Saturday, March 22, 2008

Samy Vellu, I miss u la Macha! dey ! wer la u hiding?

Immortalising Samy Velu On A Stamp

After serving for 25 years, Samy Velu believe that the country should give tribute to him by immortalising on a postage stamp. He met Pak Lah and expressed his intention.

Realising the anguish Samy had to undergo for facing up to Hindraf's onslaught till election day, Pak Lah decided to agree. The stamps were produced and sold to the public. But after a while, problem cropped up. The stamps were not sticking to the envelope.

Samy personally decided to investigate and realised that it had nothing to do with the quality of the stamp. The stamps were using good quality paper and glue. The problem was simply because people were spitting on the wrong unglued side of the stamp.

We will miss Samy's funny and strangely worded but confidently expressed press statements.

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