Monday, June 16, 2008

Auld Lang Syne...

After nearly four months of daily staying up for Martha Stewart into the wee hours of the night, daily doses of Korean/Japanese/Hong Kong movies/CDs/TV Drama serials (sigh...), its time for No 2 daughter to enroll for her 2nd year matriculation in UIA, Petaling Jaya. She was supposed to enroll yesterday "Abah, hantar isnin ek? " Again, it was supposed to be this morning but deferred to this evening (hmmm...). "Jangan lupa amik hari Juma'at nih ek? " . "Kakak awak balik dari Kuantan, sikit nyer jauh ke, naik bas, aisey, my wife's daughter, your place n our home is only 22 km je. Balik sendiri la, bas boley, commuter boley, what larr.....". "Tuh masa kat Along , dua tahun abah amik dan hantar, mane aci..." . Takper, takper...Hadith Nabi sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam (ingat ingat luper), barang siapa yang menjaga/mendidik anak perempuan nyer dengan baik dan mengkahwinkan mereka apabila dipohon dengan baik, maka orang itu dengan ku adalah seperti ini di Jannah " sambil menunjukkan dua jari yang lurus dan bertemu rapat..." nanti den cari dan update balik , wallahu 'aklam.
"I'm leaving, on a jet plane don't know when i'll be back again..."

Mahallah Zainab, her abode, she's bunking in with three other known colleagues..

"Caqia, malam nih tepon tau..." ~ telling her youngest favorite bro.. "Leng, belajar rajin rajin...". ~ her elder sister retorted. N what is 'Leng' one may enquire?... I won't tell ekekekeke. "Bah, jangan luper ek, ari Juma'at nih". Maleh nak jawab biar saspen ..ekekekek

On the way back stopped over at Nik Suzet's clinic. Along running on Flu.

This bubbly kid came running to me to see the hp i've got... tak takut langsung. Boy or girl? Wa pu ce tau..

"Nak kene inject tak? " .."ehehehheheheeh....."


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