Sunday, March 16, 2008

Transparency in Islam...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

From Cakap Tak Serup Bikin

Islam stress transparency & Justice for all

Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Penang adviser Dr Danial Zainal Abidin said representatives from the organisations met Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng yesterday morning and realised that the state government was not against the NEP.

“Lim told us that he had no intention of throwing away the NEP. He, however, mentioned that it had been tainted with cronyism and corruption, and that is what he wants to throw away, not the entire NEP.

“So, if that is the idea, then we agree with him,” Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin said.

Dr Danial said Islam stressed on transparency and justice not only for Muslims but also for all religions and races and that the NGOs want the government to be transparent and clean.

“I think YAB has listened and agreed to what we said. If he can fulfil these, then it is in line with Islamic regulations and rules,” he said.

Source: TheStar - Support from Muslim NGOs

What is wrong with transparency and having a clean and fair government? Isn't this what Malaysians wants? Isn't this the moral code of UMNO too? Or, UMNO is saying corruption is what they want in interpreting Malaysia as an Islamic state?

If UMNO also believes in a clean and fair government, why are they afraid of transparency and justice for all citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims? Is UMNO preaching Islam as justice means discrimination of all others except themselves? Is this Islam?

Shame on UMNO; they can cook the Quran and interpret it in the way that promotes discrimination and cronyism. NEP is about assisting everyone who is poor and needed assiatance, not stealing the nation to make UMNO leaders rich and powerful; not about making UMNO president's family and son-in-law ultra rich and all others to remain poor. It will take some time for the virtues of Islam to sink into the head of UMNO leaders who pretend they understand Islam and is protecting the Malays.

Dr Danial was right; Islam promotes justice for all; Islam promotes honesty and Islam promotes a clean and fair government. That is Islam.

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