Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Eager Beaver" Day - Registration at INTEC, UiTM Shah Alam

"Chauffered" the significant other to her work place, as today is the registration of new student intake for INTEC (International Education Centre), UiTM. Bascially it is a preparatory centre for excellent students who had excelled in their SPM prior going overseas to further their studies. Most are JPA sponsored students, Middle East students sponsored by their respective govt, and a few private students sponsored by their parents.

While the wife buzied herself, I jst sat in the car and captured some of the scenes passing my way..

Macam pegi Makkatul Mukarramah buat Haji..yang pegi sorang, yang menghantar punya la ramai..

The children(sometime the parents get excited too, ;-)) indulged themselves at the playground within the INTEC compound...

Wheeeeeeeeee......jatuh kalu macam "nangka busuk" akakakakka

The registration process in the hall...Supposed to be the "chow" centre

Got bored and started to wander ...hmm, laundry centre, these students are really pampered, compared to the students of yore , I mean

Ciakk! Male students apartment

Aaaaah .. the light of my life, after wating for neary 2 1/2 hours...suddenly I heard these songs in my head sung by "The Hollies" and "Santana" as she walked towards me ...akakakakak

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