Thursday, March 6, 2008

Salat al-Juma'ah (Friday prayer) Hadiths

Tariq ibn Shihab related that Radulullah (pbuh) said: Salat al-Juma'a is a duty for every muslim, with four exceptions: a slave, a woman, a small child, and an invalid.
Abu Daud

Abu Hurairah related that Radulullah (pbuh) said: If anyone bathes on Friday puts on his best clothes, uses perfume if he has any, then goes to the mosque for Salat, taking care not to step over anyone, (of those who are already sitting in the mosque) and then prays what Allah has prescribed for him, and also listens silently to the sermon from the time his imam comes out til he finishes, this will make up for the sins he did during the previous week.
Abu Daud

Ammar related that Radulullah (pbuh) said: The lengths of a person's prayer and the shortness of his khutbah (sermon) are the signs of his understanding. So make your prayers long and your khutbahs short.

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