    Maka dengan itu mendaftarkan diri sebagai pengundi di dalam negara Malaysia ini adalah menjadi wajib mengikut hukum syara'.

    Kesimpulan dan Penutup

    Semua mengetahui bahawa melaksanakan hukum syara' itu adalah wajib. Ia tidak boleh dilaksanakan kecuali wujudnya kerajaan Islam. Maka mewujudkan kerajaan Islam adalah wajib.

    Dalam konteks Malaysia hari ini, proses menegakkan kerajaan Islam dibenarkan oleh undang-undang adalah melalui pilihanraya, maka menyertai pilihanraya untuk tujuan tersebut adalah wajib. Seseorang itu tidak mengundi di dalam pilihanraya kecuali dia adalah seorang yang layak dan berdaftar sebagai pemilih secara sah. Maka mendaftarkan diri sebagai pemilih adalah wajib.

    ''Sesuatu yang wajib tidak sempurna melainkan dengannya akan ia menjadi wajib''.

    Anwar Ibrahim



    Lembah Pantai gempita dengan sorakan ‘Reformasi’ seperti halilintar memecah hujan lebat dan angin rebut. Perhimpunan Malam Kemuncak Kebangkitan Rakyat menyaksikan ke hadirin lebih 50,000 manusia menyahut seruan Ketua Umum KeADILan Anwar Ibrahim.



    Pada malam 6 Mac itu, jalan sesak di Lebuhraya Pantai Baru dari Bangsar menuju lokasi berhampiran Pangsapuri Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT) Kampung Limau. Jalan terlalu sesak hinggakan bukan sedikit yang meletakkan kereta di tepi-tepi lebuhraya dan berjalan meredah hujan menuju pentas.

    Disebalik kesesakan dan rebut malam, tiada apa yang menghalang puluhan ribu pelbagai kaum berkumpul mendengar ucapan Anwar Ibrahim. Sentuhan akhir Anwar Ibrahim seperti magnet menarik pengundi berbanding ceramah Najib di kawasan berhampiran yang sekadar menarik 500 orang sahaja, meskipun dengan kehadiran artis-artis seperti Siti Nurhaliza dan Erra Fazira.



    Mutakhir ini, kenaikan harga minyak, told an barangan menekan kehidupan rakyat. Ketika BN mengungkit kembali ‘jasa’ mereka, Anwar Ibrahim menawarkan lima janji utama kepada rakyat.

    Kata Anwar, yang utama ialah kepentingan rakyat: harga minyak diturunkan, pendidikan percuma, polis dibersihkan, mahkamah diperkasakan dan kebajikan rakyat dijaga meniti di bibir mereka yang hadir.



    Perang pilihanraya di Lembah Pantai menjadi sengit. Harapan Baru Lembah Pantai Nurul Izzah Anwar Ibrahim memberi tentangan hebat di Parlimen itu, cukup hebat hingga mengoyahkan Shahrizat. Dalam ceramah Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebelum ini, kehadiran hampir ‘0′, meskipun Mawi membuat penampilan pada malam itu.

    Dengan sokongan warga Lembah Pantai berada dibelakangnya, Nurul Izzah menghadapi cabaran untuk menterbalikkan majoriti 15,288 undi dalam pilihanraya kali. Apa yang pasti, sokongan warga Cina (27.0%) dan India (18.2%) sudah mencukupi untuk merapatkan jurang diantara Puteri Reformasi itu dengan pesaingnya.

    The Old Man....

    tok guru nik aziz lagi ….





    Spiritual leader of Malaysia’s opposition Parti Islam se-Malaysia, Nik Aziz Nik Mat (R), is greeted with a kiss on the hand as he leaves a mosque after Friday prayers in Kota Bharu, in the opposition stronghold state of Kelantan March 7, 2008. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad (MALAYSIA)