Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Blogger friend, 'Aarif Iman 'Abdullah, Vigilante Extra Ordinaire..

Reproduced without prior permission (whatever that means..;-) )

En Arip - Aarif Iman Abdullah

By the way, he likes his apples as follows:

BN Supporter Shouted At Me... Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

MPSJ was having a tow-fest in USJ9 when I walked into the scene after my zohor prayers... Me being me, I just had to be part of the "fun"...

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Man looking totally lost as his car was being towed away by MPSJ...

To cut a long story short, I had asked the MPSJ officer to book and tow a vehicle which was wrongly parked in front of the nearby Bank Rakyat. He told me off by saying I wasn't his boss, and he doesn't take orders from others who are not his boss. OK, I was merely doing a citizen's job!

He rode off... I followed... To Bank Rakyat, where he had a word with the BN vehicle owner... Have a look at the vid, and find out how the BN vehicle owner shouted at me!

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In corporate communication, the most important thing an employee must do is, never to embarrass his employer when he is wearing the company uniform, or carrying their identity... So, acting out of character, it only reflects!

BTW, the vehicle owner didn't know of my political inclinations, so it wan't a case of BN versus PAS... It's just his upbringing, probably!


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