Friday, June 20, 2008

A Laundrette we will go....

Since our washing broke down and the vendor hasn't delivered, decided washing the laundry at the laundrette (betoi ke? muekekekek, hantam saja la labuuuu!!!!). Took 45 mins to wash and spin, another 45 mins to dry. Cost? RM 3.00 per kg, for drying and washing respectively. All in, the laundry was 9 kg, and cost me RM 12.00...

While waiting, the son got attracted to the carem board..."bang, susun buah tu duluuuu! isk"

"Bah, lapar laaa.."."Jom..". He polished off 1 x "roti canai telor", 1 x "roti canai kosong" and a glass of Lychee. Along herself a glass of nescafe n me a glass of "teh tarik". All in RM 6.90..

"Mamak, kuah tammo sambal.."


"hmmmmmmm..... burrrp!"

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