Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Husam Angry? Naaahhh ... well, a bit maybe

Rocky's Bru

Dirtiest election ever. Pas VP Husam Musa was asked today if he was angry with what the SPR has just done. "Kita orang Islam, kena sabar". (We are Muslims, we have to be patient). He didn't say he wasn't angry, though. But he did say that he thinks this is the "dirtiest election ever". During Mahathir's time, we fought. It was never a level playing field, but he fought fairly. Under Pak Lah, it's been dirty. In 2004, the EC came up with 70,000 mysterious voters in two years. Now the indelible ink will not be used. Pak Lah's trademark flip-flop approach. That's what happens when you suddenly wake up from too much sleep."
Do you think Husam's angry?

"In India, they have been using indelible ink. In Indonesia, too. You mean after 50 years of Barisan Nasional rule, Malaysians are still not as clever as the Indians and the Indonesians?"

At a press conference which I attended here in Kota Bharu, Husam also brought up the issue of the Universiti Malaya land sale to Glomac. "The PM said in July 2007, which was frontpaged by Utusan Malaysia, that UM land will never be sold. Why does he lie? He shouldn't lie." Proceeds of the RM312 million sale, he added, benefit a brother of the Deputy Prime Minister.

If Kelantan falls to BN, he said, the state's assets and heritage will be auctioned off, just like UM land.

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