Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ingenuity - Kat Pasar pon ade DJ ke?

This chap (dark red shirt) went and stopover at each stall, conducting interviews with the stall owners with his cordless microphone. Same old tune everytime n it goes something like this ~ 'Jikalau mau daging ayam, tuan tuan dan puan puan boleh lah berkunjung ke gerai no 1 yang dikendalikan oleh Wak Jono dgn harga yang berpatutan..". Most of the time, it's a 'karoake' session by some of the stall owners, n yes, mostly 'dangdut', with the volume set at full blast and one getting migrane. 'Loud to the max!'....sigh. Cela pasang Quran ke ade ler faedah.

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