Friday, June 27, 2008

The final Journey...

Right after Solat Juma'at, the Solat Janaazah was performed by the masjid imam. Masyallah, my estimate was around 1,000 to 1,500 jamaah who did the solat. May this be a sign that Allah, Insya Allah, will look kindly upon her soul.....

Yan, Sister to the tudung


Muhaini, another cousin..

"Kenai kaa?" . "Awat tak kenai... Kak Rokiah kan?" Feel like calling her Sista Rock, muakakakak

The grandson(daughter?) of the deceased.

Cousins everywhere and all pot bellied heavyweights..ekekekekekek

Well lookie here, the "Eye-rabs" feasting on ice creamssss...

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