Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Heroine... Jed Yoong, Ooooooooooooh ;-)

Jed Yoong

Wong Chun Wai’s PAS rant

Posted in democracy, elections, islam, mind control, pas, religion, siu sei yan by jedyoong on March 6th, 2008

He wrote: “We must keep our liberal way of life. This is Malaysia, not the Middle East.”

HA HA HA HA HA HA. Yeah. Our government is so “liberal”. HA HA HA HA HA. That’s why they have racist policies. HA HA HA HA HA. Check out our “liberal” press too.


1. “Incredibly, there are non-Muslims who are shamelessly contesting as members of the so-called PAS Supporters Club, not realising they have joined in to advocate the orthodox Islamic system being pursued by PAS.”

Also, UMNO, MCA and MIC are all RACE-BASED parties. So, shouldn’t complain about PAS. That’s their belief, they set up PAS based on Islam.

2. “That would mean more gender segregation in supermarket checkout lines, concerts and, of course, at swimming pools.Yes, that would also mean watching movies with the lights on. If that is fine with you, then go ahead and vote for PAS.”

I think this is a SMALL problem if we can walk safely on the streets. Crime rate is up 40 per cent. And it doesn’t feel safe anymore. What’s the point?

This is the kind of SHALLOW reasoning by Wong Chun Wai or BN types. Please, watching movies is not such a big deal these days. We have DVDs!!! And what’s so difficult about segregated check-out lines to protect the women. With the number of raba cases on our buses and LRT, we should have segregated buses and LRT trains.

Wong is so worried that he won’t be able to check out girls, as he wrote in his earlier articles about PAS’s views.

Is Wong the kind of shining light to lead the paper and the nation forward? People like him should be barred from writing his narrow views.

I’m not surprised Hadi called you an “infidel” and “anti-Islam”. I am wondering if the NECF will advise you to STOP leading a Christian cell group.

We are sick of corruption, of BN, of crime, of cronies, of the repression, the racism, and the rubbish churned out by the mainstream media.

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